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Draft Mitt Romney? sm

Posted: Nov 13, 2015

GOP chatter this morning is that they are very nervous about their chances in the general, especially if either Trump or Carson is the nominee, and draft Mitt might be the answer.


GOP moderates are planning to vote for Hillary - see message

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I was starting to wonder about Trump's safety if the Rove/Cheney rulers got too worried.

This would make Mitt a 3-time loser, correct?

They mentioned that it was "big GOP donors" that... - sm

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were suggesting it not the "RINOs". What if Hillary doesn't get the nomination? Hmmm!

Bernie Sanders would appeal to Pubs with common sense. - sm

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Or any Democrat who got the nomination rather than Trump or Carson,
Yes, especially if they value honesty and integrity! - nm
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Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are rich no more. - Then what? Now the rich are poor.
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The original poor have been fed but they're hungry again, along with the newly poor who used to be rich. What are you going to do now?
That is the silliness that the mega-rich have taught and some have bought into - Big difference in my life
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I've been broke at certain parts of my life and considered wealthy other parts.

During the wealthy part (not mega-rich but comfortable) I never missed the money I paid in taxes. I literally never noticed it. It made no difference in the amount of food I had, the kind of car I drove (I paid cash for), the house I lived in (I paid cash for), the medical care I had, or fun things like vacations, spas, and lots of boats, toys, etc.

When I had very little money, it hurt when I had a flat tire and didn't have the money to get it fixed, when I needed a loaf of bread in order to be able to have something to eat and had to go through the car seats to see if there was anything there, or go hungry.

The far right would have detested me when I was poor, but now they really respect me because I have money. I'm the same person. Amazing. I will never forget being poor though and those tiny things that made a difference that I never even have to worry about at all now.
Soak the rich liberals got rich from other people's money. - Like Clinton and Soros. Entrepreneurs
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got rich from their hard work. They created a product or a service and thereby created wealth. The rich ruling class takes from the rich non-ruling class. No matter how hard you try using government force to make equal outcomes, it can’t overcome unequal abilities.

It has been tried back in the 1950s when the marginal tax rate on the highest incomes exceeded 90%. However an interesting study showed that even when the rich were being soaked at 90+% tax collections still remained at about 14% of GDP, and this percentage has remained virtually the same even when taxes were cut during the JFK, Reagan and Bush presidencies. During the 1950s economic growth was nearly stagnant and the wealthy were taking their money out of the country. The JFK tax cuts that reduced the highest tax rates actually set off an economic boom.
The difference between the uber rich and the "millionaire" - next door needs to be differentiated.
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I personally have learned to survive on less and find a lot of freedom in it.
I followed T. Boone Pickens' advice from years ago. Have a good - work ethic, learn a trade,
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pay off debt, save money. I'm not rich, but I'm comfortable.

The establisment GOP does not represent conservatives. In fact, they have distain for them. - They were hoping Jeb Bush would

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get the nomination, but the people don't want him. His approval ratings are low. They are trying to get Mitt to run again, 4 million Republicans stayed home in 2012 because of him. The establishment will probably put their money behind Rubio or Christie now. Rubio is already out there trashing Cruz.

What?! The candidate who was proven 100% right - in what he said and predicted?

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...and one who knows how to be an effective executive?

Heavens to Murgatroyd. We can't have that!

There's a lot of people who regret not voting - for Romney...

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...or didn't bother to vote because they thought it was simply impossible that a disaster like Obama would ever be elected to a second term.

Has Romney missed the filing date for - primaries?

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This would be a very difficult campaign. He might provide a third alternative and pull from the other 2, might even allow one of those down the line to come up enough to win. If you take Carson and Trumps @50%, divide it amongst 3 and you can get one of the others to garner the full 50, you might actually get a candidate. Heaven forbid it's Ted Cruz though. I don't think you end up winning the election with any of them, at that point.

Republican party is seriously fractured, but we've been saying that for the past several years.

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