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Neighbors vent

Posted: Aug 19, 2010

Are there any frequent movers out there?  I have become so disolutioned that I'm just upset.  We moved into a neighborhood quite a few years ago and with the economy saw many changes.  We've watched one neighbor grow up and thank goodness he got his license because now he doesn't sit around and have all his friends there (won't even go into the bahavior and language they used to display - I'm just thankful he's not there anymore).  But now there is another neighbor who the owner put his place up for section 8 housing.  These people are horrible.  They have now turned their back yard (which shares a fence with us) into a parking lot for their new motorcycle.  I know every person has the right to do whatever they want to do but I guess I'm just disolutioned that people are not considerate towards others.  We already have seen an increase in the number of vehicles passing our house that feel the need to blast everyone with their music (base) thumping while they drive by and now this.  I'm tired of moving, but I don't want to live next to a parking lot of bikers (he and his freinds) so we're looking at moving again. 


I'm just disolutioned that people don't show courtesy for their neighbors.  All I want is some peace and quiet.  Just had to vent.  Thanks for reading my rant.


Visit prospective neighborhoods often - and at all hours

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I learned the hard way to really research a neighborhood before committing. Only going there once and finding it quiet and signing on the doted line is a mistake. Go there during the day. Go there at night. Go there on the weekends. The noise level at different times a day can really be varied (dogs that bark and shriek the whole time their owners are at work, for instance).

Also I have noticed the more rental properties in the neighborhood, the noiser it is and the less people have respect for one another or themselves.

Aim for residential, middle-aged to retired property owners. And pray nobody moves and gets replaced with jerks. All it takes is 1 jerk to ruin it for everyone.

Oh yeah, and beware quiet neighborhoods with a vacant house or 2. The day after you move in, those vacant houses can fill up with heathens. Make sure you're renting the only empty place on the block!

Rental properties - Anonymous2

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You said, "Also I have noticed the more rental properties in the neighborhood, the noisier it is and the less people have respect for one another or themselves."

That was a very biased and probably not true, statement. I live in a neighborhood that is 95% rental properties, it is probably the quietest neighborhood in town. I have respect for myself and my neighbors are also very respectful, that is because the landlords are selective and screen prospective tenants carefully. You know what, if you think renters are low lifes, you are free to move to whatever you consider to be the "perfect" neighborhood any time you choose.

Probably not true - what do you know? - always true for me

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I have found the perfect neighborhood, thanks. I don't give a hoot if you think I am biased - it has always been my experience that rental properties (especially those with landlords who don't even live in the same town) eventually fill up with trashy people that drink, scream, fight, have loud cars, have noisy and destructive children and pets. Of course, I've never been able to afford fancy, expensive rental places like the snob towers you live in, with a doorman to keep out the riff raff. But I own my own house now so all that matters to me is if a house goes up for sale on my street that it gets purchased by people who intend to live in it instead of rent it out.
Wow! That was really unnecessary - see message
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I used to live in a town where it was pretty much all rentals and it was the quietest town/neighborhood ever. I also used to go to a friends house all the time where the neighborhood was all owned and it was filled with trashy people who owned their homes and didn't give a rats pitooey about anyone but themselves with their "it's my home, I own it, I can do whatever I darn well want" and their yards were filled with trash. As I was reading your post I was thinking this sounds like the snobbery talk I hear of some people who own and think they are better then anyone else because they own. I've found that renters are usually more considerate because they have a landlord to answer to. Whether a person rents or owns doesn't make them trashy. Every individual is different and how they treat their neighbors is a personal trait, not a renter/owner thing. Me thinks you watch too many episodes of cops. But hey thanks for confirming what I always knew about some people who own their own homes.
What you think is unnecessary to me also - so think anything you want dear
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There's no law against being a snob or having an opinion. If you don't like what I have to say, go talk to some poor misjudged renter.
There will never be a necessary reason to call - see message
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people who rent their homes skum, trashy, or riff raff. Every person is different but you are lumping everyone in one pot. People who rent are trashy riff raff and people who own (like yourself) are so much better than everyone. That's the way your posts are coming off.

