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Beck, Malkin and Limbaugh attack 11 year old boy

Posted: Mar 16, 2010

after telling his story about the death of his mother after she lost her health insurance.  Cons must be very proud of their pundits tonight, who sank to new lows in their response to the Marcelas Owens story. 

Glenn Beck:  First Beck claimed that Tiffany Owens (Marcelas’ mom) received adequate care because she saw a doctor twice before her death.  Beck then claims that "She refused to go back to the doctor" in between the two visits (which she could not afford to do without insurance and being unemployed).  Then he wondered why she didn’t enroll in any “programs to help her,” i.e., Medicaid, a government sponsored “socialist” program which Beck derides every chance he gets. 

If that weren’t offensive enough, he then questions, "Where was Grandma," inferring Gina Owens, Tiffany’s mother, was indifferent to her daughter’s illness.  Grandma works with the Washington Community Action Network. Beck said the group was "all about (gasp!) economic, racial, gender, and social justice for all," which he immediately tied to the Soviet Union and China.  His exact words were, “Where were you (addressing Gina Owens) when Marcelas’ mother was vomiting blood?”    


Michelle Malkin opines that the dems “brought out the human kiddie shield” when referring to Marcelas Owens.  She calls students who would be allowed to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26, “slackers” and “foot soldiers.”  She further opines that Tiffany Owens was sick for 8 months while uninsured and “probably would have died anyway, with or without insurance,” after claiming that Marcelas was “goaded into speaking about health care reform by his “left-wing activist grandmother” (hiss, hiss).  Fact is that Marcelas has been speaking out in favor of heath care reform since age 7, immediately after he lost his uninsured 28-year-old mother as a way to deal with her loss.  Gee, I wonder why Tiffany’s mom promotes health care reform?    


Enter Limbaugh:  "Now, this is unseemly, exploitative, an 11-year-old kid being forced to tell this story all over just to benefit the Democrat Party and Barack Obama." Limbaugh later said, addressing Marcelas, "Your mom would have still died (gloat, gloat, pontificate, pontificate), because Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014."  Gag me. 


Sorry.  I have to say it.  What miserable bunch of sick people would support such ugly, ugly commentary? 


Children can only believe what adults tell them. - anon

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This child lost his mother at age 7. It makes sense that - au contraire

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this kind of trauma would play out exactly as it has and that he would relate to his environment in ways that he can best understand this unthinkable loss. It makes no difference where he first heard about health care reform, whether it be from TV or his family members, and besides. Fact is that the idea of HCR gave him something to center himself around and focus on. He is working on behalf of his mother's memory and I find that inspiring. In fct, it is the sadness and inspiration that he provides that intimidates the cons and their pundits so.

BTW, your basic premise is false. When I was 5 years old, I related to and believed in my imaginary friend Icabod and the Greek gods, ideas taken from story books and television movies, despite my parents' best efforts to argue against Icabod's existence and indoctrinate me into the Christian church.

A child cannot have an adult understanding of a situation, - anon

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he will believe what he is fed. He does not have a full understanding of the facts and his mind can be easily manipulated at that age. That is not an insult, it is just the way it is. Having an imaginary friend that you believe is real is certainly not an endorsement of anything, it is just what a child will sometimes do, not a recommendation of anything. That child was being used by adults, no matter what he thinks. Let them do the talking instead of trying to use a child to get sympathy and attention.
A child of 7 can understand all too well what his mother's death means. - Marcelas appears to be
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a very gifted child who speaks eloquently on the subject of losing his mother and on the issue of health care. He is quite confident and comfortable in front of the cameras and in the House assembly. He needed no coaching whatsoever, nor was he reading from a teleprompter.

The reference to the imaginary friend and belief in Greek gods (which you ignored) was offered as an illustration that children actually do have the capacity to develop strong belief systems that are quite contrary to those of their parents teachings and independent of social norms with which they are surrounded, not to mention steroetypical characterizations of their own youth.

Marcelas was not one of those children who had the luxury of indulging in such fantasies. He faced the finality of his mother's death and is coping with it with grace and dignity. Your negative spin that does not give him credit for having the capacity to even mourn the loss of his own mother in the way that brings him the most comfort or even allow for the possibility that he is sincere only tells me that you have not seen him speak and that you side with the creeps.

