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obama shows class once again

Posted: Feb 24, 2012

He was raised well.  A person of maturity and elegance realizes that good manners come from within not reacting to what is without.  Rock solid core class.



Obama - No class at all in anything

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I agree - (two wrongs don't make a right)

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Obama never said a word - Until it affected his image -nm

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Class jerk is what he is - me

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He is so proamnesty it is pathetic - he is supposed to represent the legal citizens of this country, and I haven't seen him do that yet. If he gets reelected, we will become a third world country. We're already heading towards it with the decisions he has made. Cheats, thieves and liars in this administration. What a joke. Class, my (((.
I heard on - SM
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John Stewart that was the plan all along. He was going to be elected and then wait out his first term. When he is reelected, he is going to declare war on catholic church day after inauguration ceremony. the very most dangerous enemie is the one who is patient and oh so very, very crafty.
You're joking, right? If you heard that on - John Stewart, it was a joke NM
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That's the most ridiculous claim I've heard. - nm
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Obama wouldn't "declare war on catholic church day after inauguration."

In fact, NOBODY has declared a "War on Christians," as some far right-wingers believe.

It's all propaganda and nothing but!
There you go again - Glenn Dreck
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More illegals deported under Obama than in all 8 years of Bush. And as far as cheats, thieves and liars, GWB and Dick Cheney's lies cost this country 1 trillion dollars, over 4,000 American lives and who knows how many Iraqi lives. All administrations have bad apples but you would have to go a long way to top Bush and Cheney.
Class jerk - You know it - too bad the rest are
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so slow to catch on...Obama is, was and always will be a socialist idiot. No concern for anyone but himself.
boy can he sing and dance - SM
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Michelle is a fortunate lady.
That would e about it - Sure cannot run the country
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Except into the ground.
You mean like DUBYA did? - He basically ruined America.
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Well, our grandchildren will be paying for the wars he started under his watch. - nm
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Who's gonna pay for - Obama 5-trill in 3 years?
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Again, Oblablah gets a pass and it's everyone else's fault. Oblablah biggest whiner ever!
let's pretend... - sm
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Say your husband failed to pay the mortgage for 8 years, and upon divorcing him you had to take a loan to keep your house. Could we call you a frivolous spender? I certainly hope not. Try to stick with the facts.

Obama apology - Response received

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So much for the groveling Obama did and the dissing of our soldiers.

Taliban response: "Kill them, beat them, take them prisoner" referring to Americans.

Real reasonable bunch. After apology, violence only worsened and at least 7 more killed.
Apology for burning religious materials - Obama
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did it because it was the right thing to do. His action told the world that in spite of all our problems, the U.S. is a bright and shining light in the world. He is a moral man and I applaud him.
"A shining city on the hill" I love that quote. - me
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I love to think of the USA as a beacon of hope for people around the world.
Yes - SM
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we are and yes we can. We are so blessed to be living in America.

shining city on a hill - Thanks to Obama - we're barely a dim light bulb - NM
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Yeah, funny - how
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the whole world hated us when GW was in office (and they didn't used to) and Obama has smoothed out a lot of the relationships with other countries, so who dimmed the light?
What rock do you live under - Better do some research - sm
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Under Comrade Obama, things with other countries have gotten worse not better. But if you only read the Cuban Review, The Russian Gazette, the Muslim Periodial, you would not know that. A: OBAMA DIMMED THE BULB AND IS CLOSE TO UNSCREWING IT ALTOGETHER.
Sorry, but we used to be respected - by the world
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until Bush. I didn't crawl out from any rock and don't need to research, I lived it.
That's nice, but you're - still wrong - sm
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Respect has plummeted under Obama, but whatever helps you sleep at night. BTW - Maybe you live in a bubble, but news flash, WE ARE ALL LIVING WITH THE DISREPECT OBAMA HAS NURTURED.
back it up with facts - oops, you can't
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incorrect - nm

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I agree he shows class. - Easily elected again

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Let's hope so - nm - Glenn Dreck

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I think the republicans - are so impressed

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with him they are purposefully running their worst and dimmest because they want 4 mo like the democrats do. That tingle only comes along once, maybe twice, in a lifetime.

