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Back when I studied the Holocaust

Posted: Nov 2, 2013

I remember thinking, "How did Hitler get over 6 million people to follow along blindly without fighting back?"  Then I realized, I'm watching my fellow Americans take the same path when it comes to our government. 

From Doomsday economy.



You're exactly right. It's the same cultish mentality. - It scares me for my grandbabies.

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White-hot anger, resentment, bigotry, disproportionate fear - are not liberal characteristics. Keep thinking. nm

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Okay, googled right wing sites for recent liberal - "cultish mentality" posts. Obama is

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the liberal cult followers' Jim Jones, who's planning to serve us all his version of poisoned Kool-Aid. You know, plan for a new Holocaust?

This term is also good for general use: As liberalism is their substitute for religion, they swallow everything Obama tells them on faith -- a dandy little blanket rationalization that allows one to "know" that whatever liberals say, like they don't THINK they're actually planning to murder millions of fellow citizens (?), will be nonsense.

Got it. Or at least part. I didn't follow it farther than the FEMA death camps. FT

Liberals are EXTREMELY frustrated with Obama - wheres_my_job

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You've got a completely warped idea as to how liberals feel about Obama. We're frustrated, we're disgusted in some cases, and are really looking forward to upcoming elections.

Obama has been a HUGE disappointment in so many ways - it's absolutely NOT the case that liberals are some kind of "cult" blindly following "The Great Leader" Obama. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Interesting segue, Wheres. What do you look for - in his Democratic successor? It
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really does not look as if the GOP will finish up its mourning for an imaginary Whitey-White America in time to win this next one, so...what sort of person should we put in power this time? Any names in mind?

Where do you put yourself on the spectrum of Democratic voters?

It's no surprise to me that Obama is as basically moderate in action as he seemed before election, but I'm close enough to that myself that it doesn't dismay me. I wasn't too disappointed in his positions, or surprised at his cool ruthlessness overseas, but I sure wish he hadn't wasted so much opportunity by trying to work WITH the GOP when he still had the House. He does now, too, of course.
Yep, a lot of people in Oregon are not happy - at all.
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Not liking how he evades accountability for his actions and what he says.
Umhm. Oregon has conservatives too. Did you know - 19% identified as Republican on the
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last Pew poll? That's nationally. 19%. The number of conservatives total is much higher, so it's clear they're kind of unhappy all right.

I have Dem friends in Oregon. Like Dems everywhere, those who are unhappy, a minority compared to those who are at least glad of the progress we have made, are because Obama's programs don't go far enough.

Frankly, I ran out of patience with people who can only complain and look for problems a long time ago. Left or right, those people never build anything, just sort of get carried along on the slipstream of the dreams and determination of others, and they're the kiss of death for dinner parties.

i agree. I would never say this in public but I wanted Universal Healthcare - not to continue on with insurance companies
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I do think he has made things worse.
This is public right here, and I say it in person too. I wanted - universal single payer, but this is
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a start. We all know now that he made a strategic error in trying to work with the GOP to develop this plan together, but that's after the fact.

His attempt to heal the rift and bring Congress together didn't work. They pretended to work with the Democrats during the planning phase, long enough to sabotage what could have been, and then like snakes in the grass turned and attacked.

I blame them. This is not what our Founding Fathers intended when they set up a two-party system. As for what's come since...they'd be angry and appalled.

But, for all the noise, we have healthcare reform that can be built on. Because a single payer system is so much less expensive, I do expect to see that as an option eventually for those who want it. Especially since we have a single-payer system humming along, well established for years. The GOP has little chance of gaining the White House next term and seems to be working hard to lose any chance of regaining the Senate.

Fellow Traveler
Ok. I say the pubs should just walk out. Pack up - and just leave government.
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Let the liberals take over. They can have it all. Done with this country. We are to work together, but THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
it's my understanding that single-payer was - quashed by the right
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This is such complicated stuff. Sorry if I have it backwards. I welcome corrections.
It was set aside to achieve agreement with the right during - the drafting of the ACA. Obama had
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the House, Senate and Presidency and cold have done reform without consulting the GOP at all. He felt (rightly), though, that the division and enmity that had grown between the parties was also a severe national problem that needed to be addressed, so he tried to work with them.

After months of doing that, which resulted in the addition of over 200 GOP amendments to the bill, it went to a vote. NO Republicans voted for the bill, notably including those who had worked on it and pretended they were going to.

The game was that they couldn't keep it from passing, so their pretend cooperation was just an excuse to water it down while they awaited a chance to destroy it.

They failed to destroy it, though, the Supreme Court upheld it, and here we are. With a watered down, partial reform that needs many improvements. But is still far better than what we had before.

THAT reality kills the extremists on the right who've been driving all this now because they know once implemented America will never give it up. FT
Sabotage - *Seriously
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The sabotage is stunning hypocrisy IMO. The Republican mantra is "the states should each do what is good for their state," and "the states can do it better," but then half the states, 26 Republican states who could supposedly do it better, did not create exchanges but rather did nothing and left it up to the Federal Government. It's mind boggling.