Shame on you.
blah blah blah. Anyone who will use a kid in this way - for desperate sympathy is a stooge.nm
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I most certainly did hear him speak - anon
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and I stand by what I said. He is speaking from the point of view of a child, and I am not faulting him. I am faulting the adults using him. I am not impressed about Greek figures and imaginary friends at all. By the way, I too had a very traumatic childhood, so it is not that I have no understanding about such things. I just totally disagree in using a child to sell your ideas, do it as adults or don't do it at all.
Standing by OP. What miserable bunch of sick people - would support such ugly, ugly commentary?
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To no one's surprise, more than a few of our own fellow posters...those true believers that misery loves company.
And I stand by what I said, no one is picking on this child, - anon
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disagreeing with adults using him for their own purposes. He certainly did nothing wrong, but he is through no fault of his own being used.
Repeated denials do not make it so, dear. The goons comments - were despicable.
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But they pale in comparison to the brutish behavior we witnessed out of Columbus, Ohio tonight, tpots ridiculing a disabled old man who shows up to support health care reform. Burning for eternity is too good for those who participated in that debaucle.
same for you, and you and I have no relationship - anon
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and I am not your dear. I don't even know who you are. That boy was being used. Get the people off of the roles that should not be there and clean up all the health care fraud, that will bring in a lot of money to help the ones who actually need health care, and there are certainly those people, but there are also a lot of people who are simply freeloaders and users. Note that I said those who really need the help should get it.

Terribly sad - is it not?

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How the left is using a child to further their liberal/socialist agenda.

I'm not sorry to say it, but Reid and Pelosi are a miserable sick bunch.

As far as Beck, Malkin and Limbaugh are concerned, Media Matters and the rest of the Buzz pukes can spin it and take it out of context all they want, nobody believes them anyway unless your a lib.

I agree. You have to be ignorant, gullible, or both to - believe this spin. Liberals are desperate

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at this point. I am not buying the garbage they sell. ..and it has turned to just that, garbage, spin, and pathetic desperate acts to get what they want... mainly Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are the instigators, then the sheep follow them.

So I take it the 2 of you think what Beck, Malkin and Lush said - is perfectly acceptable.

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My question is why on earth would anybody want to follow their supporters down that path to moral bankruptcy and an utterly miserable human existence? I much prefer the inspiration provided by the 11-year-old. Thanks, but no thanks.
What you said is so ignorantly twisted, but I should - not be surprised...and if you would actually
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listen to what they said, instead of vilifying, it might even make sense to you. However, if you are so supportive of Obama that you are blind, you will never see the light. Thank God some of us have awakened to his total nonsense.
Read transcripts. Saw videos. The cons triumvirate - hawk nothing but snake oil and venom.
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Slime me once, shame on you. Slime me twice, shame on me. Thanks, but no thanks. Once was plenty.

Ah, I am honored to be a sheep rather than - a goat! nm

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This is so ridiculous. "attacked 11-year-old boy". READ - They didnt... spinner! nm

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Oh, but they did. Caught on video and by their own hand. - Cons should be ashamed of themselves. nm

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Baloney. They did not attack the kid. Get over it.nm - MN

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Obama health care - conservative typist

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you have to stop listening to the liberal media. It's ridiculous how they slant the truth. Bottom line is this country cannot afford this health care. I for one am sick and tired of paying high taxes for entitlement programs for those people who sit around and smoke, eat crap and watch TV all day. The illegal aliens are another story. These liberals are trying to bankrupt this country.

High and mighty, hate thy brother mentality. Expect nothing less - from wingnut factions. nm

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You are so correct. But, dont expect them to listen. - They are brainwashed, it seems.nm

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The right is no more brainwashed than the left and that is a fact! - anon

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no message needed
Umm.. I was talking about the left being brainwashed. - ..and they are!.nm
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pointless - buckeye
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to reason with an individual who knows not the difference between an opinion and a fact.

Typical responses from those who - live for

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republican spin.

Ignore the comments and quotes only are are easily validated in context.

Thanks for posting. Nothing these three say is ever surprising, sad to say.

A little info on your blaring headlines about Marcelas - Backwards Typist

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I know some of you just LOVE the fact that I'm posting here but the facts are, the 3 commentators were attacking the dems for exploiting the boy, not the boy. I chose only a few paragraphs because his transcript is so long, but you can read it with the link I'm providing below. (FYI: I do not listen to Rush. I just decided to check up on this story). I am still NOT in favor of the whole health plan. I am in favor of parts, but now that it's up to 2700 pages, what else have they stuck in there? Pork again? Probably.

