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Republican Yahoos

Posted: Jan 30, 2012

Well, nolw...that's interesting...so happens "us yahoos" have watched this Idiot in the White House send our country down a slippery slope straight to h___ in a hand-basket.  The "Annointed One", does not walk on water as some think, has never even operated a candy store and thinks he can run this country.  He's a slick one tho...not only is he incompetent, but surrounds himself with others who can't walk and chew gum at the same time...(i.e. Biden who gives new meaning to the word Stupid)...can't wait for him to plop his foot in his mouth again.  Seems like nobody remembers the lies Obama and his administration have told...but people like you can put Republicans down and we are supposed to just sit here and take it...ain't gonna happen.  We intend to fight back.


Obama inherited Bush's mess. Anything bad that - happens now is because of a Repub. Congress.

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Yup. That's about it in a nutshell. - Sums it up nicely. nm

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You are joking right? Not even a nice try - what if

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Nice little scam ya got there going. Nothing will ever be a democrats fault. Hey if it isn't Bush, blame the republican before him, if that doesn't work do the one before him, etc, etc.

Sheesh people are you for real? No, I'm serious are you???

Let me set you straight on a couple things.

1. Obama inherited a mess.
2. Obama did not do anything to fix it.
3. Three years later (not overnight) he still hasn't done anyting to fix it and it's getting worse.

Blaming Bush is a cop out. That time has come and gone. When your beloved creates problems he is the one to take the blame. You don't get to blame his mistakes on Bush anymore.

This absolute crap about "anything that ever happens in the future will be a republicans fault" is a bunch of garbage and I'm sick of it. The obvious hateful remarks need to stop. Put blame where blame is do. If a republican makes a mistake blame them. If a democrat makes a mistake blame them. Not blame everything on a republican whether or not it's their fault.

No where near even a nice try. Shame shame shame on you!!!

Well - sm

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It took George Bush 8 years to make the mess and you think Obama can straighten it out in 3, especially when everything he tries to do he is fought tooth and nail by the pubs.

Shame, Shame, shame on you!!!!
well-sm - veryshort memory you all have
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Obama had complete control of EVERYTHING FOR 2 YEARS and we all see the mess Obama made. Lost control because of Obama's complete incompetence to handle anything bigger than a beer summit and even that he screwed up. Will take a repub 16 years to clean up what Obama leaves behind...cleaning up after Obama is like cleaning up after an elephant with loose bowels. How quickly you forget the mess GW got....Recession left my Clinton (no DEMS every talk about that,
9-1-1, kept us safe and no attacks on American soil after. Claim that BO cannot make. Nice try.
I wouldn't exactly claim that GWB kept us safe - ...
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The fact that 9/11 happened at all is a testament to the fact that we had a leader who was asleep at the wheel.

Come on now, this is America. We are the most powerful superpower on the face of the earth. Yet, we were outwitted by terrorists and FAILED to scramble fighter jets in a timely fashion. Please. Save the 9/11 talk.
Not interested in - what you "claim"
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Notice how you left out all the problems since commander in whiner took over. During congressional hearings (Clinton era) Oliver North testified to the danger of bin Laden and was literally laughed at. So much for falling asleep. Took take a quote from another poster "crack a history book" and then wake up yourself.
Well - Mgm
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Darn right you are! I'm so sick of hearing about "real" Americans and taking "our" country back, I could scream. What did you people expect after Bush and Co. did everything they could to screw us, got us involved in 2 wars at once (I won't even go into that fiasco). We heard the most ridiculous speculations ever from supposedly halfway intelligent people (enter birthers and such), republicans who've made it their mission to get Obama out, no matter how it hurts the country, and these people complain? It boggles the mind!

Better take a good, long, hard look in the mirror Mr. We're going to fight back. We're going to be fighting, too.

Just what we need, another nightmare with a repub prez and repub Congress. Holy Shades of Bush and Rove! Are you crazy?
Bigger nightmare - Is Obama and Dems
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What a sorry excuse Obama is. Totally incompetent, except at golf. People will be fighting just as hard as you on the other side.....THANK GOD!
non sequitur - as usual NM
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No, you have that wrong once again - what if - sm
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Shame on you for pulling that. So what happens after 8 years and things still aren't fixed. Oh well since it took Bush 8 years, it will take him 16 or 32 or heck why not say it's going to take 1000 years to fix what Bush did. (P.S. Bush did do some good things while in office).

Have you no shame people. Put blame where blame is do. If you say you are going to end wars, but don't or start new ones that's not the previous guys/gals fault. If you promise one thing in your campaign and after being in there over 3 or 4 years or more and you don't make your promises come true, hey guess what, it aint the guys/gals fault before you either.

