Answer me This, Christians
Posted: Oct 25, 2013
Okay, so I just heard on the news that some food server who was gay was not given a tip by the customer because he was gay. The customer left a note to the effect that they could not leave a tip, because the waiter, what with being gay, was an affront to God. The customer did say the service was fine, but he could not leave a tip due to the server being gay.
Answer me this you Christians. Was that Christian of the customer? We've had discussions here where gays are told they will go to hell if they're gay. There is a high suicide rate upon gays for that very reason. So, I guess that's okay with you?
Helloooo, Christians. Is this not hippocritical of you, and who the heck are you to say the gay is going to hell? If that customer was so offended by gays (how did the customer know to being with, I wonder), then he should not eat dinner out.;
No that was NOT Christian of the customer! - Not perfect, just forgiven
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The Bible makes it clear that God hates the SIN but LOVES the sinner.
John 3:17
King James Version (KJV)
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Unfortunately some Christians, because we are still human and still make mistakes, somehow get confused about that and think that our job is to be a JUDGE. The Bible does not teach this! We know that certain things ARE sins, but we are ALL sinners and so are not in a position to judge anybody else. God is the only one who is authorized to be a judge! We are commanded to love each other and influence others to follow God!
Not everyone has - to accept the
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gay lifestyle. If he did not want to leave a tip that is his business. He did not do anything bad to the waiter from what I can see. He just did not get his tip. This made the news. There are also some people who believe in God who are not Christians.
We as christians do not make the rules - believing MT
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and certainly we did not write the Bible. It is inspired by God and He makes the rules. It is not just practicing a homesexual lifestyle that you will not enter the kingdom of God.
It is written in I Corinthians 6:10
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3:3
It is not being judgemental, as we aren't the ones making this up. This comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and it is written in His own words. It's His way and His rules.
As far as not tipping the guy, that's anyone's perogative to leave a tip or not for whatever reason.
It might seem really harsh that practicing a sinful lifestyle will lead a person to hell, but we don't get to heaven on our own terms in the way we want to. A holy just God took the sins of the world and died an agonizing death so we all could be saved through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, given that choice to follow Christ many reject as is evidenced by practicing sin, and there are consequences for not accepting Christ in your heart.
We all will spend eternity somewhere, it's our choice where; heaven or hell. That's the truth and there's no way around it.
I would say there's an activist involved in this. We - had dinner out the other
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night and the waiter had all the mannerisms, speech, talking with hands, etc. We had good service, ate, left a nice tip. This story sounds contrived.
Judgemental? - sm
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Well, you aren't making up the text of it, but you are leaving parts of it out ... the parts that apply to you.
I think you will be very much surprised to find that being "born again" doesn't mean what happened once in a tent revival.
It means being remade in his likeness, which means in the image of love. That is the part everybody wants to pretend isn't there. It's too painful.
"Practicing a sinful lifestyle" includes the sins of contempt and pride, the things leading to the focus on others' sins as being worse than ours. If you doubt that, you might want to re-read that Bible.
For what it us worth, failing to tip in a restaurant is an obligation because that is how servers are paid. Failing to pay for a service rendered to you is theft, at a minimum. So, there you go ... see how quickly we become thieves ourselves? The very thing we reviled?
Instead of focusing on the sins of others, wouldn't it be better to pray to be enlightened as to our own? That would give one a lifetime of evil to overcome--the flood of it would be endless.
God created the natural world which is governed - by his natural laws. He sent
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us these natural laws and gave us the choice of obeying or ignoring them. When you ignore His you suffer. We are at the point that the masses ignore His law. He told us what would happen. It's not a punishment, but the consequence.
Christians hippocritical - mtme
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Maybe some Christians believe that Gay's will go to hell. I am a Christian and learned that if the act of homosexuality is forced upon someone, it's immoral, such as sodomy and immoral acts against a child or teen. I think God says he sees the true heart of everyone. Who will go to hell, two Gay men who adopted a starving child from China, or a serial rapist and killer who happens to be Gay. God is no dummy, he will deal with everyone in the end. The worst kind of crime is actually hurting a child, for that you are automatically doomed.
not very Christian - sm
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Let me start by saying that you sound extremely angry and hateful toward Christians. My goodness, you'll have a heart attack getting that worked up.
I will also say that those customers did not behave as Christians and should be ashamed of themselves. But I also wonder if they really are Christians. It sounds like they just wanted to cause a stir and get people like you, who obviously despise Christians, something to get ugly about. They obviously succeeded.
It must be a slow news day.
Not Hateful To Christians - By Any Means
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I am not hateful to Christians, but I have seen all too many times, Christians being horribly hateful by telling someone they are a sinner for being gay and that they are going to hell. THAT is hateful.
If you think gays or anyone else is going to hell, you have no business spewing it out to the person you feel is an affront to your "god." Who are YOU?
It's the hippocrit thing that gets me, not the Christianity. It's the hiding behind the cloak that gets my goat.
Not all Christians sm - Old Woman
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"spew out" hateful condemnation to others; they are just the ones that are remembered, unfortunately, and only serve to drive others away from Christ. The precept that we are all sinners is not of our own definition; it is set forth in the Bible. God loved His creation so much and was so brokenhearted by the separation caused when sin entered in that He sent Jesus to restore that relationship with Him. He desires that everyone would enter into a restored relationship with Him, but He does have rules for the relationship, just as we have rules for our relationships with other people. Would you remain in a relationship with someone who lied to you consistently or stole money from your wallet or cheated on you with another person? Of course not, and neither will God tolerate such behavior. So, you see....Christians are not the ones who define what is and what is not sinful and what will and what will not separate us from God. It's not hypocritical, it just is what it is.
