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9/11 First Responders react to Republican Filibuster

Posted: Dec 18, 2010




I was wondering when this issue - no1joe

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was finally going to be brought up on here. I was reluctant to post because I didn't want some back and forth bickering breaking out discounting the source (Jon Stewart/Daily Show) or people flying to the defense of Fox News, etc. This is politics at its most disgusting. Remember 9-11 (not just when it's convenient for you to win votes or ratings). Thank you for posting.

I felt the same way, no1joe. I just could not - handle reading SM

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posts defending this filibuster. I do not see how Fox could defend it either, maybe they just ignore it? I cannot even think of a word to describe how I feel about the people who filibustered, it is beyond words like disgusting. Sadly, I am not really surprised at this.

This is merely one of many, many things the - Republicans are against (sm)

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that would help the "little guy." Of course, it's disgusting and cruel, but these Republicans don't even bother to try to hide that they're strictly for rich people only.

Why do people keep voting for these inhumane individuals?
Oh... I'll tell you why - no1joe
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Now, I usually try to keep my mouth shut because I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I will normally read posts, try to see things from their point of view, and wind up shrugging my shoulders if I disagree. But THIS... this has the Irish AND the NYer in me ON FIRE!! I feel a good old NY-style rant coming on, so here it goes (not directed at you, of course):

Why do people keep voting for these inhumane individuals? One answer, plain and simple: Blind political party loyalty. Big bucks have purchased themselves a fine political party/politicians and news source(s). With this combination in place, the facts are being spun completely and totally out of control and in essence brainwashing the misinformed and party-loyal voting public. If they came right out and said what their goal is (more $ for the uber-rich), would Joe Schmo vote for them? Um...NO! So these crafty individuals start browning (Yes, I used that word in an older post. I can't use the one I want that begins with "s," and I figure if I make up/misuse words and sound asinine in true Palin fashion, people would like me better) the water, turning it into a cesspool full of topics having nothing whatsoever to do with the real issues. The mudslinging begins, and votes are won based on a popularity contest. Now, their craftiness evolves into bottomfeeding when they play on one's fear of the unknown (whether it's fear of some "scary" religion, gays/lesbians, or anyone brown or tan, one's fear of too much government power, one's fear of global warming, one's fear of a society without their God being represeted, and, the cherry on the cake here folks, one's fear of terrorism, and the list goes on and on). They don't care HOW they win votes, just as long as Mr. & Mrs. Uninformed American pick the candidates with the same little animal next to their names. They are BANKING on you being informed with their spin on it. They are doubting people's intelligence, and, in turn, people not only go along like sheep... they run to their defense if others try to question it!!! I don't get it. And this goes for BOTH sides. As neither a Dem nor a Rep, I feel like I have to get news from one end of the spectrum, then go to the other end and hear what they have to say, then try to figure out for myself what is truly going on somewhere in the middle without getting dizzy.

Now, with this particular subject, shame on you Reps and those rushing to their defense. These men and women were the first enlistees on this War on Terrorism that you so conveniently used 9-11 to justify. Honestly, I don't understand why the spin isn't in the other direction... I would think they would be ALL OVER this since the 9-11 terrorists are STILL claiming civilian lives years after the fact. Isn't that a really, really swell reason NOT to put a mosque at Ground Zero? But wait... if we agree that these illnesses are related to 9-11, that would cost money, right? Uh-oh... how do we spin this one? YOU CAN'T! And the sheep are coming out in droves blogging that there is no medical basis for their illnesses being 9-11 related, already accusing first responders of being "deadbeats" looking for a handout, claiming that NY should clean up their own mess, etc. UNBELIEVABLE.

I applaud those who are willing to jump party lines on this subject. Collectively we should keep ourselves unbiasedly informed on ALL issues before we cast our votes and stop voting with a "rah-rah go-team" attitude. As you can see, there can be consequences for not doing so.

As always, excuse any typos & grammar mistakes. *END OF RANT*
BRAVO!! - well said
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I'd like to make one observation here - anon
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I believe blindness to political parties falls on both sides. There are both republicans AND democrats who vote their party line no matter who is running and how bad they are. I'm not talking about this specific incident in particular. I've stayed out of this conversation because I don't know enough about this topic to give my opinion. But I can tell you people will vote party line no matter what party they belong to and I see the demonizing of the other political party only so too often.

