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panic attacks

Posted: Aug 22, 2013

I am wondering if anyone else out there has suffered from crippling panic attacks.  I can get them in crowded places, escalators, etc.  My biggest issue comes from driving.  I can't handle lots of traffic but sometimes even in light traffic is becomes a problem.  I've tried counseling with no progress and tried medication, but I don't like to drive with some of the meds the prescribe as they can be dangerous as well.  I avoid interstates at all costs.  As a result my world is becoming smaller and smaller to the point where some days I completely talk myself out of even going down to the local store.  I don't want this to turn into full blown agoraphobia, but I'm at a complete loss as to how to handle this.  Thanks for any ideas!


panic attacks - yessirree

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Oh, gosh, yes. I used to have panic attacks all the time when I felt trapped in a horrible marriage. After 15 years, I left him and moved out on my own. I have had very few panic attacks since that day! Now don't rush out and get divorced or anything (!!), but you're feeling the same way "trapped" in the car when you're driving. Since you have to drive, and you can't take anti-anxiety medicine while driving, I want you to take deep cleansing breaths the minute you get into the car. Don't wait until the first sign of panic starts. Be proactive. You have to start taking the deep breaths BEFORE you panic, because once you panic you freeze up and hyperventilate. At least that's how it was for me. I found something that might be helpful for you:


Divorced - sm

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I've had panic attacks for 20 years and one thing about being married or being in a relationship, whether it's a bad one or a good one, it brings on panic attacks, because you start to depend on that person to do so much for you and you stop doing things for yourself. I was in a relationship for 6 years and had gotten to the point where I couldn't drive AT ALL. I couldn't even take a back road to a local store 2 miles away! This guy that I was with met someone online and moved out of our house, leaving me with a note. I worked outside of the house at that time (he drove me back and forth) and he left while I was at work and he was supposed to pick me up. I got a ride home and cried for the whole day, not knowing how to even live, but then, because I had no one to depend on but ME, I started driving myself to work, driving to different towns, even getting on the major highways. I never, ever would have been able to do that before and I previously had tried meds, therapy, etc., and him leaving is the only thing that helped.

I'm married now and I watch for the signs. I STILL won't drive alone for long distances, but I really try to push myself and not become so dependent on him that I lose it all to the attacks. I've had 20 years of therapy, meds and everything you can think of, so I'm guessing there is just no "cure" as sad as that may be.

pray, read the Bible... - sm

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Initiate a relationship with the Father. There are many verses about anxiety, because it is human nature to be anxious. The key is having peace with God and then you have the peace of God.

Prayer - sm

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Is that like praying the gay away?
prayer - sm
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If that's what you're dealing with, yes. Prayer and a relationship with the Creator is the ultimate stabilizer no matter what your mental ailment.

I emphasize with you. - sm

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I'm really sorry about your panic attacks. I suffer them too, and I know how crippling they can be.

A couple of ideas:

1. Hypnotherapy. My ex's mom was a hypnotherapist who worked on me, and it really helped. I also lost 55 pounds with her help (and it never came back). :o Bonus points, if you get a recording and do it at least 2 times a day.
2. Cognitive behavioral therapy. It changes the way you react to stressful situations. It really helps to understand that what you're feeling is irrational and you can change it. I have only done a little bit of this and didn't find it as helpful as hypnotherapy, but I didn't use it nearly as long and intensely as I did hypnotherapy.
3. Supplements.
A. Kava kava every day, multiple times a day. I find it really does relax me. The only problem is that you build up a tolerance to it, so I eventually added other supplements to my regimen, as follows:
B. Adrenal support. Your adrenals help manage stress, so if your adrenals are low, panic attacks can be triggered by the tiniest things...adrenals have helped me immensely. I take them a couple times a day. They mess up my stomach, but I don't care!
C. L-theanine. This is an amino acid that is not only great for relaxation, but it also has cardiovascular benefits!
D. GABA. This is a relatively new one for me--you put it under your tongue and let it dissolve. I don't know if it works as well as the other two, but I figure the more approaches I take, the better.

Of course, check with your doctor about these supplements. Kava in particular can be harmful if you have liver disease.

4. Journaling. I keep a panic journal, in which I write down exactly what I'm feeling. It can get pretty intense. When I'm in the middle of an attack, I try to scribble everything down that I'm afraid of, as fast as I can. I have to write fast because I have so much I need to get down. Every fear, every hope, the fact that I know I'm having an attack, how much I want it to stop, and always, I write that I know it will stop. I know it will go away. I just have to wait it out, wait it out, wait it out.

All of these things combined can be very powerful. I wish you the best of luck!