You all seem to think he's just going to waltz right into the spot - I'm not so sure

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Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I think it's not going to be as easy as liberals think it will be.

Granted there is nobody on the republican side I have confidence in, but I also don't have confidence in Obama and that is because of this current term and all that has been happening.

I think he's going to be up against some pretty tough debates and will have to answer for his actions.

I don't think the race card will be able to be played again as everyone is on to that.

I don't think it's going to be an easy election.

I also believe whoever is picked for next term has already been decided. The elections are what they keep us busy with trying to make us believe that the people of the country actually pick the president. People like George Soros, Wall Street, Gates, and all the other billionaires are not going to let little ol you and me actually pick the president. They pick them and we just wait to see who they chose. Besides, both parties are the same so to them it doesn't matter.

My 2 scenarios are this:

1. They'll pick Obama again if they think they can use the race to their advantage. If that doesn't work for them they'll drop him.

2. They'll pick someone from the republican side because they see how much trouble the democrats are getting us in, so by putting a republican in they can get people's focus off and make them think they finally have someone who will work for the people.

Either way it makes no difference to them. Whoever gets elected works for them and works in their interest and not the people of the country. We are just goyum to them.

I particularly do not care anymore. I will just sit back and watch the show and watch people in the parties tear the other apart. I'll sit back with my popcorn laughing.

I hate to agree with you but essentially I - do. I still think, at least SM

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at this point, that our votes more or less count, but I do agree that THEY decide who the nominees will be. The very sad truth is that this country is heading toward not being a democracy anymore. Outwardly, it is, but in reality this country is run by rich corporate greedy &N*&*. I am also disgusted by what our congress has become. These people no longer represent "the people". They represent their own personal interests. Some of them have redistricted so as to make reelection a breeze and they don't have to worry about answering to their constituents anymore.

I admire and respect Obama very much and, IMO, he did not know the depths that the "old boys club" could and would go to get their way and bring him down. I truly believe he did not realize how deep their hatred was. This is JMO so no need to attack me for it. I am in no way saying he is "above it all" as far as the greed and corruption goes, not at all. Every single one of them has some part to play. I sometimes feel that even congress and the president have lost control of our country.
I would like to respectfully debate a couple things - I'm not so sure
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I'm not going to attack you for your opinion. I would like to share mine on a couple things you said. We both agree on the first paragraph, except I really do not believe our votes count because I've seen so many times votes being thrown out, if one candidate doesn't like the way something is going they want the rules switched. Also I saw in the election between Kerry & Bush that they were saying that one county voted one way, when pretty much everyone in those counties voted democrat. I forget which state/county that was in, but the people were outraged that the votes went for the republican when pretty much 80 or more percent voted democrat. I think the machines are rigged and the people who really run the show can make up any numbers they want to. I've believe the only true way to tell how many people really vote is paper vote. Go back to paper ballets. Put the two candidates names, their pictures next the name so that nobody can come back and say they voted for the wrong guy. Then the votes are counted by hand with equal numbers of people from both parties and that number gets submitted. And if you don't know who the winner is until the next day that's just the way it is. But then again, that is if our votes really count (I don't think they do and I just don't vote).

A debate about your last paragraph. Not going to attack or belittle or whatever. Those are your opinions and we all have a right to our opinions. Mine is this.

I don't respect Obama. I don't know if I admire him or not. I think he has a tough job. I don't watch the news very much, just bits and pieces maybe once a week and I have to say I saw Obama on TV and was shocked to see how gray his hair was. Seems like all the presidents go gray very fast, so know it must be a very stressful job, so I guess I admire anyone for doing the job.

