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The religious left

Posted: Jul 31, 2016

We will see a rise of the religious left in this country over the next 100 days, as evidenced by the speech of William Barber at the DNC.  If you missed his mini-sermon, it's posted below.  Well worth the read.  

Good evening. my Brothers and Sisters. 

I come before you tonight as a preacher, the son of a preacher, a preacher immersed in the movement at five years old. I don't come tonight representing any organization, but I come to talk about faith and morality.

I'm a preacher and I'm a theologically conservative liberal evangelical biblicist.  I know it may sound strange, but I'm a conservative because I work to conserve a divine tradition that teaches us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. 

I've has had the  privilege of traveling the country with the Reverend Dr. James Forbes, and Reverend Dr. Traci Blackmon and Sister Simone Campbell as we are working together in the revival and calling for a revolution of values. And as we travel the country, we see things.That is why I'm so concerned, about those that say so much—about what God says so little, while saying so little—about what God says so much.  And so in my heart, I'm troubled. And I'm worried about the way faith is cynically used by some to serve hate, fear, racism and greed. 

We need to heed the voice of the Scriptures. We need to listen to the ancient chorus in which “deep calls unto deep.”  The prophet Isaiah cries out, “What I'm interested in seeing you doing, says the Lord, as a  nation is, ‘Pay people what they deserve’  ‘Share your food with the hungry.’ Do this and then your nation shall be called a repairer of the breach.” 

Jesus, a brown skinned Palestinian Jew, called us to preach good news to the poor, the broken, and the bruised, and all those who are made to feel unaccepted. 

Our constitution calls us to commit our government to establish justice, to promote the general welfare, to provide for the common defense and to ensure domestic tranquility. 

Now, to be true, we've never lived this vision perfectly. But this ought to be the goal at the heart of our democracy. And when religion is used to camouflage meanness, we know that we have a heart problem in America.

There have always been forces that want to harden and even stop the heart of democracy. There have also always been people who stood together to a stir what sister Dorothy gave called “the revolution of the heart” and what Dr. King called a “radical revolution of values.” 

I say to you tonight, there are some issues that are not Left versus Right, Liberal versus Conservative, they are “right versus wrong.” 

We need to embrace our deepest moral values and push for a revival of the heart of our democracy.

  • When we fight to reinstate the power of the Voting Rights Act and to break interposition and the nullification of the current Congress, we in the South especially know that when we do that, we are reviving the heart of our democracy.
  • When we fight for $15 and a union, and universal healthcare, and public education, and immigrant rights, and LGBTQ rights, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. 
  • When we develop tax and trade policies that no longer funnel our prosperity to the wealthy few, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. W
  • When we hear the legitimate discontent of Black Lives Matter and we come together to renew justice in our criminal justice system, we are embracing our deepest moral values and reviving the heart of our democracy. 
  • When we love the Jewish child and the Palestinian child,  the Muslim and the Christian, and the Hindu, and the Buddhist, and those who have no faith— but they love this nation, we are reviving the heart of our democracy.
  • When we fight for peace and when we resist the proliferation of military style weapons on our street,  and when we stand against the anti-democratic stronghold of the NRA, we are reviving the heart of our democracy.

In times like these, we have make some decisions and I might not normally as a preacher, an individual, but when I hear Hillary's voice and her positions, I hear and I know that she is working to embrace our deepest moral values —  and we should embrace her. 

But let me be clear, let me be clear, that she, nor any person, can do it alone. The watchword of this democracy in the watchword of faith is “WE.” The heart of our democracy is on the line this November and beyond.  

No, my friends, they tell me that when the heart is in danger, somebody has to call an emergency code. And somebody with a good heart will bring a defibrillator to work on the bad heart.  Because it is possible to shock a bad heart and revived the pulse. In the season, when someone to harden and stop the heart of our democracy, we are being called like our foremothers and forefathers to be the moral defibrillator of our time.  

We must shock this nation with the power of love. We must shock this nation with the power of mercy.  We must shock this nation and fight for justice for all. We can’t give up on the heart of our democracy, not now, not ever! 

