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Second hand smoke ... at 6:30 am excercise

Posted: Jun 8, 2010

With all due respect to smokers' rights, really, if you are walking for exercise at 6:30 am on a 1.7 mile running course (2 laps is a bit over 5k), please refrain form lighting up and smoking out all the runners?

I swear, I was sucking in second hand smoke for about 1/4 mile as I was running, as I approached a couple doing their "power" walk. They were smoking! I appreciate that they want to get into shape. I appreciate that smoking while walking is better than smoking while sitting on the couch, in terms of fitness. but really?! Seriously? If you are a smoker, and trying to get into shape, maybe consider putting out the smokes for a mere 30 minutes while you exercise. And if you do have that uncontrollable urge to light up, leave the running track and go sit on one of the many benches in the shade so those of us trying to run aren't being suffocated by your second hand smoke.

so true - mt

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At my old gym there were some who would put their cigs out just after opening the door but before entering, causing all the smoke to come inside the gym. They also parked as close to the gym as possible.

Makes you wonder...

Excellent point - Choking

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I don't smoke; never have,never will. When they put a ban on smoking inside restaurants,etc. that was something I thought I would never live to see, at least in my state. Hurray! It is wonderful inside, but you have to hold your breath to get through the smokers standing outside the entrace. Also, one restaurant I go to and like very much has tables outside. In this nice weather it would be so enjoyable to eat outside, but not if the wind is blowing in the direction of my table. All I smell and taste is cigarette smoke. The moral of the story is smoke if you want to, but be more courteous. Take a short trip to the car or around the building to smoke. Nonsmokers hate eating with the smell and exposure of cigarette smoke.

A bit over the top don't ya think? - I did not know that you owned the airi space

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Evidently you don't know about addiction and how difficult it is to quit. Believe me, I have tried many many things and spent tons of money. I agree with second-hand smoke, but my gosh... this is getting REALLY atrocious. Cross the street and run there if it is do annoying to you. What about the pollution from cars, buses, and the like. Do you know how much of that gets into your lungs. Let's face it, you cannot control anyone except yourself!!!

hey now... - see message

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I happen to be a smoker, and I find it absurd that someone would be smoking on a public track.

It's clear that a public track is used for public fitness, for crying out loud. Certainly, the smoker can cross the street in this instance. (I know I would). Sheesh.

My dad was not a smoker, but he died of lung cancer - from breathing my mom"s 2nd-hand smoke - sm

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all his life, and from all the people that smoked in his office, and in restaurants, cars, busses, etc. Having breathed much of that, too, as I was growing up, it makes me wonder when MY number is going to come up.

So sorry - Avid nonsmoker

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There is so much denial about this whole subject. People need to admit what this does to others. I worked at a hospital some years ago that actually permitted smoking in the main waiting room and some areas even on patient floors. I used to hold my breath going through the waiting room many times a day. There was a cloud of smoke that you could barely see through. Can you imagine patients with respiratory problems having to deal with that? I, too am worried about all the exposure I have had. My boss at this hospital was a chain smoker. She sat in the office with us. I finally had to tell her about it. I then spoke to the CEO and they formed a committee. Soon afterwards it was not permitted in the hospital any longer. It actually had to stop seeing a good friend of mine because of her smoking. I just could not stand it. She and her daughter are heavy smokers. The daughter has been diagnosed with cancer in the neck area six yers ago and is still smoking heavily.
In a lot of ways, even though (amazingly) - my smoking mom is still alive,(sm)
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my siblings and I all feel that her addition to cigarettes has robbed us of her. She won't come to visit any of us because she can't sit on a plane for even an hour without a cigarette. We all go visit her, of course, but can only stand it for just so long in that smoke-filled house. (It gets tempting to camp out in the front yard, instead).
After we come home, even the clothes we packed but didn't wear have to be laundered, because they smell like cigarette smoke. She denies she's addicted, but claims she doesn't want to stop because she doesn't want to "gain weight". (This from a woman who is 5'7", used to weigh 140, and now weighs less than 100 pounds.... thin as a rail.)

Remember the days when people could smoke in offices? My first job was working in the business office at an auto dealer. There were 6 of us in that office, and I was the ONLY one who didn't smoke. The others puffed away all day long while they worked. That's one of the FEW things about the 1970's than sure don't miss today.

What a disgusting, dirty habit. UGH!!!

Second hand smoke - Happy MT Robin

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when I worked at a hotel, I always got a huge "chuckle" out of the sight of smokers standing on the back dock puffing away in front of the big honking sign that said 'ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING ON THE DOCK." Of course, I had to walk through that to go clock in. Usually I was pretty quiet about it, but right before I left I started making very pointed comments about having to walk through the second hand smoke.

I'm an ex-smoker and I was always much more aware of the people around me when I had one lit up.

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