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Poor Rubio. He got bad advice.

Posted: Feb 27, 2016

This absolutely wasn't Rubio's year to run for President, and any advisor could have told him as much.  In the first place, he simply doesn't have the time-in-grade.  He needed to spend a lot more time (perhaps even 12 years) in the Senate to develop the "gravitas" necessary to be a viable candidate. 


