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Worst gift ever?

Posted: Dec 6, 2010

I got this from another board and it was actually funny to read.

When we got married 18 years ago we got a plunger from my mom's friend thou she did get us another gift also that one was just funny.

We got margaritia glasses and neither us were old enough to drink either. I used those for dessert glasses for a bit but ended up over time breaking them.

I can't think of any really really bad gifts but those 2 stick out in my mind for some reason.

So what has been yours?


My Worst Gift - The Analog Kid

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Way back when, my mom gave me an 8-pack of blank VHS tapes, and I didn't even own a VCR! Or wait, was it the miniature tool kit my ex-husband got off the Snap-On truck because he was too lazy to go to the store? I vote for that one, I let him have it back in the divorce, ha ha.

It wasn't my gift, but.... - Old part-timer

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When we were first married in the 1970s, my husband's younger siblings were in their early teens and their grandmother would give the girl a box of tissues (apparently tissues were a luxury in the 1920s!) and the boy would get a couple of cans of Chef Boyardee Ravioli. We got a canned ham.

We laugh about it now, but the grandparents were the sweetest people and they meant well.

How about everything my mother-in-law ever gave me. - sm

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First, let me say that she is a very sweet woman and always means well. She's given some doozies over the years, but it's the clothing that stands out in my mind. She cuts the tags off everything she gives me, and I don't mean the price tags. She cuts the actual size and care tags off. She told my husband once, "Well, she wears a large, and I don't want her to be embarrassed." Huh? I know what size I am! Many years ago, though, we told everyone that we are no longer exchanging gifts. Now, we only exchange with our sons who still live with us. No more un-tagged clothing!

My worst gift was from my doctor (his wife picked it out of course) sm - anon

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At the time I was working in a clinic, transcribing for the same four doctors on a daily basis and always received excellent gifts from each (usually cash in excess of $200). This one year I had been assigned a new young doctor who was great to work for. His wife, however, was a nightmare, spent all of her time at the clinic, would question when she saw myself or his nurse in his office (we were also medical secretaries at the time), just extremely jealous. HER mom was apparently going through a "creativity phase," making various objects and selling them in flea markets, etc. That year for Christmas I received a faceless, hideous, paper mache angel. Seriously, this thing was absolutely horrible. When I opened it the look that was on my docs face was one of shock, embarrassment, humiliation, disbelief, etc. I swear had there been a hole for him to crawl into he would have willingly done it, LOL. Of course I smiled and thanked them and went back to work. About three hours later, when the wife was picking the kids up from school, he called me back and apologized for the hideous gift and gave me all the cash that he had on him, about $150, so it turned out to be a nice gift after all. LOL

Sadly, from my own mother, always. - BackwoodsMT

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Love her dearly, but she is the absolute worse gift-giver in the world. One year I got a black lamp (matched nothing in my house) with a naked lady holding up a huge round white ball, which was the light? Why would she give me that? Everyone in the family was laughing at me behind her back. My kids gifts were even worse, though, but I always made them smile and say thank you no matter what it was. She gave my husband a beer mug. When you set it down, it belched!! We left her house one year with the gifts in the back of the Jeep and someone forgot to close the door good. Right out of her driveway, the door flew open and all the gifts fell out on the road. The kids yelled, "just leave them." We could not do that.

This year mom said, "You know I hate to do this but I am going to give cash this year. I don't know what anyone likes and I don't know what the grandkids or great-grandkids need." My sister and I told her REPEATEDLY that this was a great idea. Poor thing.

The belching beer-mug sounds like an MT-week gift.... - Nocturnal MT

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2 bad gifts...sm - SassyPants

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#1 My mom told me that many years ago, before I was born or just little, that my dad gave her a bottle of booze and a magazine wrapped in newspaper. She does not drink.

#2 My ex-husband's grandma was notorious for giving bad gifts. We would joke about it every year and also dread what she gave us. Thank God we got the gifts when she was not around (she sent them via mail) but every year we would get 1 dozen ornaments split up between 4 people so we would get 3 each and they were the generic glittery ugly ones. One year, my ex and his brother both got "banana hammocks". One had stripes and one had polka dots. It was too funny getting speedo underwear from your grandma.

Everyone would drop hints to just give us cash, but no, everyone needs to have a gift to open on Christmas....bleh!

I know it's the thought that counts but I would rather get a Merry Christmas than a crappy gift b/c I will never use it or just throw it away and to me that is worse. I hope nobody did that with gifts I've given them. Can't go wrong with cash or gift cards :-)


Gift cards - mt2

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Actually, you can go wrong with gift cards. I received gift cards for my wedding to stores not even in a 50 mile radius to where we lived. The givers should have just flushed the cash down the toilet as I ended up throwing the cards away after carrying them around for a year or so.

