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Here are the 10 essential benefits part
Posted: Mar 25, 2017
Seriously, Why would I have health care if they removed these essentials? What a joke and no wonder it didn't pass.
Well if they get rid of these, - anonon
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What the heck is left? Why have insurance if it doesn't cover when you are sick. The maternity care is a no-brainer - we women pay for prostate screenings don't we? Just silly that men hone in on that part I think. Also mental health coverage. Mental health conditions are diseases and conditions that are medical. Just because you call them "Mental Health" does not mean it is not part of your overall health. Addiction is also a disease - that has been proven many times. I know that no plan is going to be perfect, but all of this nitpicking on BOTH sides is getting ridiculous. People deserve to be able to get good health care all across this country and not have to go into debt just to have it. Bust as Trump said not too long ago - it is very complicated. I think it would be less so if the greedy insurance plans would be left out of the discussions and just have to suck it up when they come up with a plan that will help people instead of putting them in the poor house!
emergency room trips - we know from our work
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those of us that do ER notes how people abuse the system - coming to the ER for silly things that can be taken care of at home - or having been sick for 3 months and tonight at 8:00 p.m. decide its a good time to come to the ER and not have to sit in a doctor's office to be seen.
I also saw a silly picture on Facebook today of Mr. Bean with his blank look out the window of his car - the caption was "the look on the EMT's face when they arrive to find the patient standing on the porch with her suitcase packed...." not really funny - more truth to it, I think - and if it's paid for by someone else, it's alot easier to do that.
People abuse the system, especially if they don't have to pay for it. - One way to reduce costs is to let
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people make choices up front. There is no incentive though if someone else has to pay as we all know.
There are a few places popping up where docs are not accepting Medicaid/Medicare and only going with cash. They list prices like any other service. This is why HSAs are a good thing. It gives people more control. At the end of the year you keep your money if you don't use it, thereby people don't run to the doctor for every little ache.
Monsanto owns many politicians (both parties) so - I don't see a change any time soon.
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They have a strong lobbying group. Bayer made a $66 million bid for Monsanto.
We grow our own food as much as possible and buy and trade with other locals. Food is medicine.
When I worked at the hospital, I used to see women bring their - children to the ER so their ex-husband's
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insurance would have to pay for it. Another type of abuse of the system.
Saw one who wanted - who wanted a ride in the red taxi
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because she had a cut on her hand. No spurting blood--just a cut. $600 (at least) just for the fancy and drama. I've driven myself to the ER with much worse. Of course, it cost less when the government wasn't all in our beeswax.
Another thing is food is healthcare, medicine is sick care. - It's amazing how many people come to the ER
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with nutritional related symptoms, diabetics who eat sugar and processed foods and wonder why they keep getting sick. I'm not saying all are, but when I worked there I saw it a lot.
Sugar and processed foods are responsible for most chronic diseases today. Medicines just treat symptoms, they don't cure disease. Not one cell in the human body is made of a drug.
My best bet is to take responsibility for my own healthcare as much as I can.
What happened to the healthcare plan that Trump said was FOR EVERYONE - curious. sm
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He said it was going to be great, like he knew what he was talking about....it would cover EVERYONE, it would be lower cost and much better health care coverage. What was he talking about? Where is that plan? SEVEN YEARS, PEOPLE. What happened? All I saw was a plan to increase cost that prohibited someone my age from even having health insurance, and if you did have health insurance, nothing was covered. I thought for sure there was going to be a much simpler/better plan, listening to Trump talk. Fed up. Do your job guys.
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(step 4) : Roll a scant 1/4 cup of the dough into a ball ...