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I actually like to smoke (cigs)

Posted: Jul 7, 2010

I KNOW THAT ITS BAD, but sometimes it feels oh soooo good!  I have only smoked now for about 3 months give or take a month.  I started because I was stressed out and for the few minutes I step away from things to smoke it started to clear my head a little.  I don't have an addictive personality or anything and really not smoking constantly.  I lit up outside my aunt's house yesterday and she just about kicked my butt!  I've have noticed since smoking I'm finding a lot of people don't.  Does anyone out there still enjoy it?  Even once in awhile? 


It's not the personality that causes addiction - nonsmoker

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I'm sure you know the nicotine is addicting whether you have an addictive personality or not. I caution you not to get into this habit. Most people cannot just smoke once in a while.

Quit now and you'll be glad you did. You're better off having a drink to destress. It's not near as addicting nor as detrimental to your health. Studies actually show a glass of wine in moderation is healthy for the heart. I don't know of any studies that supports smoking as healthy in any way, shape or form.

As for me, I'm a nonsmoker. I also don't enjoy secondhand smoke, so please keep it to yourself if you decide to continue. My biggest pet peeve is adults who smoke around/in cars with children. They don't have a voice.

Also pets - 100% nonsmoking environment

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Smoking around pets is also bad for their health. Birds are especially vulnerable. I would never expose our Amazon parrot to cigarette smoke. With the cost of things today and the effect on everyone's health it is not worth it. You gave good, sound advice.

I just quit - Typin_away

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I just quit after getting severe bronchitis and pneumonia 3 weeks ago. Nothing like struggling for breath to make you appreciate live without cigarettes. I had also developed asthma and coughed constantly.

If you enjoy killing yourself in the most expensive way while you stink like an ashtray then continue and yes I did think that as well before I quit. I would think why the h*ll am I doing this?

I vape. I no longer smoke cigs. - sm

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I have an electronic cigarette now that is vapor and not so obstrusive to the nonsmokers that by the way inhale other things that are harmful all day long in our environment but it cracks me up to see what they write in response to smoking. Also, a lot of nonsmokers are fat people that eat too much which also causes health problems. We all have our vices.

I also like the other poster had bronchitis and could not catch my breath up one flight of stairs at 40 years old. I want to live to see my grandchildren, albeit, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

I like being able to vape anywhere I please even around nonsmokers. They are none the wiser.

E-cigarettes are the way to go. It's much cheaper. I plan to wean off of this stupid thing, too. It's only been a few months but it does feel good not being a slave to the cigarettes. They do stink and you don't realize how much until you are a nonsmoker and the you're around other people who do.

I won't judge you though as I did enjoy smoking real cigs. The bronchitis and smoker's cough really was unappealing though. I feel much better now.

Vape - anon

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Do the E cigs taste like a cig?
Even better! - Vaper
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They don't leave a funny taste in your mouth or any tar like crap in your teeth. It's awesome. Although I want rid of it totally, that may take some time as I am actually enjoying the vaping experience. I use the equivalent of a Marlboro medium but it comes in high and low and also in menthol if you prefer. Menthol is okay, too, but I prefer the Marlboro.

I can vape anywhere. No one knows b/c there is no odor and I can cup it in my hand but the vapor comes out of your mouth and nose as if you are inhaling cig smoke.

Where do you get them? - s/m
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I've been wanting to try and have been afraid to waste the $100 or so for the original e-cig machine. Do the refills end up fairly cost-effective? Were they satisfying from the git-go or did you find yourself craving real smokes?

what kind of e-cig do you use? (sm) - bbb

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I have an e-cig here I tried (not bad at all) and plan to use it when I give up the real cigs. I\'ve shopped around on internet A LOT but don\'t know which ones are the best. Any suggestions?

I too enjoy smoking! NM - anon

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Smoking - Linda

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PLEASE !! I smoked for about 40 years and it took me many times trying before I could quit. Nicotine is addictive. Smoking is a terrible health hazard. My mother had lung cancer - a tumor removed by surgery. My sister has had lung cancer (2 different types) in both lungs and has had to have surgery on each lung (5 years apart). Surely, being an MT you have enough knowledge to know how dangerous it is. PLEASE quit now, before you do become addicted. Yes, I loved them, too.

re: smoking - blu jeans

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I smoked a lot in high school, decades ago, a time when even the students had a smoking lounge at the school. Did it to keep up with the crowd I hung with at the time, mostly to keep up appearances, never out of "habit". Never smoked after HS, but on a rare occasion, I find myself wanting one so I indulge. I found that buying a pack is just a waste of money, so I usually bum one off someone and don't even smoke the whole thing. Just find it hits the spot during that craving. (mostly when there's alcohol involved, and I'm tipsy, which is also a very rare occasion for me.)

Blech...quit now! Besides all the health risks... - sm

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your breath stinks, your clothes reek and your house also smells. I know, I know, you are the exception, but really you aren't. Some people will be too polite to tell you that you stink of cigarettes. If you have anyone who loves you, quit for their sake if not your own.

QUIT NOW!!! Before you know it, you'll be smoking more and more - Backwards Typist

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Take it from one who knows. I used to enjoy smoking. That was a long time ago. I've been smoking for 40-some years now. Back then, it was fashionable to smoke, and it was only a couple cigs a month.

I am now up to 2 packs (sometimes more)a day, one every 15 minutes, and not happy at all about it. It is a habit that can be very hard to break.

I have tried to quit 6 times in the past 6 years. Did the cold turkey, did the patch, did herbals, even did hypnosis. Nothing worked.

I told my sons to NEVER, EVER start smoking. One listened, one did not. The one who didn't listen also tried quite a few times to quit. Finally, his wife got pregnant and he didn't want to smoke around him, so he did the Chantix (sp) and quit within a week because he had nightmares and other side affects, so I'm a bit leary about doing that.