I got a gift card as a Christmas gift... - Kendra

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from the company that I am an IC for that was for a restaurant that was not even in the state that I lived in. However, I am a military wife and move often, so eventually, we moved and I got to use my card. I am thankful for almost any gift anyone wants to give me!

Good point, I got gift cards too to places I don't live by...2 are 3 years old plus! NM - SassyPants

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I got a gift card to Starbucks one year at a secret santa for the office I transcribe for and - orthogirl

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I can not even stand the smell of coffee much less drink it and it was accompanied by a bag of chocolate covered almonds and I am diabetic! I gave the chocolate to my oldest son and the Starbucks card to my younger son as he is a huge fan of coffee. So I can say that gift cards are not always the best choice.

Give me card I can use ANYWHERE. If you are giving me equivalent - of $, dont tell me where to spend it. nm

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I guess I'm the only one who doesn't mind gift cards...Visa ones work great. Everywhere ha - SassyPants
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I'll take an equivalent to cash gift... - momtoo
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any way that person wants to give it! Who complains about gift cards? Merry Christmas to you, too!
Would you want card for store ++ miles away or to restaurant - you hate? nm
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I certainly would not complain about a gift... - momtoo
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I am glad that you all are not on my gift list.
Too bad. Have gift card I was gonna give ya to a limburger - cheese store in Alaska. nm
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I love Alaskan limburger cheese!! - nm
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Handing above poster the Ritz crackers. - nm
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shipping - LoveGCs
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a lot of places these days allow you to buy online from their site and using their giftcards!! It might be nice to get a card from somewhere a distance from you so you can get something that you usually wouldn't be able to run to the mall for! Might not work with food giftcards, but you never know...just be happy to get something!

I really cannot think of anything too horrible -sm - ECMT

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though one year I was given a very large, ornate, gold and gaudy candlestick (all wax). It ended up breaking quickly and that was the end of that. My MIL used to give me cleaning supplies a lot....subtle she is not. I am not the best housekeeper, but we are not living in fifth either. Took me years to use up the swiffer wetjet pads they gave me (several boxes), over the years Comet, antibacterial wipes, dishwashing liquid, sponges, trash bags, etc.

Mine was this totally annoying "Tickle Me Elmo" - that my brother gave me one year. -sm-

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I was like 47 or 48! Why a Tickle Me Elmo? What was he thinking??????

Still, it came in very handy in the end. The apartment manager in my building was a real piece of work. Couldn't stand her. She also had an adorable 5-year-old son.

So, on Christmas morning, her son came walking past my door. I showed him Elmo, and made Elmo laugh for him. He LOVED it. I said, "You know, I don't know why Santa brought me Elmo. It isn't what I asked for. I think Santa made a mistake, since you live upstairs from me, and dropped Elmo off at my house by mistake. Would you like to have him?" The boy delightedly shrieked, "Yessss!"

So, I gave the boy my Elmo, and had the glee of periodically hearing that sinister Elmo-laughter echoing out of that creepy lady's apartment. I just KNEW she hated Elmo, but her son loved him, so she was stuck with it.

Bwwaaa-haaa-haaaa.... "the gift that keeps on giving!"

I actually think that the tickle me Elmos is cute... - Kendra

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My kids don't ever really play with it anymore, but it never did bother me. It was nice of you to give it to the little boy, though. :D

I used to think my MIL gave the worst gifts ever - clarice

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She would always give me something from the Dollar Store with the big yellow sticker still on it. I've gotten hand cream 1 year (she said for when I wash dishes; my DH always did the dishes), votive candle holders another year, etc. It wouldn't have bothered me so much had she not given my husband a card with $100 in it every year with his name only on it. It used to bother me the first few years we were married, then I got over it and spent the $$$ she gave DH.

As I said, I used to think she gave the worst gift, then my BFF told me about a gift she got recently. She works in a medical office where they do a birthday exchange. They have some method for determining whose turn it is to buy the gift, but everyone chips in for it. The gift is supposed to cost around $30.

For my BFF's bday, it was the doc's turn to buy the gift. You will never guess what he got her ----- a painted pet rock house! He said he bought it from one of the patients. She was dumbfounded but just smiled and said thank you. Everyone else in the office was floored, too. She recently told me they were given their Christmas bonuses and I had to ask -- was it a pet rock Santa Claus to match her house?

Until I was a teen... - sm

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My older brother would give me something sports related or something that just happened to fit him, not me (boy sneakers for example). You know, things I would give back to him. He stopped that when I started playing sports and actually used the hockey stick, football, and baseball gloves he gave me. For spite, I kept the clothing.

one word - dickies (when I was 16!) need I say more? lol - desertfox

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Dickies! Ha, I remember them well. - mtmom

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I think my dad even had one to wear under his leisure suit. Ah, the 70s.

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