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Need lunch ideas for my husband

Posted: Aug 22, 2015

My husband starts a job this next week. I am going to be making him his lunch to bring in with him.  The lunch will be sitting for about 4 hours before his lunch break, so I don't want to make anything that will make a soggy sandwich. Lunches also have to be cheap as we are broke.  Anybody have any ideas on things I can make for him?  Also, a question - if I make him peanut butter and jelly, will the bread go soggy from the jelly sitting on it for that long?



I used to make sandwiches for my husband with a crusty - type bread and put mustard or mayo

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on both sides with the slice of cheese first, that will keep the bread from getting soggy.


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Do you have a thermos? Send supper leftovers that have been heated in the microwave. Make a hearty soup/stew like potato soup. Make something with macaroni which stays warm well. Sandwiches aren't your only option to be cheap. Send sandwich spread w/bread separate, along with a utensil for spreading. A pkg of cheap wieners makes a lovely sandwich spread, adding in chopped onions, relish, or whatever is available. Supper leftovers would be the cheapest option I would think.

A small insulated lunch bag or cooler will keep things fresh. - Jan

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My husband takes a small cooler with a reusable frozen ice pack to keep his lunch cool. He takes a sandwich with cold cuts or PBJ. If you put the peanut butter on both pieces of bread and the jelly in between, it gets less soggy. My kids have insulated fabric lunch bags that they take with an ice pack as well. My son likes to take a yogurt and a bagel because he doesn't like sandwiches. My daughter and husband take cheese slices, fruit, chips, and a sandwich.

No hubby here, but what I like... - Please sm

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when going on a hike is a take on the fajita: A couple tortillas, the filling in a small reusable container (there are nice-sized ones at the dollar store). Leftover chili and/or grilled veggies or salad, pretty much anything from the night before. I keep the stuff in a hot/cold insulated bag and take them out about an hour before eating to get the chill off. If your hubby has access to a microwave oven, then even better.

Congrats to your hubby for getting a new(?) job.

just read this and thought of your post - sm

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It's geared toward children's lunches, but it makes sense for adults, too. -:)

Back-to-school nutrition tips

Lunches - Backwoods Typist

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Dinner leftovers are always good. I would assume here he has access to a microwave at least. An insulated lunch bag will keep his food cool/warm until he can eat. I myself have never trusted community fridges...something of yours always gets stolen or used by others.

An idea for the sandwich conundrum is to separate the meat, bread and whatever else you want to put on it. His bread wont get soggy and you can put spreads such as mayo or mustard on the side. Sandwiches dont always have to have meat. My mom got me started on potato chip and mustard sandwiches years ago. Sounds weird, but dont knock it till you try it!

Soups are ideal as well. They are easy to make and no preservatives from commercially produced stuff (nothing wrong with it, though). They are also nourishing and warm the soul. You can always feel love in a bowl of soup. Soups are basically whatever you have, and dont always need a pasta in them. Chicken is fairly affordable and a lot can be done with it. Soup, chicken salad, chicken pot pie, chicken tacos. The possibilities are endless. If you debone a chicken before cooking it, save those bones! Boil them with some veggies like carrots, celery and onions and you have a stock. You take the bones out. Ham bones are good to save too, though I normally boil the bone first, take it out, then add veggies. You could also make veggie soup, though I know its not always everybody's cup of tea. Potato soup is one of my favs, super easy to make, and doesnt cost a lot either.

Roasted potatoes are east to make and take along. Wash and dice potatoes to your liking, put in a plastic bag or bowl with a lid, just enough oil (typically 1 tablespoon or so), whatever seasoning you wish and toss. Bake on a greased pan until tender. You can toss onions in there if you want as well.

If you dont mind to do a little baking, one thing I used to do when my hubby and I were starting out and were broke was get bananas, let them get over ripe and make banana bread muffins. I always made a point of keeping enough stuff to make it. Also, cake mixes can go a long way if you want a treat. I make them into muffins/cupcakes as well.

Tacos/burritos/fajitas are also good ideas. Refried beans are a good exchange for meat (beans contain protein). The ingredients typically dont cost that much and are easily carried, filling separated from the shell. Sloppy Joe come to mind as well. Chili beans could be a good idea as well. Tuna/chicken casserole comes to mind as well. Anything you can make a big batch of will help since you can eat for days off of it.

Good luck to you and your husband and congrats to him on getting a new job. I sincerely hope things work out and get better.

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