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Dow having worst day of year.. Thanks Obama

Posted: Nov 7, 2012

http://bostonglobe.com/business/2012/11/07/dow-down-moret-han-points-post-election-fiscal-reality-hits-wall-street/OU0iaGD0eSVpZh6fQSE9NO/story.html My 401K thanks you all too... we are really headed off the cliff. ;

They're just throwing a hissy after backing the loser - Unlike those

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on this board who are doing the same, they will rebound at the speed of light, just as soon as they realize the how destructive and self-defeating this behavior is and how it affects their own bank accounts. Greed will prevail, so stay tuned. I give it a day or two. Besides, by comparison, they are still at nearly double what they were when W left office.

Why do liberals that hate business think the stock market doing well is good? - BS

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The reason the stock market increased is due to increased corporate profits that resulted from laying so many people off. That is a reality. They are not rehiring because they do not know what other regulations and taxes will be coming down the pike. If they have to pay more taxes or have increased costs to comply with illogical regulations, then they cannot use the money for employees. My fear is that companies will realize that they can get by on the staffing they have and not restaff. To hire the people back they would then have to raise the prices of their products making them even more uncompetitive with the rest of the world.

I'm sorry they killed your 401k - Fanatical Hypocrite

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These kinds of hostage situations never end well, but you have to understand that as a country we can't give in to these terrorists. Our hard earned money was as good as lost once it was kidnapped by the banks, but if we give them what they want, they'll just keep coming back for more. We have to stand firm against this insidious threat from within our own country.

Let's face it, if they are so insane that they would damage their own economy because of the possibility that they might have to pay pre-GWB tax rates, the kind of tax hikes that Reagan made, then we aren't dealing with rational people.

They're worried about 2013 and Europe's economy. So, until things calm down, - backwards typist

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things aren't going to go well with Wall Street. They're worried that the fiscal cliff is going to hit and hit hard. They're worried about the tax hikes in 2013. They're worried about another credit downgrade. They're worried about Congress after the past 6 years of pure incompetence, partisanship, and do-nothing except spending money. They're worried about the GDP which keeps falling.

That's just a few things they're worried about.

u r welcome ;-) - Union Thug nm

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Hahahah! - Dina

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And you think Clown Romney wouldn't head you off a cliff? In a heart beat, sugar. He doesn't give a tinker's damn about you because you're not part of the 1%.....

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