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When voting, it is really easy to pick which
Posted: Nov 3, 2012

You're right. I voted against the party who thinks - lies and smears are their ticket to the WH.
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Recycled failed campaign strategy from 2008, but thanks for the reminder.
I did too. That why I voted - republican
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Republican all the way. Tired of the lies and smears from the democrats. Including here.
Hey, to each his own. - Different strokes.
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Evidently it'll take a few more failed election cycles for the die-hards to get the moderation message the GOP has strayed so far from recently.
Same for me.... all Republican this time, even - though I am an Independent. nm
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Actually, neither represents an ideology, just propaganda. I'm for - equality of all people and the rights to
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life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I'm for
The Bill of Rights.
Government that exists to serve the people--all the people, to create an optimal, secure framework within which people can exercise their rights to the full.
Government that is open to scrutiny by the people, AND the right of the people to have privacy from the government.
I've run dry for the moment, but there's lots more. If anyone's not entirely sure whether I'm on his or her side or the "other," maybe we have a lot more in common than we've been lead to think.
Voting and EMR Mandate - DACHLADY
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Think about the mandate for EMRs when you vote. How many MT jobs will be lost due to this mandate? We need to protect our jobs.
Your concerns are mine, but there's much, much more - to consider and much more at stake--for us.nm
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Voting and EMR Mandate - DACHLADY
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As the owner of a small business EMRs have cost at least 12 people there jobs in the past 6 months. How many more have been lost in our MT communities.
Whatever. I want a decent job, fair pay for my long hours of work, AND affordable - healthcare. Just a job isn't cutting it.sm
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What you say we should vote for--continuation of the status quo--is what is sending most of us to the poor house.
Besides, the notion that the EHR would go away if we chose a Republican president is just plain silly. President Bush started this new-technology ball rolling, and it's been growing and picking up speed ever since. Both current candidates will support the EHR. That's just the way it is.
And speaking of, employment in almost all areas of the healthcare industry is growing more than almost any other field. Use it. Good luck.
Over 30 yrs of MT I've ALWAYS had to keep up with - progressive technologies and
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follow the direction of where the jobs go. THAT mandate is nothing new. FYI, W's not running this time. He's the one who charted the EMR course by executive order back in 2004.
Furthermore, hospitals are presumably - going to EMR to
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save $$$ and possibly improve patient care. Neither candidate will make one bit of difference when it comes to this. Hospitals care only about the bottom line, and MTs are now fairly disposible, so that is where we are headed.
It's like a blacksmith calling foul and blaming the govt after - the auto replaced horses and buggies.
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Good luck turning back that tide. Did you know one of the first hospitals to adopt EMR was the LDS hospital in Utah back in 1967? Like any other brainchild of private enterprise, it took decades for the cost of the technology to be feasible for widespread use and presidents from both parties have had oversight in the part the feds played in getting us to where we are today.
Confused, Dachlady. No EMR if Romney is - elected? Really? How so? NM
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Actually, I don't care for either candidate. But, rather - than just sit out the election, like - SM
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I had originally planned, the consequences to this country if Romney were to get into the White House would be so dire, that I'm going to have to vote for Obama after all, just to be sure Romney doesn't win. At least with Obama, the country will have another 4 years to (TRY!) to get itself back on track, and out of the hole Bush dug us into. If Romney and all his right-wing/religious dogma make it into the White House during these dangerous times, it's unlikely the country's government, or its citizens, will EVER recover.
This time, we're not just voting for a candidate (because let's face it, neither is anything to write home about), we are voting for keeping the country afloat long enough that it can recover from the Great Recession that began during a republican administration, and was inherited by this administration. Obama didn't do a very good job of fixing the economy, but then again, it was badly broken (by the Bush administration), and he had the republicans fighting him every inch of the way. The fact that he accomplished anything at all is a minor miracle. Still, I would have liked him to have taken a stronger stand against them. So I'm disappointed.
If we had a viable 3rd party candidate running, I would cast my vote for them, but unfortunately the way things stand, that would just be throwing away a valuable vote in a year when the two frontrunners are running neck-and-neck, and the fate of all of us hangs in the balance this time. It isn't just about our favorite party, either Pub or Dem, winning this time. It's about whether we will even be able to survive.
Good for you! It's coming down to every vote at this point. - Hope the weather's lovely for you.nm
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Huh? The consequences are "dire" if we - dont remove Obama -the destroyer !! nm
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Voting for someone just because you don't like the other candidate is like - backwards typist
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closing the barn door after the horse ran away.
Sorry, but I voted straight ticket this year for the 2nd time in my life and it certainly wasn't for Obama. He has killed the middle class and divided this country like i've never seen before. The only other person I know did that was Abraham Lincoln before the Civil War.
Whether you like it or not, Obama did not follow through and get this country up and running again. Sometimes, I wish Obama would get re-elected because when things finally do crash, they can't blame anyone but him. If Romney wins, the effect of Obama's policies will give the progressive liberals an excuse to keep on hating.
Sorry, but I voted straight ticket this year for the 2nd time in my life and it certainly wasn't for Obama. He has killed the middle class and divided this country like i've never seen before. The only other person I know did that was Abraham Lincoln before the Civil War.
One of the worse things they did was allow the Fed to keep printing money willy-nilly and then borrow money from other countries - with China being the largest holder of our debt. Don't forget, this is part of the reason why S&P downgraded our credit rating. The other reason was because of Harry Reid, whether you believe it or not, because he blocked almost all legislation from the House, except those that had a (D) behind the bill.
Next will come inflation. Are you ready for that? Our money is devalued because there is so much of it in circulation. Sooner or later, it will get worse, no matter who is president, unless someone who understands how things work puts the brakes on runaway government.
You want another stimulus? I sure don't, but that's what Obama is planning if he's re-elected. Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren are going to pay dearly.
Backwards, I don't understand what you think or why. One of us is - completely wrong about everything.nm
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Great response - P.S. Backwards, it AINT YOU THAT'S WRONG
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OP was very concise and logical in her reasoning - bootstraps
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And who are any of us to challenge another's voting decision reason?
I've seen this argument on both sides (voting against rather than for). At least it's a reason.
I've seen more on the Republican side voting against Obama rather than for Romney. They don't like him. That's a reason and I'm just glad people are voting.
oh... too bad Lincoln opposed slavery. We could be one big happy racist family, we could have saved a lot of lives, and civil rights would be who knows where.
Actually, it started with Clinton - with the housing.
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Greenspan kept it going and the banks, etc. Of course, not one person was complaining back in 2004-2006. Everyone was making money and buying homes. Just cannot figure out how some people can buy homes with a $25,000 a year job and purchase a $500,000 home and allowing no interest only loans. THE PEOPLE WHO WERE IN GREED DID IT TO THEMSELVES. BUSH DID NOT TAKE A GUN TO THEIR HEAD AND MAKE THEM PURCHASE HOMES THEY COULD NOT AFFORD.
Bush got us through 9-11 attack and hurricane Katrina. For some reason, I felt safer when Bush was in office than I do now with Obama in office.
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