Please, for your own sake, please quit now. Do yoga exercises or meditation to destress or find something else, but give them up.

I quit smoking almost two years ago... - Kendra

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I quite while I was pregnant with my first son, but then found a million reasons to start up again. Then I realized that every morning I woke up coughing and feeling like crap, so decided to quite this time for me. I used Wellbutrin and it worked really well, but of course I had decided to quit anyway. Chantix, at the time, was REALLY new and my insurance would not cover it, but like I said, Wellbutrin worked really well, so you might give it a try. I must admit that I did smoke two cigarettes on the 4th while I was drinking, which I very rarely do, but those seemed to scratch the itch and I have no desire for one since. Good luck!

Not quite sure why my fingers... - Kendra

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refuse to type "quit". They apparently quite like to type quite! :)

re: backwards typist - blu jeans

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Thanks for the advice and I hope that you find a way to quit. I have never had the "habit" like that and have been taking "hits" off friends cigs and bumming for 45 years now. Never smoked a whole pack, hardly ever smoked a whole cig. I don't consider myself an exception, guess I still got that "smoking is cool" thang stuck in my head when I get around the beer!

I do wish you the best and if I were you, I'd get back to the doc and have a serious discussion about other options for quiting. {{hugs}} for support!

I used to believe that I enjoyed it - anonymoose

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I started smoking at age 16, quite at 22. It was the "in" thing to do. All my friends were doing it and I wanted to be with the popular crowd in high school so I started. I used to proclaim that I enjoyed it, and I really believed it "There's nothing like good smoke after a meal"..."It relaxes me"..."They taste good" (actually the canadian ones did taste good). "It helps me maintain my weight". I had every excuse you could think of as to why I enjoyed smoking. "Nothing tastes better with a drink on the weekend than a good cigarette". AND I actually believed all of it.

Fast forward...I meet my DH who didn't smoke. Turns him off, he hates it with a passion so much, so I quit. Took a long long long time. Can still name the day, year, and time I quit. For every reason I had to keep smoking he had a better one for me to quit. He even told me he'd rather me be fat than smoking.

I'll tell you this...I can't be any more happy with the decision I made. Now I can taste my food better, I really didn't gain all that much weight (maybe a few pounds, but nothing you can't remedy). My clothes don't stink, my hands don't stink, my breath doesn't stink, my hair doesn't stink. I never ever would admit that my hair, clothes etc stunk because I was a clean person, washed my hair frequently, only smoked outside with the wind blowing away, etc. Believe me...people know. So, now I can taste my food, and I'm not addicted. I have better things to spend my money on (like a nice Chunky Monkey milkshake...mmmm).

Fast forward many years...mom is diagnosed with lung cancer. Oh my God!!!! what a horrible horrible horrible disease she suffered with. While she smoked people would tell her but she didn't want to hear it. "George Burns smoked and lived til his 90s", nobody she knew who smoked had cancer, etc etc. She was adamant she would never ever get it. Well she did. She suffered so horribly and it broke my heart.

Please, please, please I implore you for your health, please quit. It's not too late. I ended up quiting by eating licorice. Red twizlers. I'd hold them like it was a cigarette, bite off the ends and suck the air through it like it was a cigarette. It worked for me.

Now I think back and I think how in the world could I have convinced myself that I enjoyed it. When you breath in the toxic smoke it's literally taking the good air out of your lungs. Your breathing in toxic waste and it's settling in your lungs. They will turn black and one day you will not be able to breath.

Not only that but you cannot believe how it affects others. We have neighbors who smoke in their back yard and when they do we cannot go out and enjoy our back yard because it's filled with cigarette smoke. It stinks and we can't breath...literally we can't. Our lungs close up and we have to run inside to breath in some air. It's like the oxygen is just gone out of the air. On a side note yesterday she was outside and smoking and had a coughing fit. She was coughing up chunks of something (we could actually hear it coming up) and then she was spitting it on the ground - with blood. DH and I just about lost our dinner. Today they were not there so we think she might have ended up in the hospital.

You should also watch the movie with Russell Crowe called The Insider. It's based on a true story about the tobacco industry.

Also my understanding is that cigarettes are being laced with an addicting drug to keep people smoking them. It's horrible horrible horrible.

Please, I implore you to please quit. Nobody should have to watch you go through what my mom did. Beat the habit and try to convince yourself that you do not like to smoke.

Every time you feel like having one say to yourself....

I don't want one of these nasty things.

I'm better than this...I can beat this addiction.

I don't want to be breathing in formaldehyde, acetone (fingernail polish remover), carbon monoxide (car exhaust fumes) and the other toxic chemicals the companies have added. Why in the world would I want to be breathing them into my body.

I am a beautiful person and have a lot to offer and have family and friends who love me. I don't want to put my family through the horror of watching me die a horrbile horrible slow and painful death.

Say one of them, say all of them, then grab a piece of licorice instead (or anything to help you quit).

I really really hope you can quit. For your sake, your families, and all the people around you.

Just another side note. Cigarette smoking is so bad that when at a stop light we can smell cigarettes and come to find out its not the car in front of us, but the one in front of them that are smoking. It stinks. I'm sorry but it does. My lungs contract and I can't breath.

Please quit. You will be much much happier.

I still smoke 1 to 2 cigarettes per day - and some days none

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I also go for long stretches .. months to years .. without smoking at all, and then will start up again. The urges or cravings I get for a cig when I do quit are mild and easily controlled and only last a few days or so. Sometimes I will start up again, smoke for a week, or a pack, then quit again.

I smoke when I want and don't when I don't. And yes, I enjoy it too.

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