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what on earth can I do to heal the eczema

Posted: Mar 26, 2011

I have eczema (so I am told) so badly on my hands, especially the palms, and now has appeared on the tops of my feet and lower legs.

It is so itchy that I rip my hands to bleeding while I sleep and it is so bad that even typing now hurts. 

The dermatologist gave me a cream that made it worse, I went back and he told me to use it 2 times a day and give it more time, and I did that, and it is so bad now that I want to cut my darn hands off.

If anyone knows anything that will help, or knows of someone else who delt with this, please help me.


Eczema - Alice

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Of course, it really depends on the cause. But, my grandmother and dad had it quite severely. In their case, it was worse during cold weather. It seemed the indoor heating made it worse. So, dry skin was either a cause or an exacerbating factor. The only thing that seemed to really work for them was clean it, dry well, and apply Vaseline petroleum jelly. At night, grandma would then cover her hands with clean socks. She also applied it on her feet and elbows, covered with socks on her feet and light gauze dressings on her elbows with long-sleeved PJs. It worked for them.

eczema - Freebie

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Make sure you're using a free detergent and no fabric softener. I can't use Tide at all, not even the free one, but I use it to get my clothes clean and then rewash them twice afterwards. I use All free and clear. And I use hot water to wash and rinse twice, and put a cup of white vinegar in my rinse water. It softens and gets the soap out.

You might also try a gluten-free diet and/or raw diet and drink kefir for awhile and see if that helps, I know it always helps me.

Gluten-free is a good idea. - That includes wheat,

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oats, barley, and processed foods with certain thickeners. Kefir and OTC probiotics helps because a lot of what happens with skin starts with stuff going on in the gut. Also, eating as little sugar as possible helps because most \"bad\" bacteria\" and yeast feed and multiply on sugar. Corn starch takes away the itch. A cool mist vaporizer helps. For many women, it flares during their cycle. The ingredients in dish detergent, shampoo, and soaps that makes bubbles is big contributor to eczema - sodium laurel sulfate, laureth sulfate, ammonium l. sulfate, etc. Parabens also are well known to cause dermatitis. For laundry, I now use a product I got through a rep and then online called WowGreen. You only need a tiny bit and it does a great job.

A lot of the Rx topicals dermatologists prescribe are in a mineral oil base, which cosmetologists know is a strong skin irritant. Sometimes oily stuff like Vaseline is too occlusive and makes me itch, as does Shea butter, which is in a lot of stuff now. I use a tiny bit of coconut oil mixed with Aveeno lotion. All the above has alleviated my eczema about 95%. I flare with too much sugar, tomatoes, and caffeine (all \"Hot\" in Traditional Chinese Medicine). Hope you feel better.

I think Lidex (steroid) helped me but cannot be on it too long - lka

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It is a cream but it's like a miracle drug. I still get it occasionally but nothing too terrible. Have you also tried clotrimazole; sometimes that works.

Hot water also irritates it so try to pat yourself dry after a shower instead of rubbing... I know it's hard because that itching is really maddending. I also wash dishes with gloves on when it is acting up... Let me know if the MD will prescribe Lidex and if it helps.

this may sound wierd - sm

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My son is an adult now but has suffered with eczema since he was 2. I was told it was connected (somehow) to his asthma/allergies. After all those years, the only thing that helped was a mild antidepressant and tanning booth. Hold on, let me explain. The antidepressant, as it was explained to me by the doc, "relaxes" the nerve endings and they aren't as apt to cause the itching/scratching/inflammation cycle. The tanning booth was in the doctor's office, and it was VERY mild and for a very short period of time. I think when he was "maxed-out," he was staying in the booth for a total of 10 minutes every week. That's probably too drastic for you, since it's on your hands and feet, but my son had it on his arms and legs too.

Anyway, do a Google search on antidepressants and eczema to see the research and if it might be something to help. Something like this:

Here's some info on the tanning bed/eczema connection:

Another idea - but you probably have done this - Benadryl or another type of antihistamine to get you through the night.

I don't have eczema, but I know what my son went through (still has flares from time to time), and my heart goes out to you. I hope you can find some relief soon. Good luck!

I have had dyshidrotic eczema on my hands and feet - XTR

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all my life. It has gotten better as I got older. Now when I have a flare I douse my hands with over-the-counter steroid cream or ointment before bed and wear nitrile gloves over them, I can't wear latex gloves due to a severe latex allergy. The gloves prevent the ointment from getting all over and keeps me from scratching at them in my sleep. I can also type with the gloves on since they fit tightly. Benadryl or other allergy pills can help too. Eczema can be a very "personalized" ailment, what works for one person may not work for another, so good luck in finding that right combination for you.

Thank you all.... - really appreciate it

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I would like to know more about the gluten free diet, so I am going to have to research. I wonder how I could incorporate that into my household.

I will do ANYTHING to stop itching! It is so bad right now.

Thank you all so much, I appreciate it.

Eczema... - Betty

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is an allergy, usually caused by something we eat but also by something we come into contact with. Dairy is the first suspect. Since we're human, not calves, it stands to reason we will all be allergic to it in some form or another. Which do you prefer....ice cream/cheese or eczema?? The choice is there for anyone to chose. ; )

Look at gluten-free as a new cusine. - When WMX takes over

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my hosp acct completely, I'll be doing private cooking and dietary counselling based on no dairy, no gluten, no nightshades, all whole foods, and, most importantly, delicious. Eat lots of green veggies, squashes, whole grains Quinoa is quick-cooking and can be turned into a breakfast food with fruit, or a pilaf with herbs and vegetables. Millet, which used to be a staple grain in the US, likewise is gluten free, loaded with fiber, good fats and vitamins. Avoid foods that promote heat in the body - tomatoes, peppers, caffeine, chocolate, for a while, and known allergens - dairy, soy, corn, wheat. Mold allergy is a huge contributor to eczema and a host of health issues (migraines, chronic fatigue) and mold includes peanuts and mushrooms. Feel free to email me.

eczema - Freebie

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I just read about a product called Triple Paste that is for diaper rash and in the reviews people were saying it helped their eczema. I have also read that Boudreax's Butt Paste helps, it's also a diaper rash cream and I think the commonality is zinc oxide.

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