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"Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian"

Posted: Jan 13, 2010

LOUISVILLE, KY—At first glance, high school senior Lucas Faber, 18, seems like any ordinary gay teen. He's a member of his school's swing choir, enjoys shopping at the mall, and has sex with other males his age. But lately, a growing worry has begun to plague this young gay man. A gnawing feeling that, deep down, he may be a fundamentalist, right-wing Christian.

"I don't know what's happening to me," Faber admitted to reporters Monday. "It's like I get these weird urges sometimes, and suddenly I'm tempted to go behind my friends' backs and attend a megachurch service, or censor books in the school library in some way. Even just the thought of organizing a CD-burning turns me on."

Added Faber, "I feel so confused."

The openly gay teen, who came out to his parents at age 14 and has had a steady boyfriend for the past seven months, said he first began to suspect he might be different last year, when he started feeling an odd stirring within himself every time he passed a church. The more conservative the church, Faber claimed, the stronger his desire was to enter it.

"It's like I don't even know who I am anymore," the frightened teenager said. "Keeping this secret obsession with radical right-wing dogma hidden away from my parents, teachers, and schoolmates is tearing me apart."

Enlarge Image Sock Drawer

Faber's sock drawer is home to a number of illicit magazines he has secretly accepted from street preachers.

According to Faber, his first experience with evangelical Christianity was not all that different from other gays his age.

"Sure, I looked at the Book of Leviticus once or twice—everybody has," Faber said. "We all experiment a little bit with that stuff when we're growing up. But I was just a kid. I didn't think it meant anything."

Faber's instinct was to deny these early emotions. But recently, the Louisville teen admitted, the feelings have grown stronger, making him wonder more and more what life as a born-again right-wing fundamentalist would be like.

"The other week, I was this close to picketing in front of an abortion clinic," the mortified teenager said, his eyes welling up with tears. "I know it's wrong, but I wanted so badly to do it anyway. I even made one of those signs with photos of dead fetuses and hid it in my closet. I felt so ashamed, yet, at the same time, it was all strangely titillating."

Faber's parents, although concerned, said they're convinced their otherwise typical gay son is merely going through a conservative Christian phase.

"I caught him watching The 700 Club once when he thought he was alone in the house, and last week, I found some paperbacks from the Left Behind series hidden in his sock drawer," his mother, Eileen Faber, said. "I'm sure he'll grow out of it, but even if he doesn't, I will love and accept my son no matter what."

Faber's father was far less tolerant in his comments.

"No son of mine is going to try to get intelligent design into school textbooks," Geoffrey Faber said. "And I absolutely refuse to pay his tuition if he decides to go to one of those colleges like Oral Roberts University where they're just going to fill his head with a lot of crazy conservative ideas."

He added, "I just want my normal gay son back


My heart goes out to this young man..... - bless his heart

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I do feel this post should be on the Faith Board and not here.... this isn't political. This is a young man whose heart is being called to God and there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing he should be worried about. If he feels called to God, then he needs to respond and not feel guilty, as if he is doing something wrong. There are gays who are Christians for goodness sakes! To assume you cannot be gay and a Christian is ludicrous. One doesn't override the other.

It sounds like God is heavy on his heart for reasons only he may really know, so his parents should at least encourage him to attend church, if that is what he feels he wants to do.

Why does he feel it is wrong to picket in front of an abortion clinic. There are people who are NOT Christians who still feel abortion is wrong! My goodness....my concern is what is his parents teaching him that makes him feel so torn. They think he is just going through a conservative Christian stage? What in the world does that mean? It's obvious they must not go to church and have not raised their child in a religious environment, but why do they feel sooo strongly about keeping him away if he feels strongly led? Just because they know/believe in God, why do they feel so strongly to keep their son from doing so?

It is my hope that God continues to call this young man. Only God knows the reason for that. Seems this young man is more torn by feeling 'guilty' when he has done nothing wrong by feeling drawn by God. He's got my prayers....

so kind of you - - - just had to say

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Not to worry. I note that the article is from "The Onion", which is a satirical publication. Everything they do is "tongue-in-cheek".

I didn't want you to worry - your concern was so sincere. :)

I agree. nm - TXMT

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There is something about this story that almost - Colleen

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seems like the writer is trying to be funny. Does anyone else get that feeling, or does everyone read this as a serious article?

When I posted this, I did not think that it would be sm - emanon

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taken as a serious article -- I just found it to be an interesting tongue-in-cheek story that is meant to prove a point that, just as being a Christian should be accepted and not something to be ashamed, so should homosexuality.