No, of course there is no law against being a snob. It's a human trait. If that's what you enjoy then have fun at it. I personally don't like it. I just find snobbery to be one of the least appealing traits in a person. But if that's what you like, your choice.

Maybe some home owners are just bitter because they are stuck in a situation they can't get out of, so they try to convince themselves they are better than others. Particularly I love the freedom I have to go where I want, rent what I want. If I want to rent a trailer or a mansion, in the country or city or by the ocean I have that choice. I'm not stuck. It's called freedom and I wouldn't want it any other way.

The best thing about renting. If I have neighbors who are snobby and think they are better than some poor misjudged renter - I can move. You can't.
Putting words in my mouth - not bitter at all
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What I ORIGINALLY said was "the more rental properties in the neighborhood, the noiser it is and the less people have respect for one another or themselves." And referred to "Trashy people that scream, drink, fight, etc."

Some people are desperate to take offense at anything. Just because I didn't cave in and start kissing up and backtracking about what I said (like the OP), some people claim I said way more than I did. If claim I called you, personally, the names in your post, that's absolute projection and paranoia on your part.

Its really cute how much exercise everyone has gotten jumping to conclusions and turning me into a demon because...why, exactly? Oh yeah, you internalized and owned what I said, twisted it until I was your personal bitter enemy and someone who hates their neighbors, and Martha Stewart to boot.

Think about it though - how would YOU know what your neighbors think of you? Are you best friends with ALL of them? Do you think they will actually announce to you they think you are (to quote your post above) "scum"?

For what its worth, homeowners can move too. For all you know - I could own more than one home and can move any time I please. All moving takes is money, honey, whether your rent or own.
Wow...you are really a nasty person. - Amazing
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I live in a house....that we RENT. Guess what? The people next to me rent as well, and 6 other houses on this street are also rentals...all houses.

There is no crime in this area. It is clean and well kept.

You are the definition of snob.
So do you really think calling me a snob is a bad thing? - yes I am a snob
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I don't care if you rent a hovel or own the Taj Mahal - it has nothing to do with the EXPERIENCES I HAVE PERSONALLY HAD that have formed my opinion.
Have any of you every met these "low class" neighbors? - SM
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You might find they aren't how you've judged them to be. A few years back, I divorced my husband. When he moved out, he left me with a two cars and a lawn mower that didn't run and a house in desparate need of some repairs. I was a single mom trying to find the money and someone to help me fix things I couldn't do myself. My grass got tall while I was trying to get my mower fixed. One of my neighbors called the city and complained. The same darn neighbors I had asked if I could use their mower while I tried to get mine fixed and they said no. One of my other neighbors eventually mowed my lawn for me.

My point is this, you don't know what goes on behind closed doors at those so-called "low-class" rental homes. While you complain that we live in a world going to hades, I complain we live in a world where love thy neighbor is a foreign concept. Perhaps if we got to know our neighbors, lent a helping hand, and stopped being so judgmental, we might foster better, tighter knit communities. As it stands now, it's every man for himself.

I know it's easy to sit in your perfectly manicured lawn, tastefully decorated house, with your dog that poops pure gold, and your kids who are little angels and judge everyone else. Get off your high horse and try talking to your neighbors. Try asking if they wouldn't mind keeping the music down. Try being friendly about it at first and see where that gets you.
Amen - nm
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What an amusing picture you have of me and my neighbors - write fiction much?
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I get along fine with my CURRENT neighbors. And as far as what goes on behind closed doors, I do not care and it is none of my business. What invades my space via noise, mess, trespassing, thumping bass rattling my windows, garbage blowing into my yard, animals destroying my peace and my property, children doing the same, etc. becomes my business and I am certainly entitled to my opinion on it. I know a crappy neighborhood when I experience one. As I posted above, I live in a good neighborhood now. You can fantasize that I live next to J-Lo in paradise if it makes you feel better, but that has nothing to do with the past experiences that gave me the opinions I have today. And you can't tell me to "love" anybody I see beating his wife and kids and try to become his best buddy and everything will be all sunshine and rainbows. Get real.
But what about the wife and the kids who are being beat? - SM
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Do you ever consider them at all? Consider maybe the kids act out because of their home life. Or consider the wife is emotionally as well as physically beaten down that she can't even manage getting out of bed in the morning, let alone mow the lawn, keep the dog from barking.

