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livid, need advice

Posted: Apr 13, 2012

I'm upset about something and I want to make sure i'm not being selfish. It has to do with my inlaws, in particular MIL. My hubby and I have been having financial problems for the past two years. I lost my 16 year MT career due to a disability that it created, and from then on we have been sinking. We went from making 40k a year, to 17k, I was the primary breadwinner. During the past two years I have lost everything. Our house went into foreclosure, and is now in a short sale (this week actually). I lost the worker's comp case, in which I thought was a cut and dried case, apparently not. We totalled our one remaining car (the other one broke down six months earlier and it cost too much to fix) two months ago. We are officially 60k in debt and have dug ourselves quite the hole here. Well, we were recently blessed with a job change, and my husband is now making almost twice my old salary. We had to pick up and move and pretty much start over. This week is his first week on the job. More stress, but it seems to be we are turning the titanic around a little bit. Now to the inlaws, in particular the mother in law. My hubby called her to tell her about his new job, and she proceeds to ask for money! Already? really???? His first week on the job, she asks for money. Anyway, she wants him to add her 15 year old brat of a grand-daughter to our phone plan, buy her a cell phone and basically another bill. She has a dad, but he won't buy her a phone. MIL claims it is because she wants to keep in touch with her, however, she is over there every weekend, she sends us pictures?! Does a 15 year old NEED a cell phone? Is MIL out of line asking this the first week we get this job? I know no one in my family would have the gall to ask such a thing, especially knowing what we have been through and with the stress of the move and all. Also, after the car accident, his brother decides to tell my hubby that he owes him money (it got out we received a small settlement for the totalled car, for which we purchased a CHEAP car with). They got into a huge battle over this, and i'm just tired. I don't want to pay for this girls cell phone, I don't even like the girl, she is harsh and mean and violent (police get called over to that house, and she is in handcuffs constantly, gets into physical altercations) She is loose and out of control, and I do not want her involved in our lives at all, esp don't want to start paying for any of her bills! I feel selfish, but at the same time I think a line has been crossed here! I am torn and feel awful and I cannot sleep. We need all that money for ourselves, we need to get out of the hole! We need to put that towards our needs, not the needs of MIL's grand-daughter (whom its HER fault that grand-daughter's life is in the toilet, as her mother was a drug addict and had problems caused by my MIL and FIL). I don't want other people's lives seeping into our own! Tell it to me straight, am I being selfish? How would you feel? What would you do? I have been praying about this but finding no answers, thanks for any and all response. ;

You are NOT being selfish. - mthead

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The girl is 15; she can get a job and pay for her own darn cell phone. Or your MIL can pay for it. What did your DH say? You are going through a major life change and you don't need to be stressing about this type of thing. Your MIL is clueless.

Livid, need advice - greyhound mom

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You have to think about getting yourselves out of debt. As far as your niece is concerned, the only phone that should be considered for her would be those pay as you go phones (something like $10 a month). This is the type of phone I have. I only use it for an emergency. The only valid reason for her having a cell phone and cannot pay for it is for an emergency. Who knows how much she would rack up in minutes, etc. (Not that you should have to pay for it). Who says that is your responsibility. Did anyone help you when you were in the hole b4 your husband got a job. Good luck to you. Once you get out of the hole, that will be a tremendous weight lifted off your shoulders. Please, do not feel selfish about this. Don't get yourself sick about this!! Your mother-in-law should feel ashamed of herself for even suggesting the cell phone to you.

my thoughts - mter

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Teenagers + cell phones = Unknown bills! Take it from a mom of 3 teens. Intentionally or unintentionally it can happen and then what would you do?! Example: My daughter had free minutes to all Verizon customers. Well, one of her friends switched plans but kept her same number. We didn't figure it out until the $200 bill came later! You could be opening a can of worms. Do you owe your MIL money? I cannot believe she would come to you so soon and expect it anyway. This would not be a good way to pay her back regardless, because there are too many opportunities for extra cost. You have to focus on your family. Your MIL can get a her a calling card to keep in touch for a lot less $ and risks.

this is what i'm afraid of - OP

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This teenager is out of control already. She has broken numerous phones and this is why her dad will not buy her a phone! I'm afraid of the extra costs and unknown minutes that will accumulate. I am just in awe that she would ask this, we do not owe her money. My husband is mild mannered and gives in, so she is taking total advantage! I don't want to be the mean DIL but I feel violated here, we are going through trial after trial and have an opportunity to stabilized and she asks this. There are other things with these inlaws, but I will not get into, and this is just the straw camels back type thing.

