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charity donation as gift

Posted: Nov 21, 2012

My son has been volunteering for a charitable organization and all he really wants for Christmas is to have the money which would be spent on him donated to the organization.  I am happy to do that, but I would like to have a way to present the donation to him as a gift so he will have something to open along with everyone else.  Does anyone have any unique ideas of gifting such a thing?  Thanks in advance! 


that's so nice - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
How about asking for or printing a receipt for the donation (which one of you will need anyway for tax purposes if you decide to write it off) and putting a copy of that in a box with something small that he would like, favorite candy or food maybe, or putting the receipt in an envelope and tying to a bottle of wine or liquor (depending on his age, of course). That's sweet that he does that and just as nice of you to oblige him. Happy holidays!

or maybe - sm

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I'm the person who posted the above, but was thinking instead of technically spending money on something to wrap with the receipt you could go with something homemade - again favorite food, cookies, candy, or if you're into crafts something along those lines, a handmade blanket maybe? Depending on his age, photos can be a nice idea, just photos of him and you and the rest of the family or a nice photo of someone or something special to him, and those could always be wrapped up with an inexpensive frame, photo box, or photo album.

a charity I work with sends a thank you note - maybe you could ask them for one?

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Whenever I take dontations of goods to a family intervention agency, they always send me a thank you letter stating what I brought them. Maybe if you could get them to give you a letter in his name and you could include it in a small gift bag with some food item you made just for him, that would be more personal.

Do the big box, smaller box, smallest box all wrapped, one - in the other. In last one, have some SM

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kind of (homemade?)card saying something like The XXXXXX want to THANK YOU. If it is a charity with animals, maybe a group of animals saying thank you. Or think of a silly little thank you poem.... you get the idea. (I would also wrap up something small for him, candy,a little hand held game, book of Soduko (spelling, lol) if he likes that sort of thing.

Thanks for the ideas! - Molly

[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks for all the ideas everyone. I think I am going to take a little bit from each and somehow put them all together, print something out somehow and put it in with something small, hopefully make it fun for him to have something to open.

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