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I have 2 questions about an ortho exam and disability

Posted: Nov 28, 2011

1)  I had a GAU evaluation (for general assistance in WA state) earlier this year and am now up for an ABD eval. (Aged, Blind, and Disabled assistance).  The GAU examiner seemed to want to tank the exam and I found she lied in the report with respect to the ortho portion. I'm planning a letter to DSHS, her clinic's Director, and possibly the State Board.

I had a later eval. at another clinic by a doctor who found a source of my ortho problem and thinks I need an MRI; also, I sent her a memo detailing additional symptoms relative to my problems. A copy of this has already has been included in my DSHS file.

Soon I have another eval. by a doctor with the state. Should I send him a copy of these

My question: The DSHS supervisor would like to have a copy of that letter and one will be sent to other state offices and possibly the medical board as well.

Do/Should I send the state's doctor a copy also or not, even though it's an adversarial relationship? I've nothing to hide, but I do tend to be too helpful for my own good. Not sure if this is one of those moments.

2)  The ortho eval. (regarding my hand) the GAU examiner performed was very perfunctory to me it seems--tapped my knees, looked at ROM, asked me to squeeze. 

The doctor who examined me next was quite thorough, checked my neck (I had several falls earlier with neck pain and no improvement in hand function for seveal months), my arms, my back, my hand and elicited several reactions down my back and underneath my butt and thigh--for which she thinks a neck MRI is indicated. 

Is there a named difference between the level of the 2 exams that has a name?  Mini-ortho exam vs. Medium or Major ortho exam--or just crappy vs. good?   




to which she believes


Contact a disability attorney with these questions... - anon

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we are not physicians or lawyers, or state employees, for that matter and not allowed to hand out advice on what to do to help you collect unearned income from the tax payers of this country. Getting a job would serve your interests better, it seems....much less complicated, and much more legal. JMO

Wow. Judgmental much? - If she could work, I am guessing she WOULD

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OP: Despite the snarkiness of the above response, she actually is giving you good info regarding contacting a disability lawyer. I don't think there are different grades or levels to exam and really, a lot of an exam like that is very subjective according to the examiner.

Judgmental... - anon

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yes, I am judgmental when it comes to more and more people looking for "free money" from US. There is nothing in his/her post to indicate ever having worked, or wanting to work, only in looking for more ways to bilk the government out of unearned money! I am sick of freeloaders when I have to work my butt off to help support them! Tired of it!!!
Judgmental and you make giant leaps of assumption - Smart. Very smart.
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calm down.
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There are those of us who have done this profession for a lot of years to which it has taken its toll. On top of that, there could be other medical issues that we have that we cannot help.

I am not the OP, but LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. I am still working. I have SEVERAL MEDICAL ISSUES. I am in SEVERE PAIN daily. I have been to a rheumatologist (3 years ago) and he told me I need to find a profession to use my brain only as I have fibromyalgia and also a disease that is a collagen deficiency that is causing all of my joints, ligaments, tendons, and disks in my spine to degenerate. I had my first back surgery at age 35 with a fusion in my L spine with a cage, rods, screws, and pins. I AM STILL WORKING. I have 2 bulging disks in my neck and degenerative disk disease in all levels of my neck. I AM STILL WORKING.

I get 3 cortisone shots in both shoulders as they need surgery but because of my collagen deficiency, they will not heal the way a normal person's heals, per my rheumatologist. I AM STILL WORKING.

Tomorrow, I go for an EMG, as I am developing an "ulnar claw", my 4th and 5th digits go numb bilaterally every night while I sleep, talk on the phone, drive, and type. GUESS WHAT?? I AM STILL WORKING.

So, come down off your high horse. Those of us who are sick and have given ourselves to this profession for years are not asking for something we have not already given into. ALSO, I am on my way to disability, BUT I'VE PAID INTO LADY. YOU AREN'T PAYING FOR IT.
You are not the OP - anon
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so back off. You are not on disability yet, so don't get in a huff. We all have paid into the disability social security, and as an IC, much more so than an employee. You are still working, so no one is including you in this diatribe. The OP never stated he/she was working still or ever had, in this profession or any other...just looking for help in collecting money, that's all. That's the objection.

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