As for how my husband feels. We were at the grocery store when we had a blowout over this. I lost my cool, it is the stress of the move, the financial stuff, the short sale, and I just lost my cool at the grocery store. We get in the car and he says "how do you think I feel, my own mother asking me this the first week on my new job?" So he is hurt, and upset, but he has a problem saying no to his family because he feels like he always has to prove something. It is nauseating watching this go on because he then gets taken advantage of.

We try to be good Christians and are very giving, esp to his parents because his father used to be an alcoholic, and they are just kind of depressed, and not in the best place financially. His entire family is dysfunctional and this just adds to it, now that we have a little money, she comes out of the woodwork with this. I feel she cares nothing about us, and just wants to use us because we give off a certain vibe that says it is okay to do so. Being Christians we are dedicated to them in a way, we honor them, go over there and put up with their dyfunction and now having this pushed on us. I am not happy at all, and I want him to put his foot down!

I will bring up the pay as you go phone to my hubby, I did not know they existed. I hesitate to do that even because of the sheer principle of it all. He will have to tell her we need to dig ourselves out a little bit first and get situated since we just moved a county away. I know they are going to think i'm the "bad" guy here!
Maybe DH can tell the MIL that he doesn't - want to go behind
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his brother's back and get the niece a cell phone against the brother's wishes? I don't know how the brothers' relationship is, but I wouldn't usurp the BIL's authority on this.
the phone and the MIL - Mg
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Stop letting these people manipulate you. They certainly don't care about your situation and are doing their best to put a guilt trip on you and your husband. Be the bad guy if your husband just can't say no. They'll find a way to get her what she wants without you. If her own father won't get her a phone, why in the world should it be your responsibility?

I know it's difficult, but just do what you know it right for you and your husband. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of their emotional fallout and making you feel guilty when you have absolutely no reason to feel guilty at all. Just say no and stick with it. It will work out just fine.

It makes me so mad to read these types of posts where good people are taken advantage of!

no, no, no!! - Angie

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how dare she ask for money and ask for you to put a teen not your own on your plan? She should be grateful that he got a job to start getting you out of debt. If she wants the grand to have a phone,she can get her one. No, you are not wrong. Stop talking to them until you are out of the hole a little is what I would do. Don't stop praying...Not getting answers? Sure you are...Your husband got this job didn't he? we are all telling you not to do it. The Lord works in mysterious ways! God Bless YOu!

I agree w/Angie, especially about - stopping the

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"information train." I would keep MIL in the dark about your financial matters, good or bad, so she doesn't feel free to make these kinds of requests in the future. I hope your DH will let his mom know that his priority is taking care of the needs of his OWN family first, instead of taking care of the WANTS of his extended family. If your DH won't say anything to your MIL, I would tell her you guys are really struggling to get out of debt and that the last thing you can do is take on more. Good luck to you; MIL troubles are the worst.

I'm a MIL and.... - MT

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NO...you are not being selfish. Where is this girl's parents?? Let them furnish her a cell phone. She is not your responsibility. If your MIL wants her to have a cell phone, she should dig deep for it. You and your husband's needs (and even desires) should come first. Sleep tight...I wouldn't even stress over this one. ; )

Regarding MIL - Beentheredonethat

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Just say no.

ok - OP

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I feel a bit more validated. Thank you ladies, I thought I was right, but wasn't sure. When I first got upset with my husband over this his initial response was "you are going into a career that helps children, and you want to foster, yet you won't help out a family member?" and that made me crazy because the request seems unfair and just badly timed! When we finally discussed it in the car, he was honest about how he felt. He lets himself get manipulated by his family to do things he does not want to do, and it just creates trouble down the road. This is a big problem waiting to happen and I know i'm not crazy for seeing that. He made the big mistake of blabbing how much he will be earning here, which I knew right away was a chance for the opportunists to come forth in his family. I feel validated though and will try to talk more logically about it tonight, some interesting points were brought up here. I dont have many people to talk to so thank you.

There are a lot of books and articles - on the internet

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about setting boundaries in a dysfunctional/narcissistic family that your DH might find helpful in dealing with his family, if he is open to that sort of thing. It doesn't sound like counseling would be affordable at this point, but would he consider talking to your minister/priest about his feelings regarding being manipulated by his family?

when you grow up with an enabling parent, - Also BTDT

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it is hard to stop the cycle. But the way I see it, your MIL is an enabler who actually cultivates the problems in her gc. By asking your husband to enable the child, he would actually be promoting through himself *her* enabling. It really is okay to just say no. Don't interfere with your BIL's right to raise his daughter in the way he chooses. Don't reward the teenager's bad behavior for giving her something she has not earned (if she doesn't learn this lesson now, then when?). And mostly, don't reward your MIL's meddling behavior by having clear boundaries and respecting you and your husband's right to living a guilt-free life separately from her. Stay strong. If you intend to foster, you can use this as a practice in not enabling someone you love :)

One small observation - Ayn

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I agree with all the other posters - you are most definitely not being selfish.