Because of this fact and many others (like shutting the government down with nothing to gain), Virginia will have a Democrat governor soon. One down.

German CONSERVATIVES elected Hitler and his party to power. - The more socially conservative, the more happy the

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with this strong leader who promised to save them from the secularism they saw as destroying family values, the threat to their "Aryan race" from immigrants and Jews, and the red menace just a week's tank drive across the plains of central Europe.

It's terribly important to realize just what methods evil plotters might be most likely to attempt to get access to power through, and just who they would be using them on. Of all the political personalities that could be appealed to, strong social conservatives are especially vulnerable to being used for ends they do not realize. In an era like this one, when rampant change has caused great anxiety and anger among them, we see many willing to support extreme and potentially destructive change to existing systems.

It's also important to realize that, although extremists of any type are usually far more ready to support destructive actions than moderates, in today's America the right wing has moved so far right that extremism in attitude and action is very common, while left wing extremism is so anemic that in most cities they'd have a hard time getting together enough people to require a permit.

This is why when I saw that group of female social conservatives giving Senator Ted Cruz an EIGHT-MINUTE STANDING OVATION after his attack on our existing government my thoughts inevitably went to exactly what you say you fear.

Fellow Traveler

No. No. A thousand times, - NO!

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As a direct descendant of General Sam Houston, one of the Founding Fathers of the Republic of Texas, I am deeply offended to see such garbage displayed beneath the image of such an honorable man. As a Unionist who promoted statehood, bitterly opposed to secession, and who withdrew from Texas politics when it became part of the confederacy (with a small, small "c") rather than to bring civil strife and division to the beloved state to which he devoted his entire life's work, I am deeply, deeply offended on his behalf.

Shame on the founders of this trashy site. You have the General spinning in his grave.

He evades all accountability for his actions - and what he says. NM

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Just saying.

Really? Then please - explain

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Lucy, you've got some 'splainin to do:


Obama:  I Take Full Reponsibility For Fixing Website.


Obama Takes Responsibility for Libya


Obama Takes Responsibility for Airline Security


Obama Takes Responsibility for Oil Spill


President Obama Takes Responsibility for Democrats' Loss, Saying, "I've Got to Do a Better Job"


Obama Takes Responsibility for Failure of Jobs Growth


Obama Takes Responsibility for Syria


Obama Takes Full Responsibility for Economy


Obama Takes Responsibility for Spying


Obama: I bear Responsibility for Everything....this time it's gridlock in Washington

Oh, and while you're at it, please justify the right wing's false claim about Obama being a big government spender when the facts show exactly the opposite, especially the part about W's 8.1 T share that was REASSIGNED to Obama: 


Link from "Doomsday Economy"? The more frightened - people are, the more conservative they

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shift. Now, these people who are trying to shift people right with promises that our nation is on the brink of collapse?



You are responsible for that, after all, and might have to live with it, so you should KNOW.

Looks to me like he's putting out the - message

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for one simple reason, just like his brothers and sisters in arms Rush, Ann, Hannity, et al... the money, pure and simple. Fleecing the sheeple using scare tactics is as old as fear itself.

Right. NO other warnings valid, can ONLY hear how - to survive on his video for $300. :) nm

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"Hit the button now," only it's $39 to "unleash your - inner hero." A book? nm

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$27.30 - *Seriously
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If you try to leave the page, and click "cancel," the price goes down to $27.30. Yes, I know it sounds like I am making this up, but I am serious!

$27.30! $27.30!

That's 2.... 7.... 3.... 0....

Now, if you add 2+7, you get 9.
If you take away 3 from 9, you get 6.

Now we all know 6 is an evil number, as in 666.

I think this book must be pure evil. *wink*

oh good lord - talk about "reaching"
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I think perhaps too many of you have too much time on your hands! Your brains are seeing things that just are not there. Good grief! Find a hobby!
Oh! Good! - Very Good!
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It was a joke. That is what "wink" means.

Extrapolate that out and pretend like it follows the philosophy of the link in the original post and it seems to be a trait of the Tea Party Republicans.....

because it does.

"Eat cookies, milk and brownies while society collapses - around you." For real! nm

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Another "What Are Some Watching" link on OP's post. - Gov preparing for FEMA camp "orderly deaths.&

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OP, go look up the national deficit. It has shrunk - 1/3 (ONE THIRD) in a couple of years. nm

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Bank bailouts took National Deficit to the moon. - Of course it shrunk

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"...Mr. Elmendorf and other experts point out, one of the reasons it is falling is because it shot up so high in the first place. As the financial crisis devastated the economy, tax revenues fell. Spending on unemployment insurance and other government recovery programs rose. In 2008, the deficit was about $458 billion. In 2009, it rocketed up to $1.4 trillion. It stayed above the trillion-dollar mark for 2010 through 2012."

Deficit had no where to go but down. Bail out, 911, Katrina, joblessness resulting in UI and foodstamps to new poor. It is not a sign of good economic policy, therefore.