Rush:  "They do the same stuff over and over again.  Senior citizens, now some kid, they bring up a bunch of people in wheelchairs or whatever.  It's all about how this country is so rotten, people are dying and nobody cares, the country with the best damn health care in the world.  And they get up and tell lies and have other people tell lies and exploit these people.  All the tug on people's heart strings to make them feel guilty, make them feel the only way we're going to save lives is through Obama.  But we're not going to start saving lives for four years.  Here now, ladies and gentlemen, the capper on this outrage, from Senator Patty Murray.

PATTY MURRAY: It happened to Marcelas; it happens to a lot of people. The system we have in place today doesn't provide options for people when they are just at the edge. Marcelas's mom was doing all the right things, a single mom raising three little kids. She was working hard.  She lost her health care because she lost her job. Marcelas stood up and he came up to a United States senator and he's gone up to the 29th floor of the federal building and he's flown all the way across the country to face this big crew of press people, because he has the courage that his mother left him to remind all of us what this debate is about.

RUSH:  I guess I was right, this 11-year-old kid just stood up, he went to Washington somehow, flew there, then approached a US senator, then went up to the 29th floor of the federal building. He flew all the way across the country and had the guts to face the media, with all these Democrats standing beside him."

Here's the story from the Seattle Times, March 8th.  "Local Boy Who Lost Mom Takes Health Care Story to DC -- His mother, Tiffanny Owens, was working as an assistant manager at Jack in the Box when she began suffering from mysterious vomiting and diarrhea in September 2006. By October that year, she had missed so much work that she lost her job -- and her insurance. Two months later, Owens sought emergency care at Swedish Medical Center's Central Area campus, where a doctor diagnosed her with pulmonary hypertension, a serious type of high blood pressure involving the arteries in the lungs. In January, she again went to Swedish's emergency room and was hospitalized for eight days." All this without insurance. She was treated.  Repeat: She was treated, and she had no health insurance.

"Owens' mother, Gina Owens, said her daughter, who didn't qualify for Medicaid," don't know why " "avoided regular visits to a doctor despite frequently throwing up blood." She just wouldn't go.  (NOTE: Just wouln't go) "In June 2007, Tiffanny Owens was hospitalized yet again, this time at University of Washington Medical Center. After a week of unconsciousness, she died at age 27, leaving Marcelas and his two younger sisters. Gina Owens has custody of the three children." Now, the woman's mother (this Gina Owens who has now has custody) worked for the "Washington Community Action Network," an ACORN offshoot, "the state's largest consumer-advocacy group. Her death made the family's cause personal." So not ACORN.  SEIU.  She worked for the Service Employees International Union, the mother of the woman who died, again from the Seattle Times.  And also from the Seattle Times story: "Health Care for America Now" which is George Soros, Obama and SEIU, "paid to take the boy and his grandmother to DC." So the whole thing was orchestrated by the SEIU.  The boy's aunt, grandmother, whatever it is, Gina, works for the SEIU.  The SEIU... In other words, a woman who got treatment at two different hospitals without health insurance, her illness and death are being exploited by the union that her mother works for -- and now the kid's trip was paid for by the union.  SEIU and all of this, that's Obama.

And, a comment from the Seattle Newspaper from a retired RN:
Ok, I feel very sorry for this little boy losing his mother.

But, I take issue with this story. I am a retired RN, having worked at Harborview Hospital for close to 15 years. This headline implies that this young man's mother was unable to get medical care and therefore died as a result.

Swedish Hospital and the University of Washington Medical Center are TOP MEDICAL facilities! Two of the best in this country!!! What does not make sense is that the mother did not go in for check-ups. Harborview does not deny people from coming into their clinics.

Office visit fees are "peanuts" compared to the cost of hospitalization. This unfortunate woman was NEVER denied care in any hospital. I guarantee you that a social worker would have visited this young woman before she was discharged from the hospital each and every time to make sure she had post hospital clinic appointments lined up. This is standard procedure!

At age 27, with pulmonary hypertension, this woman was one very seriously ill woman. There are way too many holes in this story to be of use for promoting the current healthcare bill.

Worse yet, this article implies that our healthcare system was responsible for this woman's death. Shameful Seattle Times!!!



The child attackers exploited Marcelas for his sympathetic appeal - on behalf of HCR, pure and simple.

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It doesn't get anymore hateful than that.

Guess you didn't read the transcripts in full.Things you seem to be forgetting - Backwards Typist

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or just glossing over the facts:
1. She went to the hospital TWICE. She was treated even though she didn't have health insurance. The dems made it look like she was turned away from health care. NOT SO! The mother CHOSE not to return for follow up.
2. There are too many questions as to why they EXPLOITED this boy. Now I guess you're going say they did not exploit this boy, but in reality, it was purely selfishness and down and out dirty to do this to this boy.

