I seem to have gotten an answer to my question
Posted: Dec 1, 2015
I think this is the answer to my wondering about making up the years of the locust. Seemed to pop out at me and came to be my accident.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.
Thinking about your post - anon2
[ In Reply To ..]
I think we all have years that the locust has taken from us, whether by our own actions or otherwise. There comes that moment, like you say, anonie, when you look at your life and see so much loss. And, when the years grow shorter, like they do for a lot of us, it just doesn't seem like there's going to ever be enough time to get any of it back. I don't know if your son will ever come around to see things differently, but you can keep him in your prayers. Ask God to soften his heart and to help him understand that what happened between you and his dad never diminished your love for him as your son. The prayers of a mother for her child are probably the most powerful that reach God's ear, and you know that with God all things are possible. I really believe that God wants to bless this situation so much but is being patient for a change of heart somewhere...
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