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How can he get by on $174,000 a year?

Posted: Mar 30, 2011

I guess he has to drive a used minivan to his second home.  Another Wisconsin Republican that is out of touch.  See link.


Sounds like poor budget planning to me - Another example of big talk by out of touch Republ

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The guy is out of touch with real people. He just didn't get it.

Yep....perfectly describes President Obama - and $172,200 being

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"relatively modest salary" and then saying the threshold for "rich" should be at $200,000 to $250,000. Talk about not getting it.

The "rich" number was not Obama's. - see message

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That is a well-known number given for a certain group that is in the top (I forgot what but think it's) 5%. That's not something President Obama just came up with.
Did not say he came up with it on his own... - he uses interchangeably
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with "rich" when he talks about tax brackets. And obviously he personally does not consider $200,000 rich if he thinks $172,200 is "modest." The point is...if you are trying to sell a tax increase and calling the $200,000 bracket rich (which he did) you do not turn around and tell the same people that $172,200 is relatively modest.

That was the point. Not that Barack Obama personally on his own decided people who made $200,000 were "rich."

Well, apparently President Obama doesn't - think that's much either...

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...he said Robert Gibbs' (former press secretary at white house) salary of $172,200 was "relatively modest." Yep...MODEST. So I guess Sean and Barack are on the same page. Oh wait...is this the same Barack who is telling us that $200,000 to $250,000 is considered rich? $25,000 more a year from relatively modest to rich?

He needs to make up his mind...he is sounding like Joe. lol.

In this case, the $174,000 was 3 times what the man speaking to him made - but he could not relate to that

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The clinker in it is when he said, oh, but he has lots of debt! Well, that explains everything.

I read the whole thing. And the blurb "how is - Sean going to make it.."

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was not defending the Republican...just saying that that same guy might have said the same thing to Obama, when Obama said $172,200 was relativey modest.

Also, the guy saying that his wife might have a "draconian cut" was pushing it a little bit. The bill I saw said their salaries would remain the same they just couldn't bargain for a raise higher than the CPI and they were going to have to contribue about 8% more on their bennies. I really wouldn't consider 8% dacronian compared to what the average Wisconsin voter who doesn't make what the teacher makes in the first place.

The point being...Obama's statement was as out of touch as Sean's.

Video no longer available. I wonder why. - nm

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