And, in my search today, I saw, but didn't read yet, an article that stated the Ohio mom O used did, or could afford to have,insurance. I'll be looking at that.
Twice in 7 months, evidently not enough for terminal illness - Marcelas proudly spoke by choice...
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Dems never said Tiffany Owens was turned away from the 2 ER visits. This must be more spin doctoring from your sources. Fact is that she would not go to the doctor because she was unemployed, uninsured and could not afford to pay for the care. I did read the full transcripts. I also saw Marcelas speak. The only folks exploiting this boy are the cons pundits and their defenders who are intimidated by his effective plea, being the big fat bullying cowards that they are.

Naotma Canfield did have insurance when she was treated for breast cancer 16 years ago. Her insurance company started raising the premiums on her, bascially on a yearly basis (in an attempt to "dump her" based on the cancer dx), until they reached $708 per month, at which time she canceled. This was before she was diagnosed with the leukemia recently.

She took out a reverse mortgage on her home to help fray medical expenses and fears losing her home all together if forced to sell it or if she is unable to keep up with the taxes and reverse mortgage payments. Why? Because she is a responsible person who pays herown way. Her current reported annual income is $6,000. She is on debilitating chemotherapy. Her application for Medicaid is STILL pending and it is unclear whether or not she will qualify for social security disability. She says herself she is only one of thousands of stories just like hers, and on that score, she is 1000% accurate.
Well, okay. I will agree with part of your post - Backwards Typist
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You Said: "Fact is that she would not go to the doctor because she was unemployed, uninsured and could not afford to pay for the care."

Evidently, you did not see the R.N. letter I also posted. There are caring hospital groups out there who cover people like her. The money comes from people who donate to the Care programs run by the hospital. We give to one every year because they helped us when we were in a bad way.

"I did read the full transcripts. I also saw Marcelas speak. The only folks exploiting this boy are the cons pundits and their defenders who are intimidated by his effective plea, being the big fat bullying cowards that they are."

I also saw him speak. Those exploiting Marcelas are the dems and SEIU since they got him to that speaking engagement.

"Naotma Canfield did have insurance when she was treated for breast cancer 16 years ago. Her insurance company started raising the premiums on her, bascially on a yearly basis (in an attempt to "dump her" based on the cancer dx), until they reached $708 per month, at which time she canceled. This was before she was diagnosed with the leukemia recently."

This I did not know but, $708 a month is not much more than what my husband and I paid privately PRIOR to his illness. Again, why not look for help? It's out there but you have to ask/question unless it's a life-and-death situation like my husband. I'm sure she might have been offered some sort of program through her providers (hospital, doctor) unless they are thoroughly heartless.

I may be wrong, but there are no reverse mortgage payments. A reverse mortgage pays you every month until you either sell or die.

No doubt she will qualify for SS disability. There are so many on SSD that don't belong, so she should qualify.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not heartless, but this health care bill is NOT going to help as long as the insurance companies have their hand in it. They have to do something about the fraud and false payments (known now as 'mistakes') before they commit to something that's NOT GOING TO COVER ANYONE FOR 4 YEARS BUT WE HAVE TO PAY FOR IT STARTING DAY 1. That's mostly the beef I have.

Glenn Beck's Transcript - Backwards Typist

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Again, GB is not attacking the boy. A partial transcript follows AND the link if you want to read the whole thing. So, before you all attack anyone, please, DO YOUR RESEARCH!

GLENN BECK, HOST: Apparently, the health care reform debate is going to reach its zenith this week. Is it ever going to end?

The progressives are pulling out all of the stops. But what they're saying now is that if you don't want this health care bill, you just must hate the poor. You must have absolutely no charity in your heart whatsoever.

You see, they know that you do have compassion for those who are less fortunate — because you're Americans. Americans are the most charitable people in the history of the planet by far. They know that. And that leads them to this understanding: The way to get their power is to play on that compassion. They will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Let me show you something that should disturb you on what was trotted out on Friday. Now, let me make this clear, this is a terribly sad story. This little guy who stepped up to the microphone, how do you not ache for him? What he's gone through.

But what he's being put through now — knowingly by adults — is obscene. The senators are exploiting him and it's absolutely despicable. Watch:

But even without health care, she went to the hospital and received treatment, at least two times. The second time was for eight days in the hospital. Now, how is that not having access to health care?