Why do you blame a whole group for the action of one? - Of course it was wrong,
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we are all children of God.
I don't care what people do, but I don't know why this made the news other than to get attention.
Have you seen what's happening to Christians in Egypt? They're being slaughtered.
Not blaming a whole group - For the action of one, but...
[ In Reply To ..] would appear the Christians are the ones who have a huge problem with people being born gay. I have not heard of any other single group that has such a problem with it.
I will contend that there ARE violent homophobes that don't claim to be Christians, and those actions are not acceptable, either.
The Christian homophobes are not violent. They're just disgusted with them, but should keep their thoughts to themselves.
Not sure of your question - OP
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So, the waiter is apologizing for being gay? To me, he owes no apology. Or are you playing "god" and deciding the waiter needs forgivness?
we ALL need forgiveness - not one is without sin
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we all need to ask forgiveness for our sins, and we need to forgive others for theirs. simple as that.
Gay person is not apologizing - For being gay...
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...and so he should not be apologizing for being born a certain way. If he feels he needs to apologize for being gay, then let him talk to his Lord. He doesn't need you people doing it for him.
So... - You, a human, have decided...
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...that the waiter is a sinner. Isn't that sweet.
It was pretty close to the Westboro Baptist Church location. - it might have been one of those yahoos
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I am not religious and definitely not - Christian,
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but I think this story (if it is true) is more about people being cheap a$$----s, using their religion to justify bad behavior, something people have done through the ages, even in the times of JC himself. I wonder how they would even know the guy was gay unless he swished up to them and said "Hi, I'm _____, and I'll be your gay server tonight!!" (lisping of course).
Anywho, if I were those folks, I would definitely scratch that place off my list of restaurants to visit, unless they want a lot more than ketchup and mustard on their burgers. LOL!
I Think - OP
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...people who make remarks like that are latent gays trying to fight it or something.
Those who yell the loudest about someone's sexuality (which they did not choose, BTW) have issues with their own.
The person who did not leave the tip because the waiter was gay, should just have not left a tip; let the gay guy just think you're a cheapo instead of proselytizing and cutting him down.
The language used was very Westboro, though. The Q and F words, - not "gay."
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It seems more than just a bit coincidental.
As a Christian... Sm - Old Woman
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It is not my place to judge the heart of the person who did not tip the waiter because he thought the waiter was gay any more than it is my place to judge the heart of the waiter. With that being said, however, I will say that I would have left a tip for the simple reason that (1) Unless the service was terrible, which apparently it was not, it is expected, and (2) As tips are part of a waiter's paycheck, and a very large part at that, had I not left a tip, I would have been taking from my fellow man that which was his.
That being said, I do not believe it is a Christian's place to berate or condemn a person because of their lifestyle or sins as we all have sins in God's eyes and it is His place and His alone to judge. I do believe in sharing the gospel of God's love and His message for all people and pointing people to Christ and His teachings. And that's about as far as I care to go with this conversation because I don't intend to become involved in a flame war. Be blessed.
This sounds staged. How do you know the - hmmm...
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customer was a Christian? How do you know the waiter was a homosexual? Why did this make news?
Because - It's the Christians
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...The Christians are the ones who get all up in arms over someone being gay. Can't think of another group that does that, except some idiots who just hate gays but not for religious reasons.
Not sure who decided the man was gay--the customer, probably.
If this story is true, then the Christian will have to answer to God - Cast not the first stone
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Tips are a part of a wait-person's earnings, it is a sin to not pay someone who is in essence in your employ because you decide he is a sinner -- because so are you, indeed all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If you do not want to employ a homosexual in the first place, that is your decision and not a sin, although it may be illegal, but you cannot employ that person and then not pay him because he may have broken some of God's commandments because, after all, you have too. That is a sin, although in this case probably not illegal.
Interesting Point - OP
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Thank you for that perspective. That's an interesting point and the least condemning of the so-called Christian points here. In fact, you are not one of those hippocrits. Bless you and thank you. You got your point across without condemning. You are truly a Christian.
A True Sweet Doll - see msg pls
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The person who wrote this is a true Christian, a sweet doll.
Just one thing: The commandments do not mention homosexuality--Which number would homosexuality rate under???
Regardless, this person is a truly kind person, and I applaud that. He or she obviously is of the opinion that gay-ness is a sin, but he/she is not a condemning person as the rest are and does not proclaim to be a bridge to "god" to hell.
I don't pretend to understand what makes a person - gay or hetero, my cousin
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who is a gay conservative female tells me she was born that way. I accept that but I don't understand it. I don't agree with this behavior, but we do talk about it.
On the other hand, I don't agree with promiscuous behavior by heterosexuals; that is wrong.
Being gay does not seem part of natural law, but it's not my place to judge a person. I have a hard enough time with myself. We're all trying to find our place in the world.
Everyone sins. Even Christians. Let he who - is w/o sin cast the first stone.
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Unless this customer is completely without sin, and we all know he is NOT, he has no right to judge someone for being gay.
For all we know, this man has committed adultery, or stolen, or taken the Lord's name in vain, or any number of other sins.
Who is he to judge?
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