No, not everything is fought on. And if youre going to walk down that dark path you can say the same when a republican president is in that the democrats fight tooth and nail not to see any of it come to light or to make the republican president a 1 term. But thank God we have republicans to not approve of the bad deals. Of course there are always some republicans that vote for things that are not good for the country, but then there are also democrats on the other side who do the same thing.

So the shame is still on you for such a lame attempt at excusing the mess he is getting us in.
republicans walk on water - pOcO
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They are the only true Merkins dont ya know. they are saints and the rest of us are dirty defecating heathens that should be OFF THE STREETS.
pOcO - Yep got it right finally
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I didn't say that, but you evidently think that about republicans - what if - see message
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I never said anything in my message that eluded to that. I said put blame where blame is due. If a republican makes a mistake blame him/her if a democrat makes a mistake blame him/her. What part of that don't you understand? No, instead you want to play the childish game of how I think democrats are "dirty defacating heathens that should be OFF THE STREETS". Huh, where did you come up with that? (not a question so don't bother answering cos I won't be reading any more of your messages). Reminds me of the saying "what are you 12?". You don't want to blame democrats for any wrong doing that they themselves do. If they do something wrong, heck lets pin it on a republican. Doesn't matter who, just whoever is the closest will do.

I never even eluded to what you said, but it's obvious that's what you think about republicans.

Oh yeah, by the way. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me or who I vote for or what issues I agree or disagree with. All I said was put blame where blame is due and you come up with some childish tantrum because you don't want to hold the democrats responsible for their mistakes. Well hope that works out for ya.

Oh yeah, by the way - nobody on this board who is a conservative/independent or affiliates with any other party (or no party) than the democrats ever wrote anything like that. However, the dems/libs are always insulting like you did. And below one of your kind (i.e. your party) wrote "We can only safeguard our future by keeping blood thirsty throngs of republicans safely contained."

Seems like you libs have the insults hands down. No wonder there is no civility in the country.
I did put the blame where it belongs! - nm
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No you didn't - Ru dds2?
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I said to put blame where it belongs. You did not. One day you'll wake up and find out he's not a god after all.
Never said he was God - sm
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Just said I did put the blame where it belongs and I did. Maybe you are the one who should wake up.

To what if - Exactly why you can not educate a Lib/Dem/Progress

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Since they all think they walk on water, especially the "anointed one", who routinely confuses himself with God...they never learn from their mistakes. Therefore, they are destined to repeat them. Obama, Whiner in Chief, ASKED for the job and has done nothing but complain and blame since. Go back to his speech in 2008 where he claimed to be the one the "world was waiting for"...yeah the communist world. What an arrogant monster.
Speaking of whining - mbmt
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There have been quite a number of posts about how rude the Dems/liberals are to the conservatives on this board. I dare to differ, and your post is a good example. That being said, I do not see President Obama as being anything like what you have described. You are making things up, but you knew that didn't you?
and its always the - pOcO
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sane old rote crap everytime. Wish she would Crack a thesaurus once in a while. Obama parts the sea. Obama wept. Obama wrested the devil (Bush) in the desert. Just a little variety in your harangues would be much appreciated.
Whining-mbmt - Stop accusing others without knowing what you'
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Ha? - mbmt
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So what do you think Romney will do differently? - me

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Is that who you are expecting to change the status quo?

Or perhaps I misunderstood you. What do you mean by "We intend to fight back"?

Republican Yahoos - Jake

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...don't recall mentioning Romney...the fight back part is in regard to posts like the one I responded to in the first place...the verbal attack on us yahoos being raised by wolves.  I just happen to like wolves.  More of us Republican Conservatives need to fight back verbally...kind of surprised (but not toally surprised) this needed an explanation...

Any of the four candidates would do everything differently... - Zville MT

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that's what this country needs!

clunky funky garrison keillor mimic - totally guano

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Funny how when conservatives feel totally overwhelmed by a democrat's intellect and abilities, they call the dem "slick." I personally prefer someone slick to someone like Newt who I would term "slimy" The walking on water bit, only extremists keep repeating that meme. Democrats think like adults, don't have to resort to such silly talk to make a point.

What do Republicans get when they try to copy Democrats? - a very creepy Garrison Keillor

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Like in a B horror move, or kinda reminds me of Sarah Palin and the 2nd amendment crowd.

What do Dems get when they copy Repubs - Intelligent behavior

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"Copy a Democrat"? - Jake
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No true Republican in his or her right mind would ever try to copy a Democrat. 



This has nothing to do with the topic - read this

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But you have my vote for the best moniker ever! Instead of a like/dislike option, this board should have a guano rating scale with the options of partially, mostly, and pure guano.

Thank you for the laugh which is refreshing as opposed to my standard eye roll, head shake, and occasional jaw drop after reading some posts.

Take care.

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