That is what I thought! Great post! - Colleen

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KLE needs to read it.
This is today's article from the Onion. - Priceless
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Pure satire. Great site for those with a sense of humor. (usually not the religious!):)
Gee....since when does describing someone in pain - make for a sense of humor?
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smart enough - Priceless
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Geez, people...It was SATIRE.



* S: (n) sarcasm, irony, satire, caustic remark (witty language used to convey insults or scorn) "he used sarcasm to upset his opponent"; "irony is wasted on the stupid"; "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Jonathan Swift

It wasn't written to describe pain, it was meant to show the irony of Christianity as homosexuality is treated by probably the kind of people WHO DON'T SEE THE IRONY IN THIS!
Sad that some think ONLY Christians don't believe - in homosexuality.....nm
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It's also sad to think only homosexuals support - same-sex marriage. Very sad. nm
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humor is not lost.. - cj
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Funny stuff, I agree. But I have to take exception to the end of your post. Why do the Christians or religious take all the hits? I am a Christian. My religion is very important to me and is a big part of who I am. I have not lost my sense of humor, and I am not antigay in any way. That last remark is just another form of prejudice. You would have a problem with those who are antigay (a prejudice against gays) but then are okay making a generalist statement about those who are religious? Please, please, please, can't we look at every person as an individual with the same rights and deserving the same respect as all others whether we agree with their philosophies or not? My God tells me to love all people, not just those that I agree with. It is one principle of religion that everyone would do well to adopt.
Speaking only for myself, cj, but to me there are - Colleen
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what my best friend calls "good Christians" and "bad Christians", the difference being there are the Christians that quietly live their lives, care about all others, don't try to shove it down others throats, and basically live the life that the Jesus most of us were raised with would have wanted. They show love, compassion and acceptance and believe in supporting others in need without question. I suspect you are in this group. These are the "good Christians", as is my friend. Then there are the "bad Christians", the ones that try to justify their personal predjudices and hatred by quoting "God" and bible scripture and trying to make everyone else think the same way, behave the same way, hate the same way. They wear their so-called "Christianity" like a sign across their chest instead of demonstrating a strong and steadfast faith, not just in God, but in other people. I have no problems with Christians or any other religion. I have a problem with the way it is used to justify the kind of blind hatred we see so often, or to rationalize turning our backs on others, or to justify terrible acts towards others. That is the person I have a problem with, not the religion, but the person using the religion as an excuse to behave in a non-Christian way. Hope that makes sense.
To me, this signifies something else. - sigh
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It speaks to me personally that what was once considered normal is now considered outrageous and vice versa. In other words, it's no longer the young Christian heterosexual boy (think normal) wondering about his fears of being homosexual but of a young homosexual boy (NOW normal) worried about being an at-heart Christian. This is especially magnified by the young boy's father's views.

This says a lot to me. It is obvious to me comparing past to present. Thanks to the OP.
Good Christians/Bad Christians - CMTer
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I grew up in a Christian family, we had our own set of values, morals and principles that I follow to this day. I do not accept homosexuality, it is what I do not believe in. Does that make me a bad Christian. Not at all. If this is something you believe in, I respect that. I am not shoving my beliefs on you or anyone else.

If someone asks me what I think about same-sex marriage or homosexuality, I will tell them I don't believe in it, but I should not be mocked, ridiculed, called a "bad Christian", hatemonger or a homophobe because of it.

I strongly feel that if we respected each other's principles, values and morals we would all get along better in this world. Of course, that is wishful thinking. There is too much hate in this world because everyone is trying to push their beliefs upon one another.

I'm off this forum for good. It just isn't a great site to visit anymore. Hope you guys can find some happy medium.
I am sorry if you misunderstood my post. - Colleen
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I was responding strictly to cj and as I said, I have no problems with Christians and I did not accuse you of being a "bad Christian" or anything else. Nor do I hate anyone. Quite the opposite, I would like to see us get along and accept others for what they are. I do respect your values,I was just kind of categorizing my attitudes when it comes to religious people. Again, I have no problem with them as long as they do not use it to justify un-Christ-like behaviors and attitudes. My mom does not believe in same-sex marriage but she is a religous person who keeps her faith, does not use it as an excuse to hate or anything else. And she is generally a very accepting person.
Homosexuality and Christians - KLE
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Not believing in homosexuality (because it is called abomination by the Lord) is far from being un-Christ-like. "Accepting" is a term that is thrown about by the homosexual community to infer that if you don't accept them, you must not love them. You can love someone and not accept their behavior, especially when that behavior is considered sinful by God. I don't believe in homosexuality and never will. It doesn't make me a bad person or a "bad" Christian. It makes me a believer in what Christ tells us.
No, it is un-Christ-like. And my reply was not - Colleen
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intended for you. I have no interest in getting into any kind of dialog with you.
I hope you reconsider. You and Colleen BOTH make perfect sense. - TXMT
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Yours is the kind of opposing view that I, as a raving left-wing lunatic, seek out. Your response was reasoned, measured and respectful. In your own words, you are not shoving your beliefs down other people's throats.

