Typical. Two empty posts using sloganeering - with no substantive argument.
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"War-mongering", "military-industrial complex" - terms that are merely intended to be evocative of negative emotions.
Advance your positions, if you have them, and define your terms. For instance, is everyone who isn't a conscientious objector a "war-mongerer"? And as for the "military-industrial complex", you're reading this post, you may have shopped today, or posted to FaceBook, or received email from your kids or your mom, on just one of the many products that have come out of it. It's called the Internet.
Painting with broad, blurred strokes is the surest sign of thinking that hasn't been honed to a fine edge or subjected to the discipline of critical analysis.
Thanks for calling me Stupid, but in its veiled - critical analytical method Certain it is Ok
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I try to keep it short and sweet so that it can be understood. Frequently if too many points are made people run off on tangents. Explanation of both posts is simple. The Republican party has fleeced the American people into the immoral murdering of tens of thousands of people around the world and here at home all to line their own pockets in supporting the acts themselves (i.e. military goods and services) and investments in oil.
I'm all for God's morals, but the government is not - God.
When a generation has been taught that all business is bad and - immoral and the government it there
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to "save" them and that govt is moral, that explains a lot.
Earl Browder (a former head of the Communist Party in the US ) in 1957 - said if America ever becomes
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communist it will be called democratic socialism by using morals. It will grow out of the most advanced society in the world when it was inherited to socialism.
Hmmm, someone with a moral base? How is running up the - debt moral? Is a federalized 401K plan
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moral? Is raising payroll taxes to fund family leave moral? Another new tax, yeah that will help he economy.
How do you socially engineer the population? By using the IRS and the graduated income tax has a number of functions: 1) Control of income 2) Creates fear of government 3) Makes prosecution of any political enemy of the state possible 4) Keeps the people divided (creates class envy and strife, because a united populace is a danger to the central government).
Morality does not come from government. I have no "faith" in it.
Let's see, WWI, WWII, Civil War, Revolutionary War, - war mongering and immoral?
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A “democratic” socialist is a socialist authoritarian who knows that to come to power, he must masquerade as a do-gooder who only wants justice and equalization for “the people.”
It is the point when they gain power and infest themselves throughout government they becomes the despot and we become subjects. It's always, always, always the same throughout history. No exceptions.
When Bernie says Hillary's illegal emails are not an issue, - then he lost the "moral high ground"
And at least, if not willing to go himself, he is not willing to send thousands to war like they are.
I bet you can answer your question yourself. - As for your second assertion...
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..."willing to send thousands to war" precisely where, and under what conditions? Please provide references.
I've simply decided that I'm not going to permit wild-eyed unsubstantiated statements to stand unchallenged anymore. Democracy demands that the electorate have the ability to think, to know when something is proven AND WHEN IT IS NOT, and to resist the empty sloganeering and seductive rhetoric of political candidates.
Your FOX is showing - nm
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NM Purposefully, not willing to respond to the challenge (accusation) Google it.
ALL of the Republican candidates have talked about - their willingness to go to war
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And yes, in this day and age willingness to put "boots on the ground" most certainly means committing thousands of troops, and every single Republican candidate (even Rand Paul - hey Rand, there was a reason your daddy had so many fans, that's one thing he did NOT do) is for that.
Bernie has talked about his unwillingness, so I do know HE would never use that option unless absolutely necessary. No wild-eyed unsubstantiated statements here, just looking at the individual candidates - or basically the Republican platform against the Democratic candidates because none of the Republicans dares to go against it, even Trump.
There are no war heroes in this race except Jim Webb, who I think everyone would agree is a long shot at best.
Your #1 candidate, such a winna, badmouthed a true war hero, John McCain, saying he was a looza for getting caught.
Of course, Trump has a brilliant solution to everything that he won't talk about until he is President. I'm sure it's not going to involve any wars or anyone dying or anything, right? Sure.
Bernie Sanders was eligible for the most common...sm - VTMT
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deferment of the Vietnam era (student) but chose to stand up and choose "conscientious objection", showing his objection to the Vietnam war. Ha! Millions of us objected to that war! Truth, integrity and love of America and it's people are everything to Bernie Sanders. Money means nothing to him and he cannot be bought/bribed. That is good enough for me.
For a minute, I thought it was a Superman program - "Truth, justice and the American way!"
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"Truth, integrity, love of America, can't be bribed."
Let's set "truth" aside for a moment for very obvious reasons, and also "integrity" (this was the man who gave Hillary a pass during the debate on her little problems, right?).
The fact is, none of these - even taken together - comprise sufficient criteria to select a Presidential candidate, yet you say "That's all I need."
There are undoubtedly thousands of people, perhaps millions, who meet ALL of these criteria, and yet you would never choose them for the Presidency, and perhaps not even for local public office.
...and how awkward for you when you discover that quite a few of them are Republicans (and yet I wouldn't vote for them either).
It takes more - much more - than being a nice feller who loves the truth and America and American people and justice and his mother and would say "No thank you" to all those nasty bribes to qualify for the highest office in the land.
So, perhaps you can think of some other critical criteria, and if you do you'll find, however much to your sorrow, that Mr. Sanders will fail several of them.
Incidentally, the student deferment wasn't quite the automatic slam-dunk you seem to think it was, and it's a question of passing interest why Sanders couldn't have claimed the deferment while still expressing his objection to the war...as many others did. You can't sneak that piece of cheese by this rat!
During college he enjoyed a student deferment. After college...sm - VTMT
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he got married, common reason for not being drafted back then. After his divorce, he was at the top of the list (back then it was oldest first). He then applied for CO status, but time ran out after he was denied and he became too old to be drafted.
Sounds like Bill Clinton, but he was elected twice. - I don't think people care if you have a D
Draft Mitt Romney? SmNov 13, 2015 GOP chatter this morning is that they are very nervous about their chances in the general, especially if either Trump or Carson is the nominee, and draft Mitt might be the answer. ...