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DNC spokesperson predicts MR will win the first debate -
Posted: Sep 30, 2012

He may well, ForReal. But this is a standard ploy to reduce - expectations--so hopefully they can be exceeded.SM
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Romney's crew is doing the same even though he ran for president last time, had 20 debates during the primary, and doesn't have to defend his record over the past four years (given a very imperfect reality, the existing president always fights with his back to the wall).
Looking forward to it. If we had more friends nearby who could discuss both sides nicely, I'd have a debate party. :)
Oh, nooooooo. - Tell me aint so
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You've got a reason all lined up already if he does win the debate. Tell me aint so. I've read already people are writing excuses ahead of time so when Romney wins they'll be prepared with the "he was bought" "his money bought him the position", but now this beats all. If he wins it's because expectations are low. So I guess that means if Obama wins its because expectations are low too?
"Logic plus logic equals the illogical. Do you kow - what I mean?" (Some guy). :) NM
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16 %
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48,249 votes
22 %
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5 %
Michele Bachmann
13,633 votes
13 %
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5 %
14,386 votes
39 %
None of them
115,772 votes
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