Many topics in the past the democrats in office have blatantly shown they could give a rats booty about any of the people they represent. I think the choke level was so high that in December the people spoke loud and clear they were not happy with it.

In my case if a politician does good for the people of the country they get my vote. If they don't they don't.

Just wanted to say the blindness is on both sides.
That's exactly what the poster - said
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The issue happens to be a "shame on you reps" issue, but the overall message was about party lines and one was not demonized any more than the other.

Unconscionable shameful hypocrites - thank you for posting

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Where are our leaders, our statesmen?

Why are we not hearing from the Bushes and the Clintons on this?

And shame on the media for their failure to cover this issue in any meaningful way.

They did not cover it because it is a nonstarter. - They knew it would pass...

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The Democrats pushed for a quick vote on a bill they knew the Republicans would filibuster because of the way they chose to pay for it...a symbolic idiotic vote so Dems could take to the blogs with rants like this. Dems are nothing if not predictable.

didn't mean to confine hyocrisy to one side of the aisle - I agree...

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you're so right, and I am so disappointed by our representatives on both sides of the aisle.

I do believe they have forgotten whom they serve.

I wish they would come down to earth and do some work for the people.

Peace :)

Even Huckabee said Republicans should do what is right - sm

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Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee appeared on "The Daily Show" Thursday and discussed the Senate's stalling of a bill that would provide additional funding to bolster health care coverage of 9/11 first responders. Huckabee agreed that the legislation, known as the Zadroga bill, should be supported by Republicans, who have blocked the bill over concerns of how it would be paid for.

"Every Republican should vote for this bill," Huckabee announced, after Stewart explained that the bill was a standalone measure not attached to any other spending.

"I wish that the Republicans would say, 'we'll fight the battle,'" Huckabee said. "If it needs two [GOP senators to pass], there ought to be 25, 35, 45 Republicans voting for it."

And they are going to....and NOW it is not - going to be paid for

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through taxation.

Huckabee is already running for President.

So, I'm confused now. What did Mitch McConnel - crying have to do with

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fillabuster? I normally would not watch Jon Stewart, but thought I would give it a try. It looked as though they had taken a random video of Mitch McConnell crying, and asked a bunch of first responders what they thought about that. Did I miss something? Did this have anything to do with the actual fillabuster, or was this the media's "spin" on an issue?

Try this link . It's more about the - issue

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I've looked high and low and found that they voted - Backwards Typist

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on a cloture motion which failed on Dec. 9. REID voted AGAINST cloture. Now, does that make sense?

Did they really vote ON THE BILL itself? I can't find anything where they did so, there is still time. But I did find this:

"New York Senators Say Christmas Miracle Coming For 9/11 First Responders
December 19, 2010 3:40 PM

Once the Senate wraps up work on the START treaty, it wonât be time for the Christmas break just yet. Before lawmakers head out of town for the holidays, the Senate will take another shot at a bill that would provide health care benefits and compensation to sick first responders of the 9/11 attacks.

âWe are on the verge of a Christmas miracle,â said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., at a press conference today on Capitol Hill.

Gillibrand and fellow New York Democrat Chuck Schumer said they have the votes to pass the bill before the end of the year now that an agreement has been reached with Republicans on a new way to pay for the measure.

On Dec. 9 the bill failed to advance past a procedural vote in the Senate, but Democrats have since secured the support of the GOPâs Mark Kirk of Illinois and, according to Gillibrand and Schumer, other Republicans who previously objected to how the $6.2 billion bill was paid for.

The House-passed version of the bill offset the costs by closing tax loopholes for foreign companies, a move GOP lawmakers said violated international tax treaties. The new version would off-set the costs by implementing a fee on contracts with foreign countries that have not signed procurement agreements with the United States and by extending a visa fee.

âThe clock is winding down but we are on the verge of an 11th hour breakthrough,â Schumer said. âBarring a setback we believe we are on the path to victory by the end of this week.