No all you see is the a-hole who beats his wife and all you hear is the noise from the dog or the music. The antics of the kids. You don't want to know what goes on behind closed doors, so why even mention the wife beater at all? It makes no difference to you. It doesn't "invade" your space, so why even acknowledge it, right? Why care? The most important thing is that outwardly, you have the appearance of a "good" neighborhood.
I was the kid being beat - every day of my childhood
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And none of my neighbors did a thing about it. I found out the hard way that to attempt to extract strangers from dysfunctional situations you almost always receive harsh repercussions for your "neighborly concern". The guy beating his wife KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE.
I'm talking about showing some compassion at the very least. - SM
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I'm not asking her to "do" anything except show some compassion, some empathy maybe. All the original poster does is sit in judgment while peeking through her blinds.

I'm not someone who lives in fear. I don't care if the wife beater knew where I lived, I still would be compelled to do something and have done something. I had words with an abusive man in my old neighborhood. I gave his wife some advice and he didn't like it. Called me up and told me I should mind my business and know my place. Said he would come down to my house and talk to me about face to face. I said "come on down..." He never came. Men like that are all the same - Cowards! They only pick on the weak, those they know won't fight back.
Who said I have no compassion and empathy? - just not his best friend
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I feel bad for people being abused, sure. No point in getting sucked into the drama though. I've told off plenty of bullies for being mean to their old ladies - all it did was cause them to be meaner to her. I felt sorry for the crack hos that moved into my old neighborhood 5 years ago (no exaggeration - literally walking the streets getting picked up by strangers then coming back and taking small deliveries from their dealers). Not sorry enough to invite them to tea so they could see what I had to steal though. They'd already stolen enough from my vehicle.
Yeah, you sound soooooo full of compassion. - Puhleeze.
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I'm sure the "crack hos" appreciated all your compassion. Ya know, your not watching some TV show. Those "crack hos" are real women who for one reason or another found themselves living on the streets, trying to survive. Probably they came from abusive homes. They started using drugs to dull the pain and to relieve the fear. Do you know how far a kind word goes? A smile? Instead of a contemptuous glare?

Do you ever stop to think "there but by the grace of God go I..."?
You are more judgemental than you think I am - LOL
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I know, I should have been their best friend and loved them dearly for stealing out of my car. I'll be glad to watch you demonstrate your compassion when they take the stereo out of yours.
So you invite "crack hoes" into your house? - anonymous
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Come on, now. Don't be so judgmental, yourself. Having had my share of crackhead neighbors who stole from us, I must say that I, too, look down on the bad neighbors--and do you want to know why? Because I am better than they are. It is not "but for the grace of God go I", it is that I have a job, made a conscious choice to not to drugs and pretty much have my sh*t together. I try not to be judgmental; I know that I should not be, but I think we all are and I know when I am better than my neighbors. I would bet that you all have felt this way at some point in your life, just will not admit it. You would rather sit in judgment of this poor person who was willing to admit it.
Sure, I've been pompous enough to think I'm better that someone. - SM
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But God has a way of humbling us and believe me I have been humbled a time or two.

Now I just try to see everyone through God's eyes.

People struggle every day with sin. Am I better than the crack ho? No, I'm stronger only because I know I can lean on Him. The crack ho doesn't know that yet. It's my job to make sure she does and I do that by offering a kind word, food, clothes, whatever.

You asked if I would invite a crack ho into my house. I would for a meal. Not to live because I have to consider the safety of my children. They have to be my number one priority.

