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Itchy skin, have had eczema, woke me this

Posted: Jan 26, 2014

I did not plan on being awake at 5 something this morning but so itchy. I have had eczema on my hands before and now my breasts are broken out, both breasts and just wanted to know if any had ideas for something around the house I could use to ease that itchy feeling. ;

i have eczema very badly - cant wait to hear what helps

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I have it so bad on my hands that I can hardly type anymore. They itch so bad, have huge cracks and nothing that I can buy helps moisturize them. This winter has ben really hard and its on my stomach, under my arms and on the tops of my feet also. I dont even go to the store anymore because my hands look so bad that people stare. Its embarrassing. I wish something would take it away. I cant even look for a job out of this house. :(

Get virgin unrefined coconut oil. It's good for so many things - sm

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like eczema, burns, blisters, skin rashes, itchy scalp and skin, not to mention for cooking. It's amazing stuff. Good natural skin care products with coconut oil, i.e., EO products, that are full of healing, soothing oils. Research it and you'll see.

It smells great and melts at body temperature. - nm

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You will not like this but - it worked for me

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The derm group where I work now recommends that patients with eczema try a gluten-free diet. It worked for me in just a few weeks. Your eczema sounds more severe, so it might take longer..

On the occasion when I accidentally eat something containing wheat, even if it is just a tiny amount hidden in something like soup, salad dressing, or cold cuts, the resultant itching is miserable, but Benadryl helps.

Eczema can't be cured by putting something on it. You can only remove the cause. One big cause now is gluten.

You should also make sure you are not using household and laundry products that cause it. That includes sodium lauryl sulfate and similar detergents. Real soap (like castille made from glycerin and sodium hydroxide or soap made from oil or fat and sodium hydroxide) is usually fine, but everything else is not. That includes Dial, Olay, Irsh Spring, many shampoos, pump hand cleaners, dish detergents, face washes, laundry soap, and other cleaners. Check the labels for wheat products like hydrolyzed wheat or vegetable starch.

You sound as though you are sensitive to whatever you wash your bras in. Detergent does not rinse out completely. Heat and moisture from your skin mixes with the residue, so that you are soaking in detergent solution. It is no wonder you have eczema on your breasts. Stop wearing them immediately. Buy a new one and only wash it in the sink in baking soda and warm water. Same with panties and any other undergarments. Never put them in the regular laundry.

For that matter, your towels are probably full of detergent, along with the rest of your clothes. Try large kitchen flour sacking towels instead. Wash them in the sink in baking soda. I am ok washing things like that in sulfate-free shampoo or dish soap. The EO products mentioned in another post are fine--try looking for them at TJMaxx and Marshalls for lower costs.

If you have eczema on your hands, wear gloves when washing dishes.

Hope this helps.

Is this doctor-diagnosed? - see msg pls

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Is this something you've had diagnosed in the past as eczema, by a dermatologist or other qualified health professional? There are soooo many skin conditions out there that mimic one another, that I just like to check before I assume something.

I had eczema as a small child, and it never came back---I did have some itchies one time after that, but a dermatologist said it wasn't eczema, it was more of an allergic reaction to a new soap I had tried.

Diagnosed in the past by dermatologist, - well yes - OP

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Not into assuming. Yes, diagnosed by a real honest to Pete physician before. Have cream around here for it, just so many tubes forgot which one treated it. Have had on other parts of the body before so know what it is.

Glory Be! - see msg

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Thanks. I see sooooo many people on here diagnosing themselves, then treating themselves. Glad to hear you had that done and you know exactly what you're dealing with.

Hope you get better soon. I remember what mine felt like when I was a kid. Yuck.

need a humidifier in house - sm

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I have eczema, too, and it's much much worse this winter than ever before. It's so cold and dry here in the midwest. In addition to the usual topical treatments, both prescription steroids and OTC moisturizers such as Cetaphil and Am-Lactin, I make sure to drink plenty of water, take an extra fish-oil tablet, and keep the humidifier filled and running at all times. I'm filling it every 24 hours this winter. It keeps the humidity in my house at a comfortable 40%. If you don't have a humidifier, it would be worth the investment. I have a Vornado evaporative humidifier.

Cornstarch for itch - btdt

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I have it but not from allergies, it's from stress. - The less stress I have, the less eczema.

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I do find over-the-counter cortisone-containing creams seem to help, and are just as effective as the stronger prescription ones, in my case. I slather it on, and get temporary relief. Stress reduction works the best for me.

When I worked for an MTSO, my eczema was driving me crazy. When I quit, and got a better job, it disappeared. When I lost that job, the eczema came back.

Mine was stress-related, too - see msg pls

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Me too. Stress would bring it out. Try doing some stress-relieiving exercises (gentle Yoga stretching, for example) and see if that helps.

Been there and tried everything - me too

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Try Curel the blue one that says daily moisturizer. The pump lotion after you shower apply it generously. The red one and silver one do not work for me, only the blue one pretty much knocks the itch right out. I have tried everything and my daughter has suffered with it for years too. Thousands of dollars later and everything under the moon we are now only using the Curel and it has kept our eczema at bay. Good luck.

I saw an ad recently for Gold Bond Eczema, - but cant find it in stores yet. - sm

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Has anyone tried it, and if so, how well did it work?

i tried it and it did not help me - bad, bad hands

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It did not stop the itch at all. I put it on probably every hour while awake for a week and my hands are still dry, peeling and severly itchy.

Could it be food allergies? - ME

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I get eczema when I eat nuts or dairy. I love peanut butter, almonds, almond butter, but I realize after a couple of days, I start getting itchy, scaly patches around my eyelids that turn beet red, behind my ears. I just have to avoid those foods. I sometimes get reports on patients with severe eczema and I feel for them so much, using steroid creams and suffering. If I could only tell them to change their diets! I do agree with the above posters though that stress is also a factor, so not diet alone, but you could try an elimination diet. Cut out certain foods for a few days and see how you do? Best of luck.

OP here, answering some questons - posted

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Thanks for all the comments. No, not food allergies. Eating nothing different than in the past. Had/have asthma as a child and then came back about 4 years ago so eczema has been known to go along with that. I have had it on my hands really bad years ago and that absolutely was stress related. Got rid of the husband, got rid of the eczema. Fast forward. This time not stress related but just simmers sometimes and this time broken out around the breasts. I got some relief yesterday from getting and using Curel Daily Moisture, at least that cut down on the itching. Someone asked about my bra wearing. Going bra less for awhile so that is not the issue there either. I appreciate all the responders. Thanks a lot.

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