For whatever reason between the visits to the emergency room, she refused to go back to the doctor, despite the fact that she was vomiting blood. Was no one saying "Please go back to the doctor"?

I grew up in Washington State. Believe me, they offer a plethora of existing government assistance programs to anybody who's laid off or unemployed. If you're worker and you're unemployed, they got assistance for you. Just like Marcelas' mom.

Why didn't she enroll? Did she enroll? These are the questions that were never answered with these stories, because the answer too often doesn't fit the agenda.

Marcelas' grandmother now says that they applied for Medicaid for Marcelas' mom in the eight months between losing her job and when she died. Well, did they wait too long? If they did, can't we hurry that process up? There is something wrong with the process if that is true. But I don't know if it's true.

What I do know is: If an unemployed single mother of three can't get Medicaid, who can? Maybe that's where we should start looking to fix the system, because that's a change we can all agree on and we can change it today.


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http://rawstory.com/2009/10/rush-limbaugh-tells-environmental-reporter-kill/   ...

David Frum To Republicans: Stop Working For Fox And LimbaughMar 26, 2010
03/26/2010 David Frum used to be a speechwriter for the GW Bush administration. You may remember him as the guy who wrote the "Axis of Evil" statement for Bush's speech. In 2003, he moved over to working for the American Enterprise Institute as a Fellow. This week, Frum had a "parting of the ways" with the AEI, and is now unemployed. He was fired, in other words. On Sunday, Mr. Frum wrote on his website, FrumForum, that health-care reform had been a debacle for the Republican party, sayin ...

Released From Hospital, Limbaugh Pronounces US Health System 'just Dandy'Jan 03, 2010
By Raw StorySaturday, January 2nd, 2010 -- 12:53 pm Outspoken US conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh left hospital in Hawaii on Friday after a heart scare, and took a veiled swipe at President Barack Obama's plans to reform health care. Limbaugh, the multi-millionaire high priest of talk radio, who is a hugely influential figure in Republican politics, said doctors had found nothing wrong with his heart -- despite severe chest pains he suffered on Wednesday. "I have been treated to the ...

Union Mocks Limbaugh's New Found 'love' Of Socialized MedicineJan 05, 2010
By Stephen C. WebsterMonday, January 4th, 2010 -- 8:24 pm When right-wing talker Rush Limbaugh praised the U.S. health care system as "just dandy" based on his experiences in a Hawaii hospital, chances are he didn't quite know his words were diametrically opposed to his politics. "The treatment I received here was the best that the world has to offer," he said of services rendered at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu. Hawaii, however, is the closest thing the United States has to s ...

Beck/OlbermannJun 09, 2011
I hope this post doesn't bring out the worst in us.  It's been a crazy week with a lot of name calling.  My intention on posting this was purely the entertainment factor and not to debate who is more disliked.  Personally, for me, I dislike both but for different reasons.  Do you think we can keep it civil? LOL  Beck and Olbermann Far More Disliked Than Loved, Data Shows Jun. 8 2011 - 3:43 pm | 1,181 views | 0 recommendations | 0 comments ...

Glen Beck? SmMar 19, 2010
I remember seeing Glen Beck on CNN a few years ago and thinking he was a little "out there".  Since he left CNN and went to Fox, I only have seen clips of his shows.  He seems to really have radicalized to say the least!  I have been making myself watch his show over the last week and have to say that I cannot watch a whole segment without a break!  To be honest, I think he is a psychopath!  Today I found out that because I want healthcare reform I am a communist/fascist ...

Glenn BeckNov 04, 2010
Anyone watch Glenn Beck? Thoughts? ...

Glenn Beck Aug 05, 2014
I must have missed Glenn Beck's turning six months ago, but saw this current interview on CNN this weekend.  The second part is next weekend. I'm curious as to whether anyone has any thoughts on his realizations. Genuine or fiction?  Is he the beginning of realization of the Fox News indoctrination and damage?  He says he regrets the time he spent on Fox and basically apologizes for the damage done.  (I claim this as a realization for Fox because I feel he was a p ...

Glenn Beck TonightNov 23, 2009
Just had my monthly Beck dose.  He was agreeing that conservatives were creative and growers while progressives (communists, really, he said) are oppressing all the poor people!!!! Beck has got some money-making scheme where his loyal followers can go to a movie theatre and watch his LATEST installment of redemption via the Christmas sweater book he is milking for all its worth.  In the preview, he looks just like an evangelist standing there in the spotlight. The interviewee mentione ...