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Good morning Patriots!
Posted: Jun 4, 2013

Better ways to show patriotism - just saying
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Pledging allegiance to a flag is just fine, but there are more concrete ways to show patriotism. Like, for example, being informed about how the government misuses tax dollars to fund immoral/illegal wars, and being willing to object to same.
Definitely were the "good old days." Thanks for the memories. - Memory Lane
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What days, yesterday? Did you know that kids - still say the Pledge of Allegiance?
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Doesn't it help to know what people are or aren't doing before you lament the "good old days?"
They still say it in my district. As they should. - no message
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This is silly. - Empirelady
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Every teacher I know says they still say the complete Pledge.
Indoctrination - just saying
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....justice for all? Hmmmm
pledge - Effie
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I hated saying the pledge as a kid... I understood the flag was supposed to represent the country but in truth I felt stupid standing there pledging devotion to a piece of fabric...Now as an adult, I still feel stupid saying the pledge but I have to say when I see an American flag I feel a lot of love for my country.
I hated saying the pledge... - you really do feel like an idiot.
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It in no way reflects my feelings about my country, but I think it's perfectly natural to feel awkward standing with your hand on your heart and reciting something to an inanimate object, especially in a group of people all doing the same thing. It's strange, no doubt.
No, we most certainly do not feel like idiots. Maybe you do, but we don't. Many of us feel - pride, patriotic, respect and loyalty to our count
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When talking about feeling like idiots maybe you should speak for yourself. You do not speak for all of us.
I never once in my whole life felt "like an idiot" saying the pledge of allegiance and then singing our National Anthem. It gave me pride and a sense of patriotism and loyalty standing and putting our hands over our hearts to show our patriotism for the country I love.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Just reading those words again I remember the pride we had every morning saying that in school and in the Army.
The ones who are idiots are the one's to pledge their allegiance to Obama.
I got the distinct impression he/she was speaking for - him/herself
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...with liberty and justice for **all**
To respect the words is to respect the meaning as well.
When someone says "you" it's different than "I" - just sayin
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She didn't say "I felt like an idiot" She said "you feel like an idiot"
Big difference.
Yes, for "all". That includes *everyone* Yes, respect the meaning of the *whole* pledge.
Nothing in that post was referring to anyone other - than the poster him/herself NM
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"YOU" - sm
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She didn't say "I" felt like an idiot, she you "you" feel like an idiot. That implies other people besides herself.
That is of course depending on what the meaning of is is.
Have you ever heard anyone say "you" in the general - sense before?
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You can tell by the context of her whole post that she's talking about herself.
I wasn't speaking for you or anyone but myself - and it was in response to
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someone who felt the same way I did. I was talking to them. About me. It has nothing to do with you.
So...I don't know who peed in your Cheerios, but maybe you need to go recite a few stanzas and calm down. You just took random chatter between two people to a whole different level (who was talking about Obama, anyway? You think his supporters are idiots. Good for you. We're not talking about him or them).
It's no wonder there are only a handful of people on this board. Everyone else is smart enough to stay away.
yeah, that was obvious :) - sm
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But I don't think RWers eat Cheerios anymore.
I love saying the pledge and singing the - national anthem.
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Doing it in a crowd and seeing so many people doing it at once gives me goosebumps and makes me teary. I don't know why. And yes, I voted for Obama and consider myself fairly liberal.
If you're trying to imply that children do NOT - sm
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still pledge allegiance to the flag and that it's Obama's fault, that is a flat-out lie.
The republicans must be getting desperate, and certain people believe every single thing they say, no matter how big the lie is.
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