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I am, strike that, WAS a diehard loyalist to Vaseline Intensive Care lotion, just because that's what ma always had at the kitchen sink. Then I read on here that someone loved the scent of Jergens lotion and that it gave them a "lift" during their shift.
So, I was in the store the other day and saw this stuff...popped open the cap and sniffed it and nearly died on the spot. Pure heaven that fragrance! So, I bought a medium-sized bottle. That night I came home and drew myself a hot bubble bath, which I hardly ever take tub baths anymore, and before crawling into a freshly washed/made bed, I slathered that stuff all over me, head to toe, and had the best night's sleep in AGES!
Now I'm worried my bottle won't last the week! I need some for every room in the house because I'm a handlotion freak (same thing with chapsticks...can't have too many!). So I just wanted to thank you so much for that advice on a great and surprisingly affordable product!