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Bought myself a Kindle. I love it!!! I will never be

Posted: Jan 3, 2011



Kindle - cindy

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I have throught about a Kindle as I am an avid reader, but my eyes are hurting so much lately from looking at the computer and tv that I do not know if a Kindle would be a wise choice for me.

Also, there are times I am reading, further into a book, when I think there is a connection to something mentioned early and put my finger in the page I am on and thumb through some previously read areas of the book. How would you do that Kindle without going through a bunch of previous text?

I am just on the fence about this, would like to save myself all the space that I take up with books in my house, as I buy them pretty cheap from a book club or BJs, but part of me wants to have the book lay in front of my, feel the pages and flip through them. I just do not know if I am "too old" for the Kindle or not and if it would agree with me. Would love some feedback from anyone.

I have an iPad - love it

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It can also be used to read e-books. Before I got the iPad, I thought the idea of an ebook reader was silly. I also like my real books. But, what I've found with the iPad is that I can access so many books that I would probably not have bothered to read before. I use iBooks and have founds sooo many free books, some obscure, some classic. I would never have bought them, and probably would not have bothered to search them out in a library. But now I have a collection of interesting reads right at my fingertips.

If the Kindle works at all like the iBooks reader, you can bookmark, highlight and make notations on the pages. It's easy to access those points later. There's a learning curve, of course, but once you learn how, you can carry around an entire personally annotated library in one small device.

The screen on the iPad has adjustable viewing settings, which I do change as my eyes get tired. That's very helpful. I'm 50, and my eyes get tired reading an ordinary book, so one way or another, the old eyes do get tired. I actually think the lighted surface is easier to read, and I can quickly enlarge the print, as well, to make it even easier on my eyes.

The iPad does much more than a Kindle, so that might not be for you. I call the iPad my "Portal of Knowledge", because I also use it to access the internet, view movies, t.v., documentaries, read and send email, listen to music, and so much more. The Kindle is simply a reader, and so it's much less expensive.

You can also look into the Nook, which is another popular e-reader.

Got an iPad for Christmas...brought it back. My husband thought - sm

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I was crazy to get rid of it. I have my smartphone and my Kindle, didn't need any more "tech" products. Got a GREAT pair of Louboutin's instead. Now those I LOVE!

Kindle is not just a reader. My Kindle can do everything you iPad can do - except not sure about TV, movies. nm

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Got a Nook for Christmas last year and an Ipad this year - wimt

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I love them both! I never thought I would want an e-reader either but like the OP, after finding so many free e-books, or really cheap ones, I have so much on my Nook, I'll never be out of something to read. I have a beautiful leather cover from Oberon Design and it is just like holding a fine book in my hands.

Now my Ipad that I just got from hubby for our 26th anniversary/Christmas. Love it too! I can't imagine getting one and taking it back, lol. I installed the Nook app, and now I can also see all of the books I have on my Nook on my Ipad bookshelf also! I also installed the Kindle app. Now, when I get the free book alerts on Facebook, I can download it whether they are for Nook or Kindle! But so far, the absolute best part of my Ipad so far has been the Scrabble app that was on sale for $4.99 at Christmas. I love it. I'm totally addicted. When I'm not working, I am playing that game.

There is nothing like reading a book.... - see message

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that you can hold in your had turn and feel the pages. I had Kindle on my PC. I will never get one. Staring at a techy thing is no way to read a book. I will never be without a book. I like the feel of the pages as I'm turning them. Too much high tech gadgets is not a good thing IMHO.

I felt the same way, but was gifted a Kindle and now love it. nm - CaliDeb - Kindle is very lo-tech.

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Things lost with technology... - Hayseed
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My husband is the tech guy. He wants every doo-dad out there. If it's in print, scan it so it can be put on a drive. It's in music form do whatever needs to be done put it in an Ipod.

I too like the feel of a book in my hand. Hardcover. Nice binding. Nice dark ink and easy-on-the-eyes font. I like the heft of a book, the way it smells, and like you the feel of the pages underneath or between my fingers.

I feel the same way about letter writing. I prefer to handwrite letters and thank-you notes. I like a nice textured stock paper or nice thick cards with matching envelopes. I LOVE writing with a modern fountain pen (the kind with the ink cartridges as opposed to an ink well).

I'm not even 40 yet either. There are just some simple, elegant pleasures and indulgences that, for me, technology will never replace.

I agree 100%...must have something to do with being - raised in New England
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Born and raised in Conn. My dad goes to a town where the local hardware store still has the old cash registers, and he hears the old familiar "I'll put it on your tab Bob", as the guy is walking out of the store. Lots of people don't own computers and they don't need a lot of the newest gadgets.