Just to point out something that I think you already know -- your husband's initial response of "you are going into a career that helps children, and you want to foster, yet you won't help out a family member" is totally baseless. There is a vast difference between wanting to help someone who is asking for help as they take action to "fix" a situation they are in and simply enabling them or reinforcing their bad behavior. It sounds as if this young girl has some rather serious problems (you mentioned run-ins with the law already at age 15) and providing her a cell phone is not going to fix any of that and could certainly create major expenses to you. Also, it is not your responsibility to do something for this girl that she hasn't even asked for herself.

This young girl certainly sounds like she needs help, but it does not sound as if she is asking for any at this point. If your MIL wants to feel better about the girl's situation and have a way of communicating with her, that is her business, but she can't expect you or anyone else to pay for it. I don't know who this young lady lives with or who is responsible for raising her right now - but if she is not living with the MIL then the MIL should defer to the wishes of whoever is raising her (dad, mom, other?) anyway and stay out of it IMO. and she should certainly leave you and your husband out of it as well!

While we all have certain responsibilities to our families and friends, I believe one's first priority is always to your spouse, your children, and yourself, always before parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc., etc. IMO, that is not selfishness, it is being responsible towards and protective of those who come first.

Good luck to you and your family.
Re: - OP
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You have articulated what I couldn't because I was so upset, it was unfair to compare the two. Having a passion to take care of helpless people, is far different than dealing with family members who are opportunists and take advantage!

Here is a little backstory to understand it more. My MIL and FIL are dysfunctional, and raised four dysfunctional kids (my husband included, however, he has since cleaned up his life). The FIL drank until five years ago, was abusive and bizarre and displays behavior of a dry drunk. The MIL is an enabler. Three of their four kids were on drugs and in jail. The other still depends on them and has recently gotten her GED (she's 40). She is not slow, she is just lazy.

The teenager's mom(my husbands sister), also a drug addict and previously in jail, passed away in a car accident five years ago. The MIL carries guilt because of the way her childrens and grandchildren's lives have turned out, and plays the victim card CONSTANTLY. I go over there and play arm chair psychologist and part of me thinks the crying and carrying on is just how she receives something to her benefit; she is not really upset just empty and needs to feel sorry for herself constantly.

My hubby has issues with his father. He wants to please him constantly, which dates back to childhood where he played the role of the scapegoat (his older brother is favored and is the hero). So my hubby has NO boundaries with his mother and father, and wants to please them, cannot say no, or stand up to them. When he does stand up, it turns into an ugly nasty argument, with him and his dad going at it, and me trying to console his crying mother.

Well, her grandchildren (the one's whose mother died) are incredibly dysfunctional. Her grandson got a girl pregnant (age 16), and the grand-daughter as I said is loose and crazy. I want to keep my distance so bad, but hubby wants to play this hero, even though he KNOWS it could turn out bad and is not wise. He just automatically goes into that role he had as a kid! I know how that is, because I was raised by an alcoholic and you just want to please them, they have a way to manipulate.

The grand-daughter's birth father is who she lives with, and apparently from her mother's death, the kids receive 1500 bucks a month. However, the biological father is a low-life and spends their money in other ways, hence no cell phone for his daughter. Now the responsibility falls on us!

I just want distance from these people. I want to tell my husband to set boundaries because he is in this cloud of dysfunction sometimes, he just gets drawn into it. I do not want to fight with him and cause stress with his first week on the job though. I might write a letter with some of the key points you all have shared. He tends to shut down when he doesn't want to hear reason.
You ought to let him read this entire discussion (sm) - Lola
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Might open his eyes.
I agree with Lola - and everyone else - nm
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best of luck - prayers sent
sm - OP
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We agreed we are not going to get her a cell and add her to our plan. He had a good day at his new job yesterday so I took that opportunity to go over the reasons why, mostly from this board. I feel like I had you all as backup, thank you! Anyway, he agreed, and even replied "a 15 year old does NOT need a phone, she can go to the neighbors if she needs to call etc." He gets it, he just has trouble saying no to his family, like I said. He does not realize he has rights and boundaries and I made him aware of those (i'm also taking psychology courses so this is common with all people who cannot say no).

What is funny, is that in order to avoid saying no to his mother, he wants to get rid of our cell phones altogether since we are in the mountains and cannot get good signal now anyway! LOL. I told him it does not call for that, it is okay to tell his mother no. So that is what is going to happen. Thanks for the enlightenment ladies.

