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Just an observation

Posted: Aug 12, 2012

Democrats had control of congress during the last 2 years of Bush's administration.  Democrats had total control of congress and the WH during the first 2 years of Obama's administration.  Can someone please explain to me why it is the republicans fault that the democrats didn't get anything accomplished during the time they had control?  Sorry to say but this whole "republicans are obstructionists" argument just doesn't jive with me.  If the president and the democrats had done what they claim is right for our country when they had control, we could be seeing now whether they were right or not.  Instead, they didn't do much and the people grew tired of nothing being done and voted in a lot of republicans in 2010 and now all of sudden the democrats want to get so much done that is right for our country, but they just can't do it because of those darned republicans.  They had their chance and did not take it.  You can't blame another party for your lack of inaction when you had the power and dropped the ball.


Saying we had "control"....sm - JTBB

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of congress is actually misleading. Control would be a 60% majority, which is what it takes to kill a filibuster. We (dems) didn't have that. What we did have was a record number of filibusters. In fact, because of filibusters, the only way we could get Obamacare through was with reconcilliation. Make no mistake about it, republicans have done everything in their power to try to make Obama a one term president, unfortunately, with no regard for the country at large.

Thank you. - sm

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I get so tired of hearing both here and on other sites about this so-called majority that the Democrats had. We had a filibuster proof majority for about 15 days that was broken up into two separate periods, if I remember right. Can't find the citation for it at the moment, though.

Majority means squat if the opposing party can filibuster their way through things and stop things in their tracks which is EXACTLY what has happened in Congress in recent years.

Filibuster - S/M

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A tactic unique to the Senate, the filibuster means a simple majority guarantees nothing when it comes to passing laws.

"The rules of the Senate are designed to give muscle to the minority," said Senate historian Donald Ritchie.

With the Senate now made up of 100 members, two for each of the 50 states, an opposition filibuster can only be broken with 60 votes – a three-fifths majority.

Deliberate lie trotted out over and over - Mental block?

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Since this talking point has been trotted out on this board on average at least once every 2 weeks for the last 2 years and debunked as usual, why do the same posters keep trotting it out there to be debunked? Are they trying to mislead and perpetuate a lie? I do not think they are too unintelligent to not understand "fillibuster". This calls into question any and all posts by those conservative, libertarian, T-party extremist posters.

Quite a stereotype - and assumption

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...that all posters have even been aware of this site for the last 2 years. Maybe some of us only recently "joined." Maybe some of us are just recently interested in politics. Maybe some of us are of recent voting age.

Deliberate lie Dems post all the time - They were in the majority

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And repeatedly used the fillibuster when it suited Dems and their purpose. Yes...the lips and Dems trot out their same old lies and distortions, which continually have to be debunked.

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