Barack Obama is a globalist. He sits on UN security council. He is a man who has no regard for suffering Americans. The redistribution of wealth he had campaigned on is indeed taking place - Out of the US tax payers' pocket, into the bankers/investors pockets and into emerging economies as investments.

4 trillion dollars and more have left US soil in the form of investments since Obama came to the stage.

Have you heard this man talk of a plan to bring jobs back? That would surely help but not a word that I have heard since Recovery Act (roads). Tax revenue goes with the jobs.

SS tax cuts were also in effect up until this year.

Smoke and mirrors is all you Obama supporters have.

BTW, I created a web page for Obama and Biden in 2007. Biggest fan here - it took 2 weeks after his election to realize the guy was a shifty liar who planned to destroy the richest kid on the block in order to reach a "new world order" leaving America as a 2nd world country.

Don't kid yourself. Obama is no hero for Americans.

America is a permanent member of the UN Security Council - (since 1946)

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding the reference.? sorry, if so.

Have you heard this man talk of a plan to bring jobs back? - *Seriously

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Yes, but it has been a long, long, long time.....

Four whole days.

Maybe it only seems like a long time because we just had the "fall back" extra hour added.

It's An Easy Answer, Really - *Seriously?

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Two easy answers:

1.  They didn't follow along blindly, they followed in fear of their lives.  That "fear of their lives" part might seem familiar. 

2.  Hitler was a snake.  Here's a visual:


IMO, the people who first hoisted this flag and believed in what it stood for would turn over in their graves to see what it represents today.

Regarding the Holocaust - Old Pro

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I lost many family members in the Holocaust. Several years ago I took several university courses on the Holocaust. There is a wonderful book I would recommend to anyone. It is called "They Thought They Were Free, The Germans 1933-1945," by Milton Mayer. It is still in print and available on Amazon. It is very readable and interesting. I am a Jew, but the same principles apply to all kinds of people. This book really opened my eyes back when I took the course (in the 70s!). They are still teaching from it today.

When I married Jewish DH and moved to Hollywood, - his mom had years of correspondence with and

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photos of extensive European family, from before they all died in the Holocaust. I saw very tidy little strings of blue numbers on the wrists of a few of her friends. I really knew almost nothing about what had happened, so I went to the library and took out everything there was on the Holocaust itself, many of them eyewitness accounts from survivors. Big mistake. That was over 40 years ago, and I've never gone near that subject since.

You tempt me with this book, though, as it's accounts from the viewpoint of the perfectly normal, educated, white Christian German voters who were the unthinking power behind Hitler's rise. (Not those who worked in the death camps.) It MUST be a good one as it's over 50 years old with plenty of copies out there, and the lowest price on Amazon is still $10.22. :)

Government Of The People, By The People, For The People - *Seriously

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The Tea Party, doomsday, time-to-hide, be afraid, be very afraid, agenda pushing money worshipers see *everything* that Democrats do with electoral lenses. Democrats want immigration reform? The TP thinks that is to add to the voter rolls! Democrats want affordable health insurance made available and a standard for insurance to protect the uninsured? Well, the TP thinks it must be to make people so dependent on government that they can't help but add to Democratic voter rolls.

For a party that likes to claim it speaks for the American people, they are truly terrified of a genuinely representative government. A government that is truly representative of its people would, by its very definition, be run by the party that best represents all Americans. We had elections, and the people have spoken. You don't get to hold the country hostage and threaten to shut it down because you received the least amount of votes. They took a poll in November 2012. That election happened to be the people's will. The losing party just doesn't seem to get that fact.

Can the Tea Party Republicans, too busy retrenching into their regional redoubts, ever be the party of the people, by the people, for the people? No. The fact is they are not representative of the majority of the people and never will be. The Tea Party Repulicans will not spend an ounce of energy trying to rebrand and become more responsive to the actual people. They'll just double down and triple down on their unpopular policies and gerrymandering the peoples' vote into irrelevance while trying their very best to keep people from voting at all.

Keep on digging in, Tea Party, and keep on screaming at the top of your lungs that everyone should be mad and afraid. Killing the government is a strange way to save it. With ideas like that you will remain the minority party and the party headed toward *permanent* minority status... nothing more than a rabid, wounded, snarling, screaming animal.

A dangerous animal to be sure, perhaps more dangerous than ever before. But like all wounded, rabid animals, your destiny is clear.

I don't think it's valid to compare genocide with any U.S. administration - nm

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When 6 million people are murdered by - Obama, you can make some

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Until then, the Nazi Germany comparisons are incredibly disrespectful, hysterical (not the funny kind) and ridiculous.

"Those who cannot remember the past...sm - Old Woman

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are condemned to repeat it." ~ George Santayana

Why should we wait until Obama murders 6 million people to do something to stop him? Not saying that he will, not saying that he won't.

Remembering the past does not = false accusations - of an epic degree. nm

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Good point. With that logic we should have impeached Bush before he started - a deadly war NM

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here's another Santayana quote - sm

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George Santayana defines fanaticism as "redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim".

...might confuse partisan politics with WWII - nm

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...are in danger of turning to Glenn Beck for understanding. - :) nm

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