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Why does Mitt think his attacks on Obama will

Posted: Aug 16, 2012

He’d have us believe that underneath his cool, calm, and collected manner, President Obama is a bitter, divisive, hateful man, bursting at the seams with anger, a desperate attack dog, full of animosity, and willing to say anything to get elected….the underlying tone being he is not at all what he appears to be.  Meanwhile, the President was stumping in Iowa, complimenting (not criticizing) the locals on the joys of their fairgrounds junk food fare, joking around with his wife and voters, flashing a dazzling smile, and otherwise being his down-to-earth, congenial self.  LOL. 

In another likeability proclamation, Romney accuses Obama's campaign as being "designed to bring a sense of enmity and jealousy and anger," and, taking a page out of the winger playbook (that saying something over and over and over again will somehow make it true), repeats the buzz words when advising the president to "take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago."  Looks like another messaging gaffe gone haywire to me, on account of his being completely oblivious to how well the description he attributes to his opponent applies to himself.  This strategy certainly follows the parallel script being used to address his numerous policies and issues that are polling so poorly, such as the budget and Medicare.  After identifying the most unpopular, if not downright despicable, elements of his own platform’s shortcomings, Romney then turns around and tries the bald-face lie approach by disclaiming them, and trying to inflict their ownership onto his opponent. 

This is just another case of failure to recognize a problem, much less come up with an effective solution.  The problem is not how likeable Obama is.  It's how unlikeable Romney is.  Like the rest of this contest, is he going for a decision by default?  Maybe that worked well for him back in his vulture capitalist days, but this is a national election.  Is this the best he can do?  The only way he thinks he can be more popular is to trash his opposition and show us (once again) he is "willing to say anything to get elected."  Don't voters deserve something....anything....better than this? 

If I were an independent, I'd be personally insulted at just how gullible Team Romney seems to think the undecideds are. 


Using first names? Your post should headline - Mitt and Barack - Jess

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Or Barry. - nm

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What??? How laughable. Who is spewing lies about - Romney? Its Obama and the HATEFUL left.

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He killed a woman who had cancer... didn't pay taxes for 10 years, and a rich guy who does not care about anyone. Yeah, right. Obama is a "fibber" with failed policies galore. I would take my chance on Romney ANY day.

It is clear OP put that up for inciting purposes only - Especially since

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there is no substance there, just an attempt to discredit and lie about Romney AGAIN. Could be DWS trolling for new registrants since their base is waning. :D Gotta keep the Dem attacks in perspective...hard to keep up with them though since the lies and distortions are endless.

Harry Reid made the no taxes claim - bootstraps

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I haven't seen any ads about Romney taxes (not say there isn't one), but I do know it was Harry Reid that made that claim, getting information from a undisclosed source.

Some of the statements Romney's made sort of off the cuff and spontaneously reflect a disconnect with us common folk. $10,000 bets, 2 caddies for his wife, bragging about building his new house with elevators for his cars...

These are things he didn't have to say at all. I really don't have a problem with him being rich, but he conveys, to me anyhow, insensitivity to those not as fortunate as he. And maybe that isn't a quality a president needs, but to me it's just one of many qualities a president should have.

Bigger question is, Does Obama think his - constant lies, personal attacks & distortions

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endears Obama to knowledgeable, well-read, well-informed voters that understand Obama's hateful, lying rhetoric for exactly what it is?

A sad attempt for Obama to keep Obama's job - to hell with the unemployed Americans so long as Obama got his.

Exactly. I cannot understand why anybody thinks - Obama is likeable. He makes me cringe. nm

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I have found that it's an - Occupational hazard

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All politicians have a squick factor that makes all of them seem more like caricatures than people (to me, at least).

I am an Obama supporter, but I agree that he's just as cringe-worthy as any other politician.

Albeit, I do find him less cringe-worthy than George W., for example.

Oh, I know! I can't even look at his face. (sm) - Gagger

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He has to be one of the most UN-likable politicians I've ever seen - and then his lips start to move and the lies begin. Could that be why?
I feel as you do - Can always tell when a lie is
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soon to be dropped like a bomb:

"Let me be clear"
"Let me be honeset with you" (why be any other way?)
"Let me be crystal clear" (you know a whopper is on its way)

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