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Republican stoops

Posted: Apr 20, 2012

depending upon interpretation.  Both McCain and Palin have inserted dog references into their public comments this past day or 2.  Mccain at Unity event stated his bulldog was not on the menu.  Palin, in saying Secret Service scandal was all Mr. president's fault of course, also threw in a comment about not eating the dogs.  These are the revered leaders of the conservative party? Bow wow wow yippy aye yippy ay.



Pres. O first claimed in his book that he ate dog as a child... - pr

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...they're just projecting from there.

As usual, rather than have facts, Libs - would rather slam McCain and Palin

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who are responding to what Libs/Dems started as "war on dogs" with Romney. Yeah, don't put them in a kennel, just eat 'em. Another diversion by the far-out left to divert any attention from BOs horrific record.

delighted to see - cons

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exposing their eagerness to make derogatory comment on subjects they havent investigated fully. Bliss on the Friday.
delighted to see - libs - sm
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"exposing their eagerness to make derogatory comment on subjects they havent investigated fully. Bliss on the Friday."

Pretty typical lib behavior, speak first, accuse others, fact fiacility NEVER.

there is a difference between food and pets - sm

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Are you saying that since Obama ate dog meat, it's reasonable for Romney to tie his pet to the roof of a car? Sorry, but Palin and McCain are making fools of themselves with no help from the left. Romney's behavior is not counteracted by Obama having tried dog meat.

Different cultures eat different things, many you... - sm

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would probably find much more distasteful than dog. LOL! Some culture consider pork and beef taboo. Sarah Palin eats moose and bear; do you? I'm curious why the subject of Obama eating dog when a child in Indonesia even warrants comment.

Romney didn't tie his dog to the top of his car... - pr

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...he tied the dog CARRIER to the top, complete with it's own protective windshield. The dog loved it and jumped aboard every time it could. Sounds like something my own fun-loving, family-loving, adventurous dog would do.

Vomiting and diarrhea don't sound like a - happy dog. nm

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Prove it, where's your source, no links, no credibility - How do know what happened 25+ years ago?
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Another flamer, no facts.
Actually Ann Romney said it in an interview. - nm
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you havent met my dog then - happy fido
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but often has upset tummy. Especially when I tie it to the washing machine to keep the machine from jumping around.

Oh no Mr. Bill! - nm
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Dems/LIbs were in such a hurry to - condem and villify

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As usual, they never bothered to check the facts.

Another thing that blew up in their faces. Just look at the goofy comments on this board after OP first put this up.

Dems/Libs SOOOOOOO desparate for anything to take the focus off of Obama's abject failure on all counts.
No. We are just humoring you people who don't want to - talk about the real issues. nm
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Well, the joke is on the Dems and Libs - Bwhahahahhaha - nm
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for goodness sake... - sm

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Fact for fact, putting your dog carrier on the roof is a good way to get your dog killed.

Maybe the Romneys needs more specific warning labels, such as: "don't use hairdryer in the shower" and "don't place dog on roof while traveling".

Ever see the contents of someone's luggage on the highway?
LOL! Please see message. - sm
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I bought a handheld blow dryer one time, and in the instructions, there was the warning, "Do not operate while sleeping."

Even if I WAS capable of doing so, I wouldn't choose to do it! LOL!

Pretty clueless OP here - Those references were in direct

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response to the stupid comments made by Dems and Libs regarding Romney's dog. Guess it's okay for Obama to eat one though (p.s. until you get a clue, Obama wrote that he first ate dog meat when he was in Indonesia). Talking about "stupes"

Mirror - mirror

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you call poster clueless when you dont understand the reference yourself. By the by, it is not an american custom to eat dog true, but to make a joke about other countries' eating habits is just so ugly American. Embarrassing and childish, but you have to be an adult with a sensivity to other cultures to realize that.

It is illegal to tie a dog to the roof of your car - (!)

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The two dog stories are not even comparable, and there's no sense trying to make them so. Dog is eaten in many countries in the world. Tying your PET DOG to the roof of your vehicle, however, is unlawful in even the most "backward" nations. It's a stupid thing to do, and if Obama tied his family's dog to the car, I would find that just as stupid.

It's silly to defend Romney's stupid behavior just because you like his politics.

i didnt agree - with Mitt's

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dog action, but the dog was okay so it was more of a funny story than anything to get up on my tippie toes over. The People he hurt by destroying their jobs while having his photo taken with pocketsful of cash, now that is concerning to me.

It is illegal to tie a dog to the roof of your car - (!) - BUT OKAY TO KILL A BABY - THE INSANITY

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"It's silly to defend" Obama's "stupid behavior just because you like his politics".

Oh what fake moral outrage...BTW - Nobody was "defending" anything. They were pointing out the hypocrisy of the left, which is sadly intact.
Killing babies is - very illegal
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Call Planned Parenthood, they will tell you nix on the baby killing.
TO "call PP"poster - You can call it a zygote
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to clear your conscience of murder, but those respecting and cherishing life call them babies.

Call PP yourself; you and PP seem to be on same disgusting page. Since they support the murders, no bias there.

Now flame, flame, flame!
I'd druther call it Chester after - the sperm donor
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if that allright with you cap-i-tan.
respecting life is good for all species - even pets..........nm
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No point in flaming any more than YOU did in your post. - nm
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I think the whole thing is kind of funny, with - twitter pic that was posted

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of Obama and the dog in his car by his senior campaign strategist saying how loving owners transports their dogs, and then Romney's strategist retweeting that in hindsight it(photo) was chilling. That's just funny. I could really care less if Obama tried dog meat. Personally, I'm an American, and I don't eat dog. I also do not care if Romney put his dog in a kennel on the top of his vehicle, not where my pooch is riding, but I don't think it was being done out of intentional cruelty either.

As far as Palin and McCain commenting on it, of course they do, as would the lib side if they said something hypocritical. That's just the way it works. I'm still up in the air about the secrect service stuff. I'm sure we know very little about what really happened and who all is really to blame.

I couldn't agree with you more - Trigger Happy

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These dog stories are really unimportant and I couldn't care less if Obama ate dog or if Romney strapped his dog to the roof of the car. Who cares!

I think both sides make big deals out of the dumbest things. I've got more important things to worry about than what Romney and Obama do with dogs.

As for the secret service thing, I don't know all the details but if I were Obama, I'd be SUPER ticked at those guys for pulling that crap while on a trip with him.

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