And so, and so I stop by here tonight to ask,

  • Is there a heart in this house?  
  • Is there a heart in America?
  • Is there somebody that has a heart for the poor, and a heart for the vulnerable?  
  • Then Stand up. Vote together. Organize together. Fight for the heart of this nation. And while you’re are fighting, sing that old hymn. “Revive us again. Fill each heart with Thy love. May each soul be rekindled with fire from above.” Hallelujah! Find the glory.

"Social justice" has infected our churches. - This "preacher" sure doesn't know

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the Bible. Sanctimonious moral poser.

When Jesus said those things he meant individuals, not govts as they do things for power and control. Read the story of the Tower of Babel.

This is how they do it folks, with misconception of meaning.

Religious left? The same group that believes in - abortion? Same sex marriage?

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Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Ridicule is the best remedy for ridiculous crap like this. It always has been.

All you need to do is look at this country since the 60s and see what "religious left" - has given us, fatherless children,

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destruction of the family, abortion, taken God out of school and replaced it with government as a demigod, rewritten American history, etc.

In this Satan led country now, I guess this does make sense. - Unfortunately, the government incentivizes

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bad behavior and dependency. That is NOT what Jesus preached.

The government pays the mothers to NOT have the father in the home. The government pays the mothers to be out-of-wedlock parents. The mothers get monthly checks, free rent and utilities, food stamps, health insurance, clothing allowances, and cell phones as long as the father does NOT live in the home. Therefore, the government BECOMES the father. And whatever the govt. subsidizes is (almost always) going to increase

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

I could preach you a lesson about Jesus, but it belongs - on the religion board. nm

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The OP post marries religion and politics, so we are just - responding in kind.
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Well actually Hillary brought religion into politics - while saying whatever it takes to get votes
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The whole DNC was one huge pandering machine trying to get votes.
Hillary is like Henry VIII, using religion when it suits her. He switched from - Catholic to Protestant just so he
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could get a divorce.
Saul Alinsky, Hildabama's idol, dedicated his book Rules for - Radicals to Satan, the first revolutionary.
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As if 8 years of Saul's rules isn't enough, There is no way Hildabama can be admitted to the White House again. Social Security is always on the brink of collapse but welfare seems to keep on truckin'. Weird huh?

The Bible says that Satan is the ruler of this world. - Jesus even called him that.

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He was cast down out of heaven to earth.

Revelation 12:9
OMG! That is not true! The revelations of St. John the Devine... - sm
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says the devil and his angels lead the world astray. Satan is very persuasive, encouraging decisiveness and hate.
You just said the same thing. - NM
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Many African American churches preach politics and - who to vote for (Democrats)

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even though they shouldn't.

CLUE:Jeremiah Wright ring any bells?

And many mega churches who preach wealth - and anti Obama are A-okay?

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They shouldn't either.

Honestly, those right winger churches are WAY worse than black churches and that's a fact.

What they are preaching is worship of money and materialism and that is outright anti-Christian to my mind.
What church are you speaking of? - Who is worshiping money and materialism?
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I have studied religions and gone to different churches and have never heard of a religion that preaches worship of money and/or materialism.

Which churches are you talking about specifically?
Mega churches are protestant Christian churches...sm - VTMT
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who usually have very large TV and online presences, whose pastors often live in huge mansions and fly in prison ate jets, all gratis of their Sunday collections. Think of all the good that could have been done with those billions. Ugh!
I have never been to such a church nor - heard preaching love of money/materialism
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I thought you were talking about regular churches like Catholic, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Lutheran, not TV or on-line churches. (Are they really religion based?)
Same here. Is this some type of Scientology? - NM
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No, Evangelical Christianity, big TV ministries. - nm
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There are many false religions and churches. Matthew 24:5 - For many will come in my name saying
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... "I am the Christ," and they will lead many astray.

