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She only asked how you were liking the Commie state Obama is creating. If you take that personally as someone insulting you, well I don't know what to tell you. You know.
Right. No one here EVER calls libs commies. - LMAO all day at that!
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A common behavior in codependents is enabling, in which the codependent overlooks problem behavior in the other person or makes excuses for him/her in order to continue feeling needed.
The Moderator has said plenty of times get a thick skin - The Sarge - sm
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You really need to get a thick skin. Did someone say to you "you are a commie". If not there is nothing wrong with calling liberals communists. Just like nothing wrong with all the stuff the liberals are calling Republicans and the absolute garbage being spewed about them.
Besides, I believe it has been pointed out before that the democrat party has been infiltrated with communists that are trying to pass the communist agenda.
So is it you don't like the truth being told here? It is not something people can just sweep under the rug. It's a fact of life.
If your sick of the commie comments, probably they are sick of the drama queen, troll, witch hunter, and all the nasty comments towards the tea party.
Get a thick skin and move on (at least that is what the moderator keeps saying).
If they are sick of it, they can address it to the Moderator - like I am.
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I'm not okay with people on this board being called Commie, Sarge. Sorry. I don't think it's okay. I do not think it is appropriate. You might think it's okay, but I don't. We're different like that.
I want it to stop.
thick thkin - sm
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"...how many more times does the moderator have to explain about ridiculing posters."
("Why you can't discuss things without insulting other posters I'm just not getting.")
Don't understand your post - please explain
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Your post does not make sense. Please explain.
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