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Dear Moderator: Thank you, thank you,
Posted: Aug 15, 2012

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Dear ModeratorJul 15, 2013Would you please get this board under control. I know your busy and I hate to bother you, but these messages are going way past reasonable. Seems like the Martin/Zimmerman case is giving posters free reighn to call others racist, stupid, and the arguing and accusations are getting ridiculous.
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Thanks for any help you can offer. ...
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Um...this obviously isn't a terribly important issue, so no need to break your back on this one. LOL. I just was wondering if it was possible to go to the Z not guilty thread. ...
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"Decreased her dom perignon to 10 mg at h.s...."
Maybe champagne would help her, but maybe he meant domperidone??? LOL ...
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Moderator. It Boggles My Mind That You Allow Some....Feb 22, 2015of the posts below that have little to nothing to do with real political discussion to remain yet remove Mary's thoughtful and very relevant post and send it to the Gab board. What's up with that? Maybe you should give the republicans their own board so the MTs here can have a sane discussion. ...