âThe heroes who rushed to the towers on 9/11 are heroes who deserve to be taken care of, just like our veterans,â he said. âThatâs what America promised in the days after 9/11. We are holding up that candle so that that promise is met and we will not quit until it is.â

âAmerica will be watching very closely to how this Senate votes on something that goes to the fundamental issue of who we are as Americans and whether we stand by our heroes,â Gillibrand said.

But even if Senate Democrats have the votes to pass the measure, the dwindling number of days before Christmas could present another obstacle. The Senate still has to wrap up work on the START treaty. Then, even if the Senate does pass the 9/11 measure, the House would have to pass it again due to the recent changes.

While the House could ultimately pass the bill by unanimous consent, there is no guarantee that it would -- and the clock is ticking.

âTo go home, whether itâs close to Christmas or not, and leave these heroes abandoned would be the wrong thing to do,â Schumer said. âI think thereâs going to be huge pressure on people not to go home until we do this.â

Schumer and Gillibrand, who said they will wear red, white and blue ribbons until the bill passes, noted that the measure is now estimated to reduce the deficit by $57 million, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

In addition, while the measure formerly was priced at $7.4 billion, it is now priced at $6.2 billion due to a settlement involving some 9/11 first responders."

Regarding Harry Reid and cloture - I found this

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Harry Reid, as the majority leader, must vote no on bills that do not pass if he wants to bring the bill up for a vote again. Apparently, some procedure thing.

Can we get the Reader's Digest version? - sm

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Your extremely long cut-and-paste jobs take up an inordinate amount of space. If you have an opinion on something, we would be happy to hear it. However, we all have access to the news and really don't need someone to cut and paste it for us. A link to the article would be more than sufficient!

I usually don't post whole articles, I post links - Backwards Typist

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but I know from experience, some people don't go to those links, they just jump all over the poster after reading part of a post or even just the subject line. I wanted to make sure everyone saw this article and so, the long post. I'm not "taking up an inordinate amount of space" as you put it.  I post a paragraph or two from an article, sometimes 3 depending on the length of the article, and provide the link.

I also know that there have been longer posts than mine and you said nothing about those posts. Are you the moderator? If not, and if you don't like the length of my posts, don't read them...but don't jump all over someone just because you read  the subject or a sentence or two and don't like it.


You don't need to defend yourself... - no1joe
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but I'm glad you did. I was actually going to say something but was too worked up and busy taking up too much space and forgot. Keep posting as you do... some of us appreciate it even though we may respectfully disagree : ) Enjoy your day.
Thank you. I try to be neutral but sometimes, like today, - Backwards Typist
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I get frustrated and that makes me angry.

Better put my fingers on hold until I calm down. LOL

It is going to pass. - It was always going to pass.

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Dems wanted to push an early vote on a bill they knew the Republicans would block because of the way they wanted to fund it. The Democrats have now modified the bill and it should pass this time. Political posturing for the sole purpose of being able to take to posting boards and blogs with the Republicans are evillll stuff.


Thanks BWT great post - nm

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This is going to pass....the concern of the - Republicans was funding it.

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The Democrats knew this. They don't care how (or if) anything is paid for, regardless of the fact that we are in hock to China. The Republicans held strong, the cost of the bill was lowered and it is being paid for in a way that will not punish jobmakers in this country.

The Dems got exactly what they wanted....rants like this about heartless Republicans.

The Republicans got what THEY wanted...no new taxes on American taxpayers or American businesses to pay for it. YAY Republicans. A win-win...win for the First Responders, win for American businesses and taxpayers.

That's rich. How are the Republicans going to pay to - continue the tax breaks for the rich?nm

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No....now is not going to be paid for by ANY... - tax increases on anyone.

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The new version would off-set the costs by implementing a fee on contracts with foreign countries that have not signed procurement agreements with the United States and by extending a visa fee.

Much better than adding it to an already overburdened American taxpayer and American businesses.

The moral of this story is there are usually OTHER ways to pay for things other than taxing ANYONE...Dems just refuse to even think about that unless forced to.

Tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend....deficit, schmeficit.


