Second hand smoke ... at 6:30 am excercise
Posted: Jun 8, 2010
With all due respect to smokers' rights, really, if you are walking for exercise at 6:30 am on a 1.7 mile running course (2 laps is a bit over 5k), please refrain form lighting up and smoking out all the runners?
I swear, I was sucking in second hand smoke for about 1/4 mile as I was running, as I approached a couple doing their "power" walk. They were smoking! I appreciate that they want to get into shape. I appreciate that smoking while walking is better than smoking while sitting on the couch, in terms of fitness. but really?! Seriously? If you are a smoker, and trying to get into shape, maybe consider putting out the smokes for a mere 30 minutes while you exercise. And if you do have that uncontrollable urge to light up, leave the running track and go sit on one of the many benches in the shade so those of us trying to run aren't being suffocated by your second hand smoke.