I'm not sure who you are referring to when you said "their" hatred. I think all presidents have a certain percentage of the population that don't like/hate them, but there was a lot of hatred towards Dubya too. In fact I read awhile back that more people hate Bush than they do Obama.

At first I admired Obama, just like I admired every other president when they took office. But his actions while in office slowly erased any admiration I had for him. I thought he was going to be different. I thought he really cared about the people in the country and what was happening. But I lost respect when he didn't stand up to his bosses. He's no better than the previous ones. They direct the president and he does what they are told to do, but by god when are we going to get a president who stands up to them and says "no, I'm not going to do it because it's not good for the country. When the greed and corruption sets in that's when I lose respect. When I see the leader of the country and his family partying like everything is just grand while the country suffers I lose respect. I know they are rich and they can afford to do what they want and I have no problem with that. But when they don't show any constraints and openly boast about their pleasures and vacations showing off their bling and making a public spectacle of their "date nights" (that the tax payers pay for) and holding what are essentially frat parties at the white house, spending tax payers money, while my friends and others are losing jobs and homes I just lose respect for whatever person is doing that. That is my opinion so nobody please attack me either.
I agree with both posters above - SM
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that we have seemingly lost control of our government. Big money has our govt gripped in an iron fist. That said, we must not give up. Staying aware, being active, keeping your friends and family actively involved is our best hope of correcting our course.

Your post exemplifies why - Haha

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Reading the Poli board here is comic relief! I'm so glad it's here so I can destress after a long, hard day.

You cite no specifics, just drool all over yourself while genuflecting. How typical.

Posters on here -- who know NOTHING about real politics -- are like a bunch of 3rd graders trying to discuss string theory. You have no clue what yhou're talking about and don't grasp the concepts since you don't have the foundational knowledge base required to.

over the top - nm

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Do you ever - take a break

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from trying to tell everyone you are the only one who knows anything? Here we go again. I read all the posts and don't agree with all of them but I don't try to tell everyone they are "like 3rd graders, know nothing and can't grasp concepts since they don't have the foundational knowledge base required to."

I'm really not sure why the moderator lets you get away with all the stuff you say while removing and banning other people for saying much less.

Taking a break - Nothing but big babies - sm

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The poster has not posted anything worse than so many others on this board that have gotten away with a lot more. Just scroll up a bit and look at at the ones taking about "sparring" and Elvis in the house, the dim bulbs (yeah they are) thinking they are hysterical. They ALL act like a bunch of big babies. Too bad none of those with the inflated opinions of their intellect contribute anything; just very childish, juvenile behavior. BTW, you are free to report any message you find offensive. I've gotten action, and I am sure you would too.
There is one in - particular
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that does this no matter what anybody says and that post sounded like that person. Do agree with you that there are many who have to get really mean and nasty, but there one in particular that floods every post with insulting remarks that we are all stupid.

No need to report. I'm sure the moderator reads this stuff and picks and chooses whose comments are insulting but never removes some of them that should, but removes others that are not nearly as offensive. Go figure.
One in particular - Agreed - sm
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Guess that poster(s) is part of 49.5% + plus mooching off the rest of us worker bees. They follow a few all over this board, all day, with their feeble attempt at humor. Hard to make the call if they should be laughed at or pitied. Tells you far more about their state of mind than the ones they chase all over this board. Could be one person or 3; seems like their comments are for the benefit of a very few (maybe 1 just keeps writing back and forth to her own posts?) Maybe they could take our hard-earned tax money and buy some social graces. They sure could use some. Someone that mean and nasty usually has a lot of personal issues going on. Oh well. Guess when they lose control totally, moderator will step in. Can't wait see what the stalker will post after ours.
Big Babies - I do not understand
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babies talking about Elvis? what part of country do you live in? Babies in my area are not aware of50's celebrities.
Big Babies - you do not understand - Not surprising
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