You pay - Corporations don't

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"The new version of the bill would shift the cost of funding responders' health care and compensation from a corporate tax to an excise tax on government purchases of material overseas. GOP senators had objected to the use of a corporate tax."

The way I understand it, it is not an excise tax. - it is a contract fee and...

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an extension of visa fees. Neither WE nor corporations will pay for this.

The first responders also just won a settlement from New York City worth millions. It is not like they are completely out in the cold. This bill is ON TOP of that settlement. I do not begrudge them any of it...but it should not come out of taxes.

I repeat...why are Dems so opposed to paying for things other than by taxation of American businesses and American taxpayers?

The answer is simple...cannot continue class warefare if you don't pick at the sore.


Excellent post - thanks - sm

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Kind of hard to get to the truth when too many people are demonizing the republicans. Thank you for posting what actually happened.

I say yay republicans too. A win-win for the First Responders and the American business and taxpayers is always a good thing.

Here is the rest of the story.... - this is going to pass.

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The Republicans filibustered because they wanted it paid for without costing more in taxes for American businesses and American taxpayers.

Looks like they are going to get it. YAY Republicans. They are sticking to their guns and good for them! A win-win...the First Responders get their funding and not at the cost of American businesses or American taxpayers (which include First Responders).

No, the Republicans only came around after - they were shamed into it. -nm

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Spin, spin, spin...you dizzy yet? lol - All anyone has to do is...

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research it....this stuff doesn't work anymore. Get used to it.

YAY? Really? - no1joe

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Okay... here's an example of an older article released before Mr. Stewart aired his silly little comedy show and the stuff hit the fan. Nothing I have read - NOTHING - has stated that the angels of the republican party were holding this up out of concern for Joe Schmo the American Taxpayer. They were planning on throwing a tantrum, I mean filibustering, or doing whatever it takes until they got their way on the tax breaks for Mr. & Mrs. Rich N. Powerful. Trust me, I've checked many, many sources and tried desperately to wade through the spin.

Maybe, in the future, could they please try and don their leotards and capes when being so heroic so we know when to get our pom-poms and start cheering? Some of us get confused. Oh... and have the media inform us ignoramuses (or is it ignorami?) of their surprise gift too... this had some people on edge, believe it or not!


Yes, YAY. You don't have to read anything but.. - the last article.

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All histronics aside...it is evident that the Dems cooked up a bill and the way to pay for it they KNEW the Republicans would not go for, to get a symbolic vote. They have now amended the bill, and it will pass.

You have so bought into the class warfare thing, with all due respect, you cannot see the forest for the trees. If there is a way to pay for something that does not tax ANYONE, why are Democrats so opposed to it? Do they want the "rich" to just automatically pay for everything??

They have fixed the bill now so that NO ONE will have increased taxes and the first responders will still get their money. I see that as a win-win.

You see it as a loss because they figured out a way to pay for it without taxing ANYONE? Seriously???
Thank you for clearing that up for me - no1joe
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Why didn't anyone just come out and say that this was a shady move cooked up by democrats? Plus... I just read a great article about how there is really no scientific fact that these folks are getting sick from 9-11 dust. And all this hoopla over some asthma and sinus problems?? I have asthma and sinus problems! Who's gonna pay for me?? And all this for something named after a prescription drug addict?? Thank you, reps, for having my back and not wasting any of MY money on such a silly thing!

No one is going to come out and say that.... - it is politics as usual.
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It is the same age-old thing...except the Republicans realize what happened in the midterms shellacking, what the American people were saying...they are tired of spend spend spend tax tax tax. The Democrats just can't let go of that, and in order to make Republicans look bad (at least initially) they are trying to do these last minute symbolic vote things for ammunition for the next prez election in 2012. After Jan 1 they won't be able to do this to this degree. In 2012 they will try to run the ads that the republicans were against the first responders hoping that people will just accept ads like they used to. Not gonna happen.

The first responders just got a big settlement from NYC in the millions for their health as well. This bill is on TOP of that one. I suppose the people of NYC will have some kind of state or city tax to offset that...but don't know that for sure.

Just another reason why I hate political parties with a purple passion.

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