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The voting for "like" and "dislike" is not working properly

Posted: Apr 29, 2013

for some messages.

I've been able to vote two to three times (even more), which it ALLOWED me to do, yet the vote total never increased to show that I voted even once.

Be careful if you decide to "like" or "dislike" something on this board.


I never understood why there is even this function - should be disabled - sm

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Sometimes I go to vote and it says I cannot vote again, even though I've never voted and it was the first time reading the message.

Besides, it's not like it means anything. When you have 200 and more people who have read the message, 6 of them vote and then people claim that everyone is for or against something. LOL

I like the function and wish it worked properly. - nm

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I like it too except when I accidentally like or dislike - when I meant to do opposite

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or if my cat gives my hand a nudge just as I'm ready to click which causes a like/dislike mishap.

I've not noticed a malfunction.

Its useless and has no function. - sm

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There really is no function to it. It does not serve any purpose. The only thing it tells me is if more conservatives or liberals are taking the time to click on a button and I think "oooooohhhh.....weeeeeeeee.....pretty little button. Mommy, mommy, can I please push the button".

It actually has no function and serves no purpose because there is no basis behind it (i.e. doesn't serve to prove truth or un-truth).
Agree. Just tells you there are more liberals than - conservatives. Who cares.
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You do realize that the like/dislike feature - Bob Loblaw
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is available on most boards on this site, right? The hope is that with this feature, posters can simply voice their agreement or disagreement with a post instead of posting yet another pointless drive-by or engage a troll poster until the thread runs off the page to the right. Click and move on. This keeps the board (hopefully) free of junk posts that we have to wade through in order to get to the posts with substance.

You're really not trying to suggest that the like/dislike feature was placed on here in order to pick on poor cons by reminding them that there are sooooo many liberals, are you? Trust me, there are plenty of your fellow republicans/conservatives (the rational ones) disliking some of the RW guano posts on here too.
of course it has a function - sm
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it's just a poll of likes vs dislikes. That is the purpose. It is based on opinion. Of course it doesn't tell truth from untruth. lol. I see it makes you really mad, though.
You see wrong. It doesn't make me mad - Takes a lot more than that to make me mad - sm
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I was just stating it has no function, which it does not. If the children like pushing a button that's fine. I just find it a useless function as it does not give an accurate like or dislike. For instance 40 people so far have read your message. 10 have pushed the pretty button. The only thing that tells us is that 10 of your liberal pals had nothing better to do than to push the pretty button. Same with my posts. It's not a true poll or accurate as to whether something is right or wrong.

Again, nope, doesn't make me mad. I just find it a useless feature. Especially when posters can go in and push the button as many times as they want. For all I know it was only one person who pushed the pretty button 10 times. Therefore proving again, it's not an accurate poll and serves no function.
Why is this such a big issue to you? - just curious
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In 500 words or less, please.
How does weighing on a post = children? - Sugar Queen
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First of all, I don't care about the like/dislike function so much as the conversations that are taking place.

But I also don't see how clicking it makes one a child. So, someone silently gave their opinion on a post...that hardly equates childishness.

From what I can see, it's not possible to vote twice. You can press the button as many times as you want, but it just tells you that you cannot vote again for the same message.

You seem to have disdain for the "pretty little button." It's just a stupid button--who cares? Use it or don't use it, but why insult the people who are using it?
Because we are on the same board where not watching a video = jihad sympathizers - Bob Loblaw
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Totally guano.

it's working fine - sm

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Read your own post: You can click as many times as you want, but the vote total does not increase: that means it's working. :)

There is no magic hand that will prevent you from clicking again, but as you noticed, the count doesn't change.

Ditto - Working fine for me as well, no bugs - NM

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Of course it's working fine. As you can see from where - Bob Loblaw

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this thread headed - as well as comments in the past from cons keeping track and commenting on of the number of dislikes - I have a funny feeling that the point trying to be made by all of this is more supposed liberal bias... this time in the dislike counter as ridiculous as that sounds. It must be rough having the world against you and being constantly picked on. It aint easy being conservative :*(
BTW, I liked my post more than once, and IT WORKED - Bob Boblaw
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because I'm a lib and have the secret code. Muuuhahahahaha!
nope. all three of those are mine - ; )
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I just "liked" your post four times. When I - sm
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started, the number was 9, and after my last "like," the number was 9.

Just FYI.

It's working fine for me. - Sugar Queen

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But it doesn't really matter either way, so I don't see what we need to "be careful" about. Does anyone actually care?

I don't see how you can vote 2-3 times. You're supposed to be limited to 1 time - Truthhurts

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If my finger does a "twitchy" when I'm ready to click on a like or dislike, I get a message that I'm only allowed to vote once and the 2nd vote never shows.

DUH!!! That was the point of the thread to begin - sm

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with: to let you know you CAN do that. I already KNOW you're not SUPPOSED to be able to do it.

DUH! It doesn't let me do it. DUH! That was the point of my answer. nm - Truthhurts

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Then why didn't you POST that in your answer? - sm
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It only happens with certain posts. Keep trying. You'll find a few that let you vote more than once.
she did. - sm
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let it go already. You can't vote more than once. You should think about the possibility that someone else is voting at the same time you are clicking, or even the possibility that you *thought* you voted, but hadn't. Don't be confused because it says "your like/dislike vote submitted". It says that all the time. It doesn't change the count.
She absolutely DID NOT. She talked in terms of - sm
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what it was "supposed" to allow or disallow. Nowhere in her post did she said she TRIED it.

You need to reread her post.
you have to CLICK to open the post - sm
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The poster clearly states she tried it: "If my finger does a "twitchy" when I'm ready to click on a like or dislike, I get a message that I'm only allowed to vote once and the 2nd vote never shows."

I smell a conspiracy and have already - contacted Todd Barnes.

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I'm sure he'll do an in-depth opinion piece on how this like/dislike conspiracy is ruining America.

Lol... Get Fox on it! America's like/dislike freedoms are under ATTACK - Bob Loblaw

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by like/dislike hatin' liberals! It's a War on the Dislike Button.

The posters who post under multiple personas - sm

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and trying to insinuate support for their positions have a hard time confronting the reality of the single use like/dislike button.

Aside from that, I think something must have gone haywire with the message that you usually get that you cannot like/dislike more than once. I tried liking/disliking multiple times just now and the counter did not move.

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