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Pubs, the Filibuster Royalty
Posted: Aug 12, 2012
I hope I do not have to explain filibuster again.

*** - ***
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"I HOPE I DON'T HAVE EXPLAIN THIS AGAIN...We all know what a fillibuster is. We also know that the Dems had control in House and Senate the last 2 years of Bush Admin, first 2 years of Obama AND BLEW IT BIG TIME because of the refusal to work with any Republicans. It is not a hard concept for most to grasp on this board, but ya seem to be having trouble with the word majority (The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total)...maybe this will help. AGAIN, majority was the topic; try to stay with us buttercup.
Spin it any way you want, but *** you might end up in China.
It is clear from YOUR *** response that - sm
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you are *** of filibuster facts. Sixty votes are required to override a filibuster. The democrats had a filibuster-proof senate for all of two weeks I believe.
Sepaking of "***" - Why so *** grasshopper? Movin' on
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blahblahblah...the facts just kill your ***.
But you stay hung up on the fillibuster tunnel vision, ***.
***...Yawn. Done reading your posts - ***
Your oversight of differing procedural rules on - that dictate
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what passes by majority vote and what doesn't defines your tunnel vision.
MODERATOR - PERSONAL ATTACK HERE - No contribution to thread
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And let's not forget the nasty...sm - JTBB
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"now post beneath me where you belong" messages, which have been constant for quite some time.
And let's not forget the nasty...sm - JTBB - The constant "clueless comments
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directly below this post, and the constant condescending posts by poster directly above. Pick any post moderator...they all read the same way.
Perhaps you missed the reference to tunnel vision - in the previous post
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to which this one responded. Right on topic, by my read. Could it be irrefutable nature of the content that's the REAL cultprit here?
Yes Moderator - tunnel post is listed in entire form - Due to fact poster above me
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Is misleading, as usual, regarding the origin of the insults.
"Your oversight of differing procedural rules on - that dictate Posted: Aug 12th, 2012 - 5:25 pm In Reply to: Sepaking of "***" - Why so *** grasshopper? Movin' on
what passes by majority vote and what doesn't defines your tunnel vision. "
How is discussing tunnel vision in a thread about tunnel vision - misleading?
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For Pete's sake.
I just wish I could follow this thread! - nm....ctmt
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Having a hard time accepting reality? - Numbers don't lie
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What are you saying? That the Senate can't count the number of filibusters that they are required by law to record? The numbers all laid out on the pretty chart tell the story. The spin is all yours.
No....will say this slowly for you Spinner - Numbers are not your friend
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Dems were the MAJORITY (definition: the greater number or part; a number more than half of the total) in the Sentate and House the laset 2 years of Bush, the first 2 years of Obama.
Dems refusal to cooperate with Repubs is all on them and no one other than the Dems. Their inability to negotiate ANYTHING is all owned by Dems.
No one commented on the fillibuster distortion regarding legal requirements other than you.
Keep up the spin and straying off topic to try and avoid what was actually stated. WE ALL can read. Your spin and the relentless desire to carry on about the fillibuster, does not change the number of the Dems in the House in Senate the last 2 years of Bush, first 2 years of Obama.
Hope you can understand the simplicity of the majority, meaning actual number being discussed, of Dems in the House and Senate during that time.
"The spin is all yours".
Wow! You are obviously clueless to the facts. sm - VTMT
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It has been posted many times in the past few days that a filibuster-proof senate requires 60 votes, not 51 a majority, but 60 votes. Get it?
Wow! You are obviously clueless to the facts. sm - VTMT - We know what you can't grasp
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Do you read English? If not, that would explain a lot.
You seem to have a major hurdle with a very simple concept. WE know what a fillibuster is; WE know how it takes place; WE know why it takes place.
OP CLEARLY stated they were referring to the actual, physical number of Dems in the House and Senate for that period of time. The Dems outnumbered the Reubs; hence, the majority of Dems in both houses by actual bodies that held those seats. Get it yet? All the charts and spins do not change the fact that the Dems in majority refused to work with the Repubs in the minority. IT IS THE DEMS SOLE FAULT THEY REFUSED TO COOPERATE IN ANY WAY WITH THE REPUBS.