I disagree with you on the subject of same-sex marriage and homosexuality, but I totally support you and your right to hold those views, especially since your post is free of bashing, name-calling, fear-mongering, snippy, snipey snarking and self-righteous pontificating, at times encountered ad nauseum on this forum. I tend to do it myself more than I care to admit when faced with a poster who is armed to the teeth with such artillary.

You strike me as the kind of person who can temper heated debate, a quality sorely lacking on the political board, and you express perspectives from which I, for one, could benefit, through calm, informed, intelligent, and mutually respectful dialog.

If the destination is unity, compromise is the only avenue we can travel to get there and that can't happen if we are not willing to take that journey together.
I completely agree with TXMT and hope you - Colleen
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decide to come back.
You're right on the mark, Colleen, IMHO. (sm) - Nikki
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As you pointed out, you never hear from the "good" Christians, but the "bad" Christians are always in the news, making sure they're louder than all others. It's not you or me who is identifying them as Christians. They identify themselves as Christians when they protest (or blow up abortion clinics or kill an abortion doctor while he is sitting, ironically, in CHURCH).

I know many of the "good" Christians, as you describe them. They live their Christianity in their words AND deeds, and most of them are not threatened by gay marriage. I have to wonder why the others are!
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You strike me as very judgemental. Who are you to decide who is bad and who is good? The Bible teaches of Christians who went to war and fought battles and killed the unGodly and still found favor with God. You should read the Bible. It's a good read. Christians can exhibit good and bad behavior. Just because someone is sitting in church, doesn't make them "good." Any doctor who kills a baby would not constitute a "good" Christian although he did not deserve to be killed because his killer lowered himself to the level of the evil doctor. God would have reckoned with him at a later date. Christians are not "threatened" by homosexual marriage any more than they are threatened by prostitution, murder, or thievery. Because a Christian speaks out against sin does not mean they are threatened. Some Christians are more outspoken than others but even the "nice silent ones" are against it. ;-)
I'm sorry you think I'm "very judgemental." (sm) - Nikki
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I was merely agreeing with Colleen's post. I'm free to have my opinion, just as you're free to have yours.

I'm sure some of the "nice silent ones" are against it; however, I'm also sure there are the "nice silent ones" who are not judgmental and who would like to see a large group of American citizens enjoy equal rights as the rest of us do, but they don't make all the noise and are happy to live and let live.

Again, I was agreeing with Colleen's post, and she was much more eloquent than I could ever hope to be. Last time I checked, I was allowed to agree with a post.

As far as being judgmental, in reading through your posts, you've got "judgmental" down to an art form. In fact, it is perfectly described in the post written by "sm" in response to you, as follows:

So many false claims, such little time. - sm
Posted: Jan 13th, 2010 - 6:00 pm In Reply to: I believe the topic... - KLE

"Usually those who defend this behavior so fiercely are either guilty of it or have a family member to defend." Care to cite a sourse on that one? Truth be told, dear, most of us who support same-sex marriage for political reasons that have to do with such basic American concepts as equality and human rights. Ever heard of them? The Bible refers to the self-righteousness in terms of filthy, hateful to God, vain, hypocritical, ineffectal for salvation, unprofitable, boastful, seeking to justify themselves, rejecting the righteousness of God, dispicable, abominable before God, engaged in folly, renounced by the saints, denounced, etc. Sounds pretty dysfunctional to me.

I don't believe I have anything else to say to you, but please, feel free to keep judging and then calling people judgmental if they dare to disagree with you.
See what I mean? - Colleen
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I am ignoring this person from here on out. Not worth it.
Yes, I absolutely see what you mean. (sm) - Nikki
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And I agree. I made a mistake and "bit," but I will be ignoring this person from now on, as well. As usual, you nailed it!

The Bible teaches of Christians who went to war - sm
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and fought battles and killed the unGodly and still found favor with God. You mean sort of like the Koran teaches the Muslims about Jihad? Why don't you take this to the faith board where it belongs? LOL.
Amen to that! There have more wars fought in - Colleen
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"the name of God" and more people have died "in the name of God" than I care to think about. This is a large part of the reason why I place more stock in faith than "religion."
My favorite bumper sticker for the moment - Colleen
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anyway says "Spirtual people inspire me. Religious people scare me." Kind of sums it up.
I think it sums it up perfectly, IMHO! (nm) - Nikki
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