Be wary, let no man deceive you.
Prosperity Gospel is false teaching - but it sounds good
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and that's why it's popular. The path to salvation is narrow. Prosperity Gospel is not the right path.
Wise words. Love always triumphs hate in God's eyes. - nm
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And yet the wealthiest religious leaders are...black. - anon
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It's a not difficult to understand that there are true followers of faith in all races/ethnicities. That's a no-brainer. However, I have had far more experiences with true followers who are conservatives/Repubs, followers who don't just worship, they practice it - by volunteering, helping others, and living very moral lives.

Religious left - now there's an oxymoron - anon

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A series of contradictions - pandering to the masses

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Wonder if Bubba managed to stay awake during this drivel.

Socialism is NOT biblical. Liberals expect the socialist gods - to pay for their wants.

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God actually expects moral behavior.

Socialism and communism actually go back to the beginning of man and it NEVER works.

1 Timothy 5:8 says, "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

The responsibility was given to the individual, not delegated to the government. People own property and businesses and are mostly free to use them as they see fit. But in today's PC land, a person's use of his or her own property is often mocked as selfish or greedy. Under socialism, people have limited ownership of property and businesses, which must operate under government control and regulation, and the government determines how all profits and property can be used. Sharing with those in need is expected, but not something we should relegate to the gov. Socialism breeds resentment of those who have success.

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.” — Proverbs 3:9-10.

These are not the words of Jesus. He said to love thy... - sm

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God with mind, heart and soul, and to love they neighbor as thyself. I was taught that these two commandments are the most important and the base of the Christian religion.

Jesus versus Paul - The narrow path versus the wide path

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Jesus was a socialist. Paul was a self-described "apostle" who hijacked true Christianity to destroy and confuse the intentions of Jesus. The very words of Jesus, our Lord, were contradicted over and over from Romans all the way thru Revelation. If we, as Christians, live by the Gospels alone, we would be described as socialists. The Sermon on the Mount is THE handbook of true believers, not the "church" that Paul built. Do some research on that if you think I'm blaspheming. Jesus spoke of an anti-christ and described Paul to a "T". We are the ones who refuse to listen because Paul gives us a pass on social injustice in the name of the lord. The bible states it clearly; Paul told three stories about his "conversion." Jesus only told one story consistently. If you want to say socialism is borne of satan, fine... show me where Jesus was against it. Jesus, not Paul. I'm waiting.
Providing for you fellow man is biblical, but Jesus meant - individuals, not governments.
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Jesus also said to tithe (rich and poor) and there are rules for how to treat the poor. Leave the ends of the fields for them to glean.

Once we abandoned these biblical principles and started letting the govt do what the church used to do, we strayed off course. It doesn't take any effort to pay taxes and let the govt redistribute it, but it takes effort to work in a soup kitchen or whatever.
We the People ARE the government! Stop the big money - influence! nm
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I think that ship has sailed. We are global now, not - sovereign, and being influenced
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by foreigners like China. Other countries contribute to campaigns which is illegal, but it's been happening since the 1990s.
Dream on stopping corruption (big money) - Politicians are legally accepting bribes
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The politicians have made it legal to accept contributions (bribes) and they are not letting go of their power and money. We the people are nothing but puppets in this game and you should have learned that by the e-mail leaks of the DNC way of keeping their establishment candidate in power (Clinton) and getting rid of an outsider (Sanders). The fix was in and the election rigged. The people had nothing to do with this. The powerful (Clinton) fixed it so Clinton would win the nomination.
Keep on voting for the people that support - sm
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Citizens United, don't want to regulate Wall Street, and continue to rake in money from lobbyists. Your choice.
It's both parties, guess you missed Wikileaks - lately.
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Of course it's both parties. Republicans fought - to keep status quo and did their best to oust Trum
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Same holds true for the establishment network Clinton has. Luckily Trump bucked the trend to keep establishment in power but the powerful are doing their best to undermine him.

Let's see how this plays out, establishment Clinton versus outsider Trump.

I am team Trump all the way. I have had enough of this corruption by both political parties that is KILLING the middle class while protecting special interests who donate to the politician and the party. The voter means nothing to the politician as evidenced by the e-mail leaks. The voter is a gullible puppet.

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