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Another observation on the Politics Board

Posted: Sep 20, 2012

I have been thinking how boring and pointless this Board has gotten in the last couple of months with the incessant Obama bashing and anything Democratic or liberal.   I noticed that apparently I am not the only one thinking this because next to each post there is the counter that says how often a post is viewed.  I notice that most original posts barely get over 50 hits and most secondary posts get maybe 10 to 25. 

I did a random search of the achives and found that the OPs on this Board used to have between 200 and 400 views and the secondaries 50 to 60 to 70 hits--just last year.  Things sure have gone downhill.   For me personally, the Board went down hill with the constant ugly, nasty postings and accusations. Those of us who used to participate know that it is just one or two people who try to bury real issues with nonsence and dog whistles.   I don't need to reiterate all the details, as most of us now recognize it the moment we see it.  I, and I am sure many others, no longer click on a post because we know what it will say just by a few buzz words or monikers. 

If the goal was to disenfrancise people from participating on this Board, your strategy has worked.  If you goal was to disenfrancise people from voting, not so much. 

I am sure you don't have a problem with my sharing my thoughts. 

Thank you very much.


"You keep tellin' yourself that, darlin'"... - whatever blows your skirt up.

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What I see here are, first of all, more than "one or two" conservatives, and second, that what you interpret as "bashing" amounts to an awful lot of raw fact being posted that liberals don't like, and that they can't even come close to considering rationally and objectively.

The man - and his treasonous philosophy - are a BUST, and frankly there is simply no answer to that cold, hard fact.

Buzz words in your post - sm

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A couple that stood out are "incessant" and "dog whistle."

Here are my observations - sm

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First, I think you read too much into it, with all those calculations of how many views this or that one gets.

The board has not gotten "boring", but the constant Romney/Ryan bashing is pointless. Personal attacks against them and anyone who is a conservative. Bash after bash. Don't know if you've noticed (am sure you have not), but a lot of conservative posters have been driven from the board because of the attacks. I have a couple friends who say why bother, the board is liberal dominated and they make sure that nobody conservative can have a say in anything or entitled to a difference of opinion. Anytime they post their opinion or a link they are told not credible, or other insults. And a lot of the conservatives are no longer using their monikers for that reason. They tell me they have too many important things to do and don't need the headache of being called a liar, racist, ignorant, hater, bagger, bigot, etc, etc., so they just don't come anymore, which is exactly what the liberals want. I don't see hardly any decent conversations, or sharing of information. I've never seen anyone say, you know you could be right or I may be wrong. And when all else fails out comes the whole slew of nasty filthy name calling, ridiculing or trying to make conservatives feel as though their opinions don't count and they are insignificant. I see name calling of Romney, but complaints of name calling of Obama. It's the "we can call Romney a name, but you can't do the same with Obama". The hatred and absolute disgusting posts about Romney or Ryan are downright disturbing and chilling and hate to say it but some are pretty evil. When I read the lies some tell about them, saying they are going to do things they are not, or they don't have this or that when they do, it's such a depressing feeling to know that so many have bought into the brainwashing and lies of the liberal media. I guess they are doing their job well, but it's very disheartening to read the hate posters have for republicans. Obama is allowed to do this or that, but when Romney does the same thing that's not okay. Obama puts out lies about Romney and if Romney says a lie about Obama all you know what breaks out. To the point where I actually see posters say Romney should just drop out. I'm thinking why, so that there is no choice anymore. I do believe that's the way it works in some other countries and it's never good for the people of the country.

As for your "insight" into how many people view certain posts I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll tell you this. There are certain liberals on this board. I see their initials/monikers and I don't open up their posts at all because I know that either 1.) What they write is not true 2.) They are spreading hate or 3.) They are only posting to insult conservatives. Every once in awhile (I'd say maybe 1 in every 50) posts, depending on the subject matter I will open a post by a known liberal. The last one I did was a post by bootstraps with an article he/she had found. I actually liked the article, but I still have never agreed with any of his/her posts and therefore sometimes for me because I'm very busy and little time to read the board I just skip the posts I know are "bogus".

For me the board went downhill with the ugly, nasty postings directed at conservatives telling them how insignificant their posts and links are, how if they don't support 100% lock, stock and barrel without questioning anything that Obama does they are not patriotic, unAmerican or traiters. Posters changing subject matter when they don't like what is being said.

Yes, if the goal was to disenfranchise people from participating on the Board, your strategy has worked. There are less conservatives posting now.

As for voting, people will vote. Nothing on this board has changed that.

And I'm sure there are people who will have a problem with me sharing my thoughts, but as Rhett Butler said so well, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a ****".

Disenfranchisement not limited to the Politics board - anon

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It has spread all over these boards lately.

Here we go with the Drama Mama - Yeah- you're such a "victim"

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So now every few weeks we get the "poor me, I"m so disenfranchised" - everybody's mean post

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The ones always posting these messages are the worst offenders. Maybe if you reseponded to posters the way you want posters to respond to you, there would be no need for the poor me, I am so abused.

There is something seriously wrong with someone that comes to a politics board with such a thin skin.

Here's a thought...start your own board, post whatever the **** you want and leave this board to the grown ups.

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