I have been in a meth addict's home. She was the mother of my son's girlfriend. She had a warrant for her arrest for various drug charges and was going to turn herself in. She wanted to see her daughter before she went to prison. My son's girlfriend was raised by her grandparents and they would not take her to see her mother. So she asked me if I would take her and I did.

We spent an afternoon with this woman. She was so grateful to see her daughter and hugged me and cried thanking me for bringing her daughter. She kept assuring me she wasn't a bad person and that she wanted to change. I told I would pray for her. She did finally go to prison. She just got out a month ago after serving her time. I invited her to my home for dinner and nothing came up missing. :)
And still do, apparently - preach much?
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What is your problem? This thread was started by a lady with some crappy neighbors is who is going to have to move. You're trying to turn it into your personal soapbox. Go live in the slums and see the world through God's eyes. Don't expect the rest of us to want to live there too.
My point, although you seem to have missed it... - Kendra
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is that you clearly think you are better than the person who posted above. In all of your patting yourself on the back for going behind the backs of the people who were raising a girl to see her mother against their will, you seem to have missed that.
I'm with you on that... - Kendra
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I once lived next door to a schizophrenic and his girlfriend (much much older than I was at 21, actually, much much older than I am at 32). One day, he was apparently off his meds and trying to blow here up with a torch (she was on oxygen). She came banging on my door for help. I let her in and locked the door. He was beating on my door and I called the police. The next day, they let him out of the loonie bin, she let him back in the house and all I got was a crazy man threatening me at the top of his lungs anytime he saw me and sometimes when he didn't, which finally ended up with a TV thrown through my sliding glass door. She never even thanked me.
Amen too! - sm
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Too many snobs who are perfect here...imagine living next to THEM!
Maybe you do live next to me - the snob
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I don't express my opinions to my neighbors in real life and cause enemies. But I am free to think whatever I wish about them - or you.
Do us all a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself. You disgust me. There's an opinion for - nm
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I owe you no favors sweetie pie - so go be disgusted
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Sorry if I don't cry myself to sleep over the opinion a random stranger expresses on a message board. But I have a thicker skin that some folk, obviously.
Not that you would ever debase yourself by doing anyone a favor. - NM
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Not anybody I disgust - why should I? - no need for your approval
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How does it usually work for you when you demand a favor and give an insult at the same time? Do they fall all over themselves to make you "like" them again? Who cares if YOU like ME? I have as much right to be here as you do.
I never said you didn't have a right to be here. Where did that come from? - SM
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I'm not demanding anything from you either. I'm simply pointing out your lack of humanity.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ's and He spent much of his time with the "crack hos" and "low lifes." His message is that we are all the same and we are all in need of and deserving of love. So when I see or hear someone such as yourself acting as though "those people" are just dog poo stuck to the bottom of shoe and you can't be bothered to even try to understand them, I get a little upset.

I know this is not the religion board, so I will leave it at that.

The keep thoughts to myself comment - what else could that mean?
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You really make me laugh - you have "disgust" for me but all the compassion in the world for "those people". I've been acquainted with plenty of "crack hos and low lifes". I understand them much better than you do - they don't want "saving" or rescue from the life they have CHOSEN, all they want is more crack. We might all be the same in the eyes of God, but in the eyes of the law...prostitution, theft and illegal drugs are wrong and deserve punishment. Even Jesus said "Go, and sin no more" not "Go smoke a crack pipe, steal from me more tomorrow, and I'll love you anyway."
Yes, you're right, Jesus did say "Go and sin no more" BUT - SM
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He always said He would love us anyway even if we stumbled. So in that sense, He does still love the "crack hos" smoking their pipes and the guy that stole your stereo. He loves us all in spite of our sin. That's what Jesus was all about.

