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New Romney ad - look how the empty suit regurgitates

Posted: Sep 10, 2012

Pitiful, really.  Hope to see a lot of this ad.


Ha ha, I thought it was going to be about Romney's - empty suit! nm

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Stay the course...sm - JTBB

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That would be the course that ended the war in Iraq, is ending the war in Afgan, brought us back from the brink of a greater depression, recognizes individual rights, protects and strengthens Medicare, etc....

If this was supposed to be an ad against Obama, I think they brilliantly missed the mark.

We could do an ad like that for Romney, but that would show how he has changed his stance on just about every issue out there...usually several times.

It's just same ole, same ole, economy is in the toilet, - nothing has changed. Except worsened.(sm)

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Stay the course translates to let me keep my job and I can finish you off, you fools. That's what he means.

If the economy had worsened...sm - JTBB

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right now we would be in the greatest depression in the history of man and would still be losing jobs exponentially like we were doing under Bush. Your argument makes no sense.
With all the money he took from us for his (sm) - me"""
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stimulus, I use that term about as loosely as I can, to create jobs, we should be doing rather well. Unemployment has barely changed, foreclosures are still high, there are more people in poverty now than when he took office, more on food stamps, wages stagnating, one of the wars has ended so that should have helped, wouldn't you think, (the other war - his war, he wants to keep going for awhile longer). Why are we stagnating? Could it be his poor policies of regulation choking small businesses? I'm not an economist, but I know that your post makes no sense.
Exactly which policies are... - JTBB
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"choking small business?"
Clear you're not getting out much - If you're so unaware of Obama policy strangle
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So why not help out the unaware people who don't - get out much
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and answer the question? Which policies are choking small business?
Because I don't support lazies - that only want to insult-waste of my time
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not to mention they need at least 1 brain cell to embrace intelligent concepts. Those too lazy to do extensive research on both sides, on their own, to arrive at an intelligent opinion are a total waste of time due to their inability to comprehend
So they how are we to debate on here if someone won't - say what they're talking
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about? Start reading minds maybe?

And if we need at least 1 brain cell to embrace intelligent concepts as well as have an inability to comprehend, wouldn't that be even more reason to offer your help?

Also, I don't see what is so insulting about the question "Exactly which policies are choking small business?" That stuff in the last paragraph I repeated from you, that's pretty insulting.
Obviously if you have access to a computer to post 24/7 - Try using it for research
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It is very easy to do actually. Someone acting *** about how to locate information only enforces OPs statements. Instructions included for your benefit, as you indicated you have no idea what is going on with current evente and Obama bone crushing small business policies.

1. Go to search bar (usually at the top of your screen/monitor).
2. Erase any previous information (such as letters/numbers) that may be in the search bar.
3. Enter the topic, name, current event, etc. that you want to reaserach (meaning find out more information about).
4. You will receive multiple listings on most occasions. You can systematically go down the list and read all related imformation. They will tell you what their web address is, links, etc. in many cases.
5. Many sites also contain multiple other sources for their information, article. You can continue to pick out this information to continue to inform yourself on any subject.
You don't have to call me stupid. And with all the trouble - you went through to
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post instructions on how to search, you could have just answered the original question. Is this how this board is supposed to work? Or do you not have an answer?
No-Just helps the search challenged and they never learn - No one called you lazy- voices in your head??
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No, the insult was stupid...not lazy. Now your insuination that I'm crazy - in an effort to deflect
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leads me to believe the answer to my second question is no, you don't have an answer. Thanks.
This answer as well as the one below..sm - JTBB
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does nothing more than point out the GOP's failure to communicate anything of actual substance to its followers. I've asked for specifics numerous times, knowing full well pubs can't provide them, just to point out that fact.

This is one of the reasons I like the dem party. They give facts, figures, polcies, names, and are rather generous when it comes to fact finding missions. I couldn't tell you how many times I've watched MSNBC and the commentator will talk about something and will then give the name of the bill or some reference online where the info can be verified. It's very liberating. Others should try it.
"Your argument makes no sense. " - NuffSaid
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It looks like Mittsy - has a lovely pair

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of flip-flops to match that custom tailored empty suit! LOL

I love then and now videos!! - Here's one

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This one's been around a few months but still fun. Enjoy!

Scratch that... that's the mobile link - See link here

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Sorry about that.

Wow! More flip-flops than - an Olympic gymnast!

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You get the gold for flip-flopping Mitt, but sorry, no POTUS for you!

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