I also love the smell of a book, especially the old ones that have been sitting in the attic for years.

I don't like all the latest and greatest gadgets. There is just something about it I don't like. Give me the good ol fashion way. Guess I'm just old fashioned. I could live without a lot of stuff.

I definitely am with you on handwritten letters. However, I find that since I type so much its faster to type letters. My hands type as fast as my mind thinks, and now when I do write (like with my x-mas cards), they all looked like a first grader wrote them. ha ha.

Agree - SM

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I agree and particularly agree with children's books. Nothing will ever take the place of a beautiful illustrated book in a child's hand. Too much technology takes a lot out of things from my standpoint.

Totally disagree. My thoughts too before I got one. In its - case thingy, it is like holding a book. However

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When I want to read while I eat, the case has a stand that you can stand it up, like a picture in a frame, Also with just a touch I can turn the page. No more having to unstick pages or move position in order to turn pages. I was afraid I would miss holding a book but as soon as I start reading, I am there, not in a chair holding a book, anyway. Mostly, tho, I will never be without reading material.
I totally disagree with you - see message
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If I want to read while I eat I can do that too and with ease. I also have a book stand that I can sit on the table and be hand free. I particularly enjoy touch and turning the pages. There is something about the feel of crisp new pages in your hands that will never be replaced by a piece of klunky pastic. When I read a book I'm usually laying down relaxed or sitting in a chair and I can turn the pages very easily and doesn't take any effort. I myself have about 1,000 or so books and I will never be without reading material, and if something happens to the internet and I cannot download books to a kindle then I won't have to worry about being without a book. There is nothing like the smell and feel of a real book with lovely binding and fresh crisp pages with the beautiful words printed on the individual pages.

Guess people have different likes. Call me old fashioned, but I will take a lovely book over a klunky piece of plastic that if the internet goes down all it is good for is a coaster to hold my coffee cup.
regarding internet necessity - iPad user
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It's a matter of preference. I don't see why there is so much controversy. However, I would like to point out that you are not on-line while you read books on an e-reader. You download the material, and then it's stored on the reader. The actual download can take just a few seconds. After that, the book is yours. As long as you have battery power in your reader, you can read that book whenever or wherever. You don't need internet service while you are actually reading.
regarding internet - see message
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It definitely is a matter of preference. I do agree with you on that. My preference is to have an actually book with pages and a cover to hold and read. I don't want a book that I have to depend on the internet to always be up to download. I don't believe this will ever happen, but what if the internet was down for months and month (solar flare, EMP, or whatever) then you would never be able to download books and be dependent on the internet to come back up. Then of course you have the battery issue. If your batteries run out you are just out of luck.

My preference is a book versus a klunky piece of plastic.
Wow, if the internet is down and power is out for months - I probably won't be doing much reading.
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It sounds like the world will be coming to an end. So, I'll probably be out hunting squirrels or practicing my survival skills.

Good thing I read the boy scout manual years ago!
You didn't understand what the point was - see message
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If you are dependent on the internet for everything and it goes down you will be sol.

I also specifically stated I didn't believe it would happen, but if it does that puts you in the sol category too.

I'll take a book over a hunk-of-junk any day.

Being so dependent on the internet and all the newest gadgets is not always a good thing.
I like to have a real book, too, but this seems... - Kendra
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a little silly to me. If the internet is down for months, I am sure that one can still obtain a real book, even if he/she owns a Kindle. These people will not have forgotten how to read off of a real page, will they?
Well if you had a real book you would be able to - nm
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Enough books on my Kindle to last a year or 2. AND I only have - to carry/keep track of one Kindle. nm
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and if your batteries run out then you are still - out of luck
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No thanks, I'll take a paperback I can stick in my back pocket.

I'm with you that there is nothing like reading a real book... - dmz

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There is enough computer gadgetry in this world without needing more....nothing can compare to the smell of a new book, the crispness of new pages.....what wonderful small things the next generation will be missing as they grow up - bad enough they have to be computer literate pretty much by the time they start school, instead of just being kids for the first 5 years of their lives. Bring back the 50s. :)

I don't think it's an either/or issue. - iPad user

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I love my books, as well. I've collected many books over the years, and most of them are like old friends. I love the smell and the feel of them. But there's a lot of reading material out there, and I just don't have the space or the money to collect it all. I also don't always have the time to go to my local library to find something I want to read. Through iBooks I've found tons of free books available through the Gutenberg Project. Lots of these books are long out of print and so would be hard to find. Yet, in less than a minute, I can find wonderful old reads at my fingertips. My sons in college are also beginning to find textbooks online. This saves them quite a bit of money each semester. It's not an all or nothing sort of thing. E-books are just another option.
Exactly!! - nm
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The background is a soft grey with rather soft black letters. - Very easy on eyes. Also, there are SM

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many ways to navigate in a book, bookmarks or they also have entire book broke down by page so to speak so you can go to an area and from there figure out whereelse you need to go. As far as cost of books, I had been ording paperbacks from Amazon at a cost of around $1 and then paying shipping of 3.99. All the books I have gotten so far for my Kindle have been less than $3, many of them free. So this is saving me money on cost of books.

