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May I vent about Gov. Rendel?

Posted: Jul 8, 2010

First time a budget was passed on time BUT he wouldn't sign it until he got the "little" extras he was asking for in amendments. Sort of like blackmail.  Threats were made about layoffs and unpaid state workers....well, in this budget, he cut Medicaid funding, library funding, firefighter funding and more.  He is still talking about laying off some workers and he's "sorry about that but at least PA residents don't get a tax hike."

First, the extras adding items arelike:

$10M for the Arlen Spector Library

$10M for the John Murtha Library

$10M for High Mark Blue Shield new building

$4M for a dilapidated building in Harrisburg that no one knows what will be done with it afterwards.

$10M for 2 vacant school buildings to be renovated.

$3M for King's College in Wilkes-Barre.

$4.5M for renovations to the form Dixie Cup factory in Bethlehem (also vacant).

$15M for renovations/upgrades to Tastycake facility.

There are plenty more and what I noticed was most renovations/upgrades/gifting took place in.....where else....Pittsburgh and Phila. area. It's freaking ridiculous. He should be funding the public libraries and the public services and if Spector wants a library, let him build it himself. The same with the estate of Murtha. I can see where Tastykake can offer more jobs IF, and only if, they expand production. Why should we taxpayers have to pay for these items?

Rendel states it will create jobs. Yeah, temporary jobs for unionized trade associations; i.e., building construction, plumbing, electricians, etc., and then what? It doesn't solve the 1000s of unemployed  who don't have the skills for these jobs and doesn't help those who live in areas other than those mentioned above.

Oh, yeah. He is taxing natural gas companies, cigarette products, but I believe cigars and smokeless tobacco are still not taxed.

Where the heck is his head? Oh, I forgot. He's an expert at spending and doesn't think of the consequences. After all, it won't be his problem after November.  I zipped off an email thanking him for putting the citizens of PA in further debt so if ya don't hear from me for a while, you know the Rendel police came for me. LOL

Sorry about this poilitical vent. I will be checking to see exactly WHO suggested these items and I definitely will not vote for those reps this November.  I suggest everyone in every state start checking the state budgets and keep track of those reps too, and make sure you let them know if you don't like something in it.

End of vent. Sorry.


It is amazing that politicians just don't get it. - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
What are country needs are consistent jobs. Not a bunch of construction jobs where we tear stuff up that doesn't need to be torn up so there is a temp construction job. We need sustainable jobs for people. Do they not think that we are paying attention to what they spend money on?

Just like the stimulus...the BS crap that money was wasted on was absolutely ridiculous. It would have benefited our country more had they just divided that money up by taxpaying individuals and said...there ya go....go spend some money. That would have stimulated our economy a heck of a lot more than what they did. They cannot even tell us where all that money went. Absolutely ridiculous.

I'm sorry to be taking over your rant and rave here but this administration just makes me furious. Bush spent like crazy and did stupid crap and now Obama is continuing to spend like crazy and do stupid crap. His foremost job should be to create jobs. However, every time he turns around, his agenda is going to do nothing but lose jobs and yet people praise him for doing such a good job.

The number of unemployed has gone down...not because people are finding jobs but people's unemployment is running out and other simply have given up. Those unemployment numbers don't reflect that real problem.

Our federal government doesn't want to help stop crime by illegals in border states and yet they sue a border state for trying to protect its citizens. However, they don't bother going after the sanctuary cities that go against fed law.

I just do not get this administration at all. We have a black panther intimidating voters at a polling station and Holder tells them to drop charges and forget about it. Huh?

Has our govt lost their friggin minds? We are going bankrupt here. Who is going to pay for all these illegals, welfare recipients, etc. when we are bankrupt?

I truly do not see how the same people who ridicule Bush for the stupid crap he did but give Obama a free pass. Absolutely absurd and ridiculous.

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