I understand how you feel - Ang

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I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks also. Very hard for me to go places where you are expected to socialize. Makes me feel very uncomfortable and have trouble with eye contact and feeling panicked. I so long to be rid of this problem but have had it most of my life. I also have trouble driving on interstates. I currently take medications for it. Most people do not understand what we go through every day. It is so frustrating!!

I get them also. - panicked

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Have had them since a teen. Started with fear of freeway driving then moved to grocery stores. Couldn't stand in line without panic so had the checker fill in my check for me while I waited outside. They left me for a few years but now are starting back,I think because of some bad financial situations in the past years and is catching up with me. I take valerian root and sometimes have to pop a Xanax. Good luck to you all.

What I'm doing - sm

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I've started taking a B-complex supplement, and so far it seems to help. I've noticed a slight change in my anxiety, but then again, I've only been on it for a week or so. I hope for a large change the longer I take it.

I have a wonderful chiropractor who has suggested some acupuncture and hypnosis therapies for my anxiety. I was chatting with another woman in his office who said the therapies really helped her with her anxiety, so I hope it will work for me too. My next appointment is Saturday. I'll post a followup and let you know how it goes.

Crowds didn't scare me, but they annoyed me. (s/m) - Gossip Girl

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I've had problems with depression for years, and the symptoms were not so much the sad, weepy feelings most people think of, but instead, thin-skinnedness and intense irritation by noise, people, crowds, long lines, etc. Once I started taking an SSRI antidepressant, I found that about 95% of that went away. I can now deal with crowds, loud noise or music, long lines at Walmart, etc. (I still skip that place during the holidays! That is just asking too much! I'd rather have a root canal!) LOL)

Oh my! I could have written that post! SM - Mom22dogs

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I too have problems with panic attacks, especially when driving. Driving in town doesn't bother me, but I cannot bring myself to drive on the highway. About a year ago I was driving down the highway and had a significant panic attack and HAD to pull over IMMEDIATELY or else I probably would have had an accident. Unfortunately, there was a rather narrow road shoulder, and the semi that was following me had to swerve over to the other lane to avoid me. I would not call it a near miss, but if there had been somebody coming and that semi could not have veered....well...YIKES. After that I had a panic attack while shopping in Krogers and so avoided Krogers for a long time. In fact, I just made myself go back in Krogers a couple of days ago (YAY ME!)just to shop in the front of the store. These attacks are VERY socially crippling, as I have had to miss family events because no one could come and pick me up.

panic - anon

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Thanks for your reply. We have Kroger here too. So far, that's not been a problem, but Walmart on a weekend can get to me quickly - too many people, just too overwhelming. I stick with early in the morning or during the weekdays. I've done the pull off thing on the interstate too, having to drive down the shoulder, flashers on at 15 mph to the next exit. I even try to stay in the right hand lane in town as long as I can before I have to get over in case I have to pull off then too. It's so frustrating and limiting. Friends have become accustomed to me not making it to things if it's a "bad" day.

Me too - a thought - anon2

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I've had panic attacks and agoraphobia for 40 years. It did get better after years of therapy and Elavil, and I'm pretty much "normal" now. One day, it just came into my head, "I'm not going to do this anymore." It was right in the middle of an agoraphobia therapy group. I got up, walked out of the group, and never looked back. I still have some anticipatory anxiety, and I will not go to the stadium for a football game.

One thing that I found helpful in preventing attacks... Get a fat rubber band, put it on your wrist, and when you feel an attack coming on, snap it - Hard.

Have you tried some form of desensitizing? - s/m

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I don't get panic attacks, but in my 40s for some reason, started getting sensitive about heights. (Changing eyesight, perhaps?) Anyway, I didn't want this to become worse, so I started exposing myself to heights every single day, and looking down. And up. And doing things that would make that wave of discomfort or butterflies come on, then just hang on and ride it out til it subsided. It worked! I gradually increased the heights (stairs, bridges, the top of parking structures, tall buildings, etc), and eventually the weirdness about heights disappeared altogether.

Maybe you could try exposing yourself to whatever makes you uncomfortable in small doses every day: A quick drive around the block, a trip to the market, driving from easy traffic into heavier traffic just briefly - a block or two - then coming back. Maybe the mere fact that you know beforehand that your exposure will be limited will allow you to build up a tolerance.

If you found yourself in a position of having to make an Interstate trip our of necessity sometime, you could break that down into manageable segments, too. Allow plenty of time to get there, and then get on for - say - 2 miles. Or 2 exits. Or even 1 exit - whatever works. Then get off and take a break. Then get back on again, and when you're start to feel nervous, get off. Over time, you may find yourself needing fewer and fewer breaks.