Kindle - karen

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So u love the Kindle.. How does it work exactly..? do the books cost anymore than paper books?

Kindle - MT

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I keep thinking I should stay away from a Kindle, IPad, etc. because I will get carried away and spend too much money - not on the original purchase but in buying too many books. Anybody have this problem?

Ebooks can be less than $3, many are free. BUt they are always - available online, so I dont feel need to SM

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buy a bunch at a time. Also you can share ebooks with other kindlers.

Kindle Joy! - I Love My Kindle

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I adore my Kindle. It took me about 15 minutes to get hooked on it. Now physical books annoy me. I squeeze the edges of the pages, but they don't turn, and no matter how hard I mash the lower right corner, no dictionary appears and you can't just pop out to the net to look something up. You can't change the print size, which is practically criminal. I never realized how much dust they hold, too. Gah!

With a Kindle, you can annotate and underline, and you will adapt to the concept of judging your location in a book by the location number. I know just where I am in a book and can find something again quite easily. There are several ways to do it. "Pages" no longer hold the same meaning for me that they did before.

The screen is considered very good for reading, because it is digital ink, not back-lit like other e-readers. The font is widely adjustable in both size and (often) style, amount of text on a line, and space between lines. Most users find there is little or no eyestrain with it. It is black and light gray, so it's comfortable reading, and fingerprint-free since it is not necessary to touch the screen. It is fine in direct sunlight, even with half the screen in the sun and half in the shade.

You can even read your Kindle in the bath . . . just pop it into a ziploc. The screen is very sturdy, too. I have dropped mine a few times and once onto concrete -- it was fine.

Amazon offers a very nice cover with an integral light that operates off the Kindle battery itself (which is rechargeable, of course). It is well-situated, lights well without glaring into your eyes or anyone else's, and slides discretely into the back of the case when not in use.

The 3G+WiFi version comes with unlimited 3G wireless access with no extra fees for the life of the device. The Kindle connects to the Amazon website, allowing book purchases which are fuss-free and download almost instantly. Internet access is included in that, so you can check your email, visit websites, use Wikipedia, etc. I spend quite a lot of time on the web with my Kindle.

The Kindle has the largest library of books available. Amazon provides probably thousands of free or nearly-free books, or you can download free books from Project Gutenberg, etc. It is extremely easy to find free classics and entire collections of famous authors' works for free. Publishers offer free books with new selections appearing almost daily. There are usually about 200 free offerings in a variety of genres. The Kindle Nation website and blog provide notification of freebies, special prices, and other Kindle information.

A variety of local, national, and international newspapers, magazines, and blogs are available. They download automatically without any effort from you. Photos are black and white, but quite clear.

It's not as fancy as an iPad, so if you want an iPad, get an iPad. If you want a book reader, the Kindle is considered to be about the best. I've looked at those things bookstores sell, and there is just no comparison--they're all very sad!

You can try the Kindle software on your PC or other device. It's a free download at Amazon.com. You can then buy any Kindle book and free ebooks and enjoy them hassle-free. If you like the selection, that might help you decide if you want a Kindle.

Some people moan that they would miss that book-smell. I don't miss the dust, the bugs, and the mildew one bit. As for smell, I have a leather Kindle cover and now associate the leather+Kindle smell with fine reading.

It's also a Walkman, so it will play your music. It has a quite-nice, tireless reading voice which will read any voice-activated books to you. It also is excellent for recorded books.

You can upload your personal documents, articles, and whatnot to it by emailing them to yourself at Amazon. I have quite a few PDFs and Word documents on mine. Amazon will convert documents to Kindle format at no charge and will send them by WiFi for free or by 3G for a modest 15 cents per MB or so.

An ever-growing library of active content is available. Scrabble just came out. (Ooooh!)

I could go on, but you get the picture!

My boyfriend bought me a Nook Color - for Chrismas and

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I absolutely LOVE it!!!

I especially enjoy that it is backlit because I like to read in bed in the dark and I do not have to have a separate light source to do so.

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