With all the respect you show others on this board, you are the last one I would go to for any history or political facts;' you got the corner on "clueless" (direct lib quote meant to insult).
You want to fixate on what is a fillibuster and continue to post your insulting comments go head. None of your spin changes that fact that there were more Democrat bodies (actual physical bodies since you cannot seem to grasp the number thing) than there were Republican bodies (actual physical bodies).
...and the number of "physical bodies" do not - VTMT
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matter unless there are 60 of them if either side filibusters and refuses to compromise. Therefore, claims that the democrats had a "super-majority" are false.
Again, trouble with the written word I see - No one but you
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Mentioned "super majority". The word used was "majority" - Huge difference. OP was correct; you not so much. Nice try on the spin though. A dictionary would explain the difference in words and their meaning for you dear.
Oh dear! I guess my 30 years as a language specialist (MT) were wasted. nm - VTMT
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Just a suggestion for you - you have a better chance of
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breaking through solid rock with a tooth pick then trying to get through the mindset of the Dems/Libs on this board. Your posts were very clear, but since it does not fit the Dem's talking points and spin, they will hound you relentlessly and try to act as if their comment is all that counts. Best to just move onto posters with substance and actual facts than what is in this thread. You'll learn soon enough which posters are a major waste of time and only troll to start arguments or insults. Just sayin'
dems/libs repubs/conserves - oldone
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Why are there always fights and name throwing on these posts? I agree with Just a Suggestion For You...move on. The same folks will gripe and insinuate they are the only ones on here with a brain and some will just move on. It really does serve best to move on. I do wonder why some folks seem to think theirs are the only opinion worth reading...and I have been called ignorant. I am far from ignorant...but I know better than to argue with small minds who call others ignorant. Move on and be happy. State your opinions and expect to be called names...but rejoice in the knowledge that all those who think they are legends...are just that...LEGENDS IN THEIR ON MINDS...they would be doctors.hahahahahaha
Enjoyed your post - Conservative
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Especially the part about legends in their own minds. I got a good laugh out of that. When I read this board, I think about the story of the 4 blind men that felt different parts of an elephant, and then were asked to describe what they felt. They all had a different description and all felt they were correct and were forceful in their description. Those that are immature seem to have a major problem with anyone that does not agree with them, and then the personal attacks start. That is something you learn how to handle in high school. Seems some on this board never grew up or learned how to deal with a difference of opinion.
How does body count of one party or the other - in either chamber of Congress
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in any way determine which party does or does not cooperate with the other? The premise of this argument couldn't be more irrelevant. WE all know what happens to arguments that begin with false premises, don't WE?
With regard to the senate in particular, this is truly a no-brainer. Mitch McConnell's first order of business after this session of Congress was sworn in was to set HIS MINORITY PARTY'S priorities. Remember: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
In response, the GOP has set an all-time record for filibusters while using any and every obstructing tactic they can conjure to follow McConnell's lead. This is accepted as common knowledge among voters and political analysts alike.
To sit here and pretend filibusters have nothing to do "failure to cooperate," while insisting which party holds the majority of warm bodies is in any way a factor, is fallacious nonsense. Shouting "majority" a thousand times, and all the name-calling, self-righteous indignation, pontification, and pompous lecturing you can muster is not going to change what WE know about GOP obstructionists in Congress. Whether you want to "get it" or not makes no difference whatsoever.
Clearly you don't understand the post - Try keeping up
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During Democrat reign of terror under Princess Pelosi (D), no Repub idea, bill, etc. was presented to the floor of the House.
During Democrat reign of terror under Prince Harry (D), no Repub idea, bill, etc. was presented to the floor of the Senate.
Let me connect the dots for you since that is such a problem for you. If Democrats, who had the majority (and please note it does not say "super" majority) and refuse to work with the minority, that constitutes lack of cooperation. DO. YOU. GET. IT. NOW? I doubt it?
They are trying to "save face" because they are so wrong - anutter utter rose
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They can never accept when they are wrong. I was quite shocked to have posted a nice factual chart and then come back and see all the ****. I am guessing that they wanted the thread taken down so they did not have to look at their lie/misleading. I wonder what the **** were? I cannot imagine an entire subject and nickname field being censored. Must have hit the reflex for sure.
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