The child's father has already said no to the phone - Happy MT Robin

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That's enough of an answer right there. The MIL is trying to go around the child's father - it's no wonder everyone is a little nuts.

No, you are absolutely NOT being selfish. I don't think you said what hubby's response was to this, but you need to be firm and drawn a very clear, hard line on this. If you take this one thing on, then before you know it, it's something else and something else and the next thing you know the kid is living with you full time.

I used to be a bartender and work in hotels and one of my alcohol server training classes had the best lesson for me that I always remember. Basically, it's that the drunk on the other side of the bar doesn't have to get that next drink if you don't want him to have it. Same goes for an obnoxious guest. They don't have to get that room key.

Just remember that you are the one in charge here and MIL cannot make you do anything you don't want to do.

Cut off contact if you have to, but no, you are NOT being selfish. God's giving you your answer. If He were telling you to do this, you'd be getting that signal loud and clear, but you're not. That's your answer.

Good point. It sounds like with the MIL, - this could be a

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slippery slope leading to more and more requests for financial assistance.

No you are not selfish at all - sm - Zorro

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I would tell MIL to go jump in a lake. The dad said no, and in no way is it your responsibility. You would just be digging yourself another hole.

My BIL went and got my kids cell phones against my wishes, my DH said it was fine as long as we didn't have to pay for them. They were 11 and 12 at the time, no way did they need them. Yes they wanted them, and yes most of their friends have them. So he gets them both Droids (way over the top there). Immediately they text away like crazy, he gets a bill for $800. He has a cow and tries to guilt us into paying it. We told him pointblank no. He did not harass us about it but boy was he unhappy. I told him that I had been against them from day 1 and he was well aware of that and DH made it quite clear we would not pay for them, and I warned him they would probably text like mad. Well he thought he had unlimited texting, apparently he didn't and found out the hard way. He immediately changed it to unlimited texting. He still pays for them now but every few months the kids get collection calls as he does not pay the bill, they have had their texting and internet turned off a few times from nonpayment too. Not my problem.

But don't even contemplate doing this. Don't lend them any money, just tell them no again and again. You have to concentrate on you. It is going to take years to pay off that debt which should be your #1 priority. If they don't like tough noogies, they can go get a job and earn their own money to throw down the drain.

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My cat is hiding underneath my neighbor's shrubs and will not come home. He is afraid I will keep him inside so he doesn't trust me anymore. He stayed out all night last night and I finally saw him this morning. I tried coaxing him, bribing him with food, and he just ran away to find a safer hiding spot. He got into a cat fight on Friday and got a small puncture wound. I kept him in on Sunday to keep an eye on the wound and he was not happy about it. That's why he doesn' ...

Need Some Advice PleaseJan 30, 2015
I have a problem with my ear. When my pneumonia started, one day I had what I thought was the starting of an earache. Then that went away and I ended up sick just with the pneumonia. Okay it has been 28 days since my first day in the hospital. My ear has been stopped up since then and I have tried Claritin, Auralgan and Cortisporin Otic drops. Nothing is working. What could be wrong with it? I never have problems popping my ears after a cold or getting water in them. I didn't g ...

Need AdviceMar 17, 2017
Need some advice.   Here's what happened (by the way, I'm a 25-year MT veteran, which is why I'm posting here). I was unwell at work about 3 weeks ago, and it was determined that I should be admitted.  Treatment lasted 8 days, and I feel great now!  My doctor said I should apply for FMLA (famliy medical leave) since I took off more time than my employer's policy allows and may have further absences in the future.  My doctor completed the form and signed ...

Hi, Need Some AdviceMar 30, 2017
I had a severe dental infection and was given clindamycin.  I was hesitant to take it, but did so with a probiotic.  Now I am starting to have diarrhea.  Does anyone have any advice on treating this OTC?  I'm recently retired and have no insurance at present.  Thanks in advance.   ...

Advice For A New E-Bay Seller?Feb 28, 2012
I  have created an exceptional product that I want to list on e-Bay to make some extra money. Are there any experienced e-Bay sellers here who can give me some advice/tips/suggestions? Thanks! ...

Any Advice For Sleeping Better?Mar 28, 2011
Never been a great sleeper, but now I sleep about 1 hour at a time.  I try to sleep about 6-1/2 to 7 hours, but am exhausted.  Fall asleep fairly quickly, but can't stay asleep.  Don't think am apneic.  Tried Lunesta without much help.  Tried Benadryl, again not much help.  So tired.  Makes typing misery to be so sleepy.  ...