Another thought about interstates: Do you feel maybe your driving skills are getting a little rusty, or that you're losing your "edge"? I felt my skills were a little rusty because I wasn't on the freeway all day, every day, like I was when I was younger. I wasn't fearful, just aware that I wasn't driving my best. I took a high-performance driving course at a local motor speedway. (Not racing skills, but highway survival skills.) This helped immensely. For one thing, it taught me how to use anti-lock brakes properly! They even had a special "skid-car" we all drove, that simulated driving on ice. My instructor taught me how to do "stab-and-steer" emergency braking that, just one week later, allowed me avoid an accident on the freeway when I was in heavy traffic that suddenly and unexpectedly went from 70 mph down to zero.

There are also courses called "55 Alive" for middle-aged to senior people to take that can teach them tricks for dealing with the limitations that come with getting older (less neck flexibility for backing up, less-acute night vision, slower reflexes, etc.)

Same with crowds.... expose yourself to smaller versions for a limited time, then leave. Once relaxed, go back. Repeat as much and as often as you can handle. Some form of mental distraction might help, too. In a crowd, try looking at various people and try to imagine their lives. What profession are they? Do they have kids? Pets? Where are they going? What music are they listening to on their iPod? Who are they talking to on the phone, and about what? What kind of car do you think they drive. A BMW? A Mini-Cooper? An old clunker? A Harley-Davidson?

I hope you're able to find a way to overcome your sensitivities. Life is too short to be limited by ANYTHING!

Take care, and good luck!

Oh yeah - AnaPhylaxis

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I have them so bad at times that it would be easy to mistake it for a full-blown cardiac arrest.

I'm very OCD (I think most MTs tend to be, actually, since we're very detailed). Any little change in my routine, even something fun like shopping or going to get my hair done, will trigger an attack just because it's a change in my daily routine.

The very worst one I ever had was when the cable service tech came out to work on our internet. The attack started building when he called to say he was in the complex and would be at our place in just a couple of minutes...and it kept building and building the entire time he was in our apartment. Unfortunately, he was there at least 30 minutes with me barely able to breathe, out of Xanax, trying desperately to calm myself down by sipping warm herbal tea and making myself breathe. Oh my gosh, it was horrible. I finally told my husband to go ask the service tech just how much longer he was going to be there, because I knew the attack wouldn't subside until several minutes after he left.

Cold sweat, constricted chest from my sternum up to both sides of my jaw, heart beating like I'd just climbed Mt. Everest. Oy.

You have my sympathies. As a result of my OCD and panic attacks, it's gotten to the point where I find it VERY difficult to do anything spontaneous and have to plan things at a minimum of 24 hours in advance so I can actually enjoy an outing without the panic taking over.

I've always tended towards OCD, but I think it's just gotten progressively worse over the years. Getting older is no fun. :/

Another thing is, I think working from home,...... - Mom22dogs

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..... as it appears MOST of us do, makes panic disorders worse. We don't have the impetus to get out of the house. It's like we're in a little cocoon and we get to the point where it just gets too uncomfortable to leave the house. I'm not that bad (yet), but got to nip this thing!

Agree 100% - nm

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Absolutely!!!!!!!! - nm

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Panic Attacks - The Phoenix

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I feel for you. I understand what you are going through. It can be a struggle. From time to time I have experienced panic attacks related only to driving. Especially over bridges. I have struggled in the past with driving on wide open freeways too. And for some reason only in certain sections of the freeway. But I found that the more I avoided driving these areas the worst it got. I overcome it by getting on the freeway and driving as far as I can before I feel uncomfortable. Then I get off. Take a few deep breaths, tell myself I can do it, and get back on and drive a little more. I do this over the bridge too. Right now I am able to drive almost anywhere, even long distances without panic. I say a mantra or prayer before I drive. One thing I have discovered is that at times in my life when I get this panic disorder it is during times when I have lost confidence in myself or going through some stressful situation. The most powerful mantra that has helped me is repeating out loud in the car, "I can do all things through Christ."

I'm the Queen of panic attacks - jitteryjo

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I have been getting panic attacks since kindergarten. I find now that I'm in my 50's if I have ANY caffeine at all it sends me into a full blown panic attack. I have found meditation to be helpful (I needed guided meditation that you can find on CDs). And keep telling yourself NO ONE has EVER died of a panic attack (even though it sure feels like it at that time. If I'm driving on the highway, if I can't get off an exit, I pull over. If I'm at the grocery store or the mall, I walk out, go to my car and just sit or take a brisk walk and then go back in to finish my shopping (and give myself a big pat on the back for having the courage to go back in). Remember, panic attacks are only temporary and the more you tell yourself they won't have control over you, you WILL start to believe it and they will lessen. Stay strong!! :o)

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