Not that you will care, but I do have compassion for you. I just think the sentiment behind your posts is distasteful. That doesn't mean if I moved in next door to you, I wouldn't offer you my friendship. I would extend my hand to you same as I would the "crack hos" and the "low lifes." Everyone is equal and deserving of friendship in my eyes.
Enjoy your halo then, until they steal it - babe in the woods
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You can be friends will a crackhead easily. They're very friendly. I am "friends" with several. However, I take great care to never let them know where I live, and to never, ever let them in my house so they can case my stuff. Until you have one (or several) in your neighborhood, I guess you'll never know why. Until you've lost thousands of dollars worth of stuff because they know you have to sleep or go shopping sometime, you won't be able to relate to my experiences. The crackheads consider everyone "equal" too - they'll steal from their own dying mother for a crack rock. A nice bunch of piranahs they are - strip you naked, and then strip your bones naked too.
I know I sound naive and I'm not saying I would - SM
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invite them to live with me or allow my children to pal around with them. What I'm saying is I won't look down on them because they are crack hos or whatever. I will offer a smile, a kind word, and give them some food. Show them some kindness. Why is that so hard for people?

I'm guessing you live in an urban area. I used to, but once I had kids I decided to move away from the city. I live in a small town. While there are a handful of people here who are drug addicts, we don't have any crack hos or prostitutes here that I'm aware of. I'm not sure why someone would choose to live in a neighborhood such as yours. I find it hard to believe that when you bought your home it was a great neighborhood and it has fallen so drastically. A neighborhood just doesn't change over night. Why wouldn't you have moved when you saw the decline. Why wouldn't you try to do a neighborhood watch program or take some sort of action before it sunk so low. Why just watch it decline to the point of crack hos and druggies and then start whining?
You obviously cannot follow anything I said - try again and maybe you will
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I AM FINE WITH WHERE I LIVE NOW. I was talking about where I RENTED before. Reading comprehension. Try it.

You are a hypocrite if on one hand you tell me you don't look down on someone but on the other admit they're not good enough to live with or your children to play with. Then you lecture me on "why would I choose to live where I do"?

We ALL strive to find the best place we can afford to live with the least trashy people occupying it. Don't pretend you aren't the same way. And you're a complete hypocrite if someone is not good enough for your kids to befriend but you want to hassle ME for calling them what they are. You use discrimination against them and judge them for what they are. You think if you blow them a candy coated kiss that makes you superior to someone who doesn't? You made your judgements quite plain in your last post. Stop being a hypocrite and pretending everyone is equal - you just proved they are not.
I am a renter. I do not drink, smoke, do drugs, party, etc. - You are misguided at best. nm
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So assume I was not speaking about YOU. - one person does not make a group
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What is it about my posts that makes everyone feel I'm speaking directly about THEM? When I was a renter I didn't do that stuff either. But it doesn't change the fact that the majority of the renters I have met act like heathens and don't respect the place they rent or their neighbors, and act just as awful as they please - when the cops are called too many times, they'll just move.
Because you are directing your posts at everyone - putting people down
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I didn't take any offense or think you were speaking about me because I'm not the people you spoke about, but you are generalizing everyone into one group and you are coming out that if you rent you are low lives, drink, have loud cars, etc, and home owners are all perfect, which is not the case. If you had said "some renters" or "some owners" that would have been different. Instead you are lumping everyone into one group and trashing people who rent.
Here is what I originally said - to refresh your memory
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"Also I have noticed the more rental properties in the neighborhood, the noiser it is and the less people have respect for one another or themselves."

I did not state that every person who reads this board and rents is "blah blah negative adjective blah blah".

It is not my problem that every renter who read it got emotionally involved in defending every renter that ever lived to the bitter end. Whoever desires to internalize that statement and find offense at it, go right ahead.

Spare me the long drawn out tales about how YOU rent and you are all that is good and lovely that a renter can be. It will not change my opinion - I've lived near too many of the other kind, I've cleaned up too many of their amazingly imaginative vindictive messes as a landlord or the friend of other landlords in the course of my life for any solitary poster to change my mind.
Renter since 1984 - Don't generalize
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I have rented homes and wallpapered and painted the entire place inside, kept my lawn and shrubs "better than a man" according to my very picky neighbors. The man next door was the vice president of a bank in our town. I have a list as long as your arm of references. I am quiet, clean, don't smoke, don't play loud music, keep the outside beautiful, don't drink, don't even have a pet that would bother anyone. Anyone would be proud to have me rent from him. When the one house was sold the realtor could not stop commenting on how beautiful the place was kept when she came in when my landlord put it up for sale.
Your bank VP was generalizing even worse - as good as a MAN?!?
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You, you, you...are not the only renter out there. Maybe the realtor was so amazed because the MAJORITY of rental property she has seen throughout her career hasn't been rented by Martha Stewart. One person's solitary habits do not change facts about what the majority habitually does. You could live in sterile aseptic conditions your entire life (or claim to on a forum) but it does NOT negate my memories of cleaning human feces off the wall of my mother's rental property, and others, on multiple occasions!

I think that was a VERY sexist remark "better than a man". I don't give a dang how picky your neighbors were, they were also sexist to say such a thing. Guess you were too busy pleasing your neighbors to care?!? As long as your neighbors are allowed to generalize like that, I think I can too. And wait - I just checked - nope, nobody made you my boss today. Guess I can generalize all I want to, whether you want me to or not.

Sad but true - renters

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The main street in my small town (800 people, give or take) is full of older houses whose owners have passed on or since gone to nursing homes or whatever. Families have public sale to help cover nursing home costs, etc. The same 2 or 3 guys snap up the houses, fix them up marginally, and rent them to people mostly on government assistance. The owners don't live in town and don't give a rat's butt who they rent to as long as they get their money. Hence, main street is starting to look like a crap hole because the renters don't care what they do to the houses because THEY don't own them and if they get kicked out, they'll just go onto the next one. Loud music, junk cars in the back yards, drug problems, and even a couple of prostitutes a few years back. Most of these people have no respect for anyone. It's disheartening to see this happen the neighborhood where I grew up.
Yeah, because people who own - sm
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their homes aren't filthy, don't throw loud parties, don't park cars in their yard, don't beat their wives and kids and don't maintain the upkeep on their homes. Get off your high horse...I rather have someone on Section 8 next door to me than some of the people on this site. Be sure to flush your golden turds down your goldplated toilet!
We will be sure to have all the section 8 come see U - and keep the gold, LOL
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At least homeowners have a reason not to trash it and move on - if they do they're only hurting themselves!

What are you Ghandi? Gonna save the downtrodden masses? Good luck! Don't do it in my neighborhood. Thanks!
Wow, compassionate, aren't you...wait till it's YOU! HA! - nm
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It WAS me and I escaped! - HA right back!
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Its pretty easy to make friends in low places - I've got plenty. I know who they are, what they want, and why they do what they do. That doesn't mean I want to LIVE with them or deal with their pointless, unnecessary noise, mess and drama. If you do, post your address, I'm sure half the people on the board will bring their very favorites to hang out with you.
There are homeowners who trash their home - I know at least 8 or 9 of them
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And we drove through a town full of them where we used to live. There are also articles out there talking about if you can't pay your mortgage to trash your home. Some people don't think about the outcome at the end.
Yes, and now they will go back to being renters - that trash their homes
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Do the majority of homeowners trash their own homes? No, because they aren't moving on to the next. Do a higher number of renters trash other people's homes? Why yes, they trash them as they move out with the same spite and vindictiveness that foreclosed homeowners do to "the bank". Stick it to the man. Always a classy move and something to brag to your mama about.
Thread is about renters - not owners
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Bitchy much? Never claimed to be better than anyone else. Just contributing to the thread. What the hell is your problem? Don't both answering because I'm not coming back. I don't understand people like you who have to jump down people's throats for every little thing.

re: neighbors - bandida

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Firstly, you use the term "these people" when you refer to the people who live in the section 8 house. Not nice... Just wanted to get that out of the way. Now, I'm not saying that you should just leave it all alone, but have you tried to talk to your neighbors? If the ones who have turned their back yard into a parking lot refuse to at least put up a privacy fence, talk to the home owner and tell them it's a problem for you. Look into the city ordinances about noise, weeds, so on and so on and make complaints.

You don't need to suffer silently. We live in what is considered an "upscale" neighborbood (we built long before it was developed) but there is still the occasional bad apple neighbor. We have a neighborhood association and it really helps to have the whole neighborhood working toward preserving the appearance of our community. Noisy cars and parties are a no-no and will be reported (after the "curfew or mandated hours allowed by the city).

Become pro-active and find a way to improve your situation. I suggest talking to neighbors FIRST. See who feels the same as you. Strength in numbers.

(I hope you don't lump all those who need section 8 as "those" people. I only say that because my cousin is a dear, hardworking single mother who has been hit with hardship after hardship after hardship and she lives in a section 8 house. She is not the sterotypical woman on welfare. Guess I get defensive when I hear people lump "low class" people that use housing all in one.)

whatever you decide, good luck to you.

Low income and low class - Christine

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Two different things entirely. I agree with you. I think I used the term low class in my post also. A person can have no money at all and have class. I once dated a guy who literally was a millionaire and it sure didn't teach him a thing about how to treat a woman. Behavior determines social correctness, not money. Thanks for making a point of that.

I'm sorry, I think you read it wrong (or I wrote it wrong) - anon - please see message

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OMG, I surely did not mean to refer to section 8 people as "those people". Everyone is different. When I wrote "these people" I meant "these 2 people that live there now", not referring to section 8 renters as "these people". Please read my message again if you want (I did). To me it sounds like I'm saying "these people" meaning the 2 ninnies that live there. I was also tired and sad when I wrote it, so maybe I didn't write that correctly. I would never think of people who don't make a lot of money as any less than me. In fact people who qualify for section 8 may even make more than I do. But I certainly have never considered myself better than anyone. I don't think I called them "low class". I try to see the good in everyone and there are always going to be good and bad everywhere.

We have not talked to them. Basically DH doesn't want to deal with them. "These 2" that live there are really, well to use the words "low class". They have loud parties and the guy likes to be "the man of the hour" and he says the most filthy things you can think of. If you were to see him you would think he is a skin head, but I'm not saying he is. He's just really not the type we'd be friends with and we've listened to his "communication skills". Just not the kind we want to get involved in. He smokes and his wife/girlfriend has asked him to stop and they get into these wicked wicked fights.

We do have to move though, not because of them, but because we live in a town where unemployment is at around 20%. There is absolutely no employment here for DH and this is not the town we want to grow old in. So we have to move, not because of the neighbors but for other reasons. I know I shouldn't be griping, but I just wish we could have some peace and quiet until we do move, whenever that will be.

I so agree - Christine

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I know exactly how you feel. My neighborhood was relatively quiet except for the dogs next door. Then it started with the motorcycles and loud cars, two of which are parked several feet from my front door. A few months back it was that loud that my windows actually vibrated. Years ago that sort of thing was illegal. I remember my brothers telling me that when they started driving. My nephew actually lives in a very beautiful up-scale community in the South end of our town. This is the second house they built, and now they are thinking of moving. The girl behind them has low class friends over (her husband left her) and they have pool parties. They are loud, music blasting, and my nephew saw two of the guys urinating on the lawn in broad daylight. City by city we are giving our country over. It sickens me. I feel for you, I truly do.

Try contacting the Section 8 folks - Happy MT Robin

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I don't know alot about the requirements to qualify for that type of housing, but seems to me I remember something about they had to maintain the property adequately. It's worth a shot.

I know one of my neighbors called the zoning commission on my next door neighbor when he went for years without stuccoing his house after he built the addition.

Sweetie, I know plenty of people - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
who aren't Section 8 who don't maintain their property, who would you suggest I call to complain? I live in an area of $300,000 and up homes (we own,don't rent) and you should see some of them! The Section 8 housing I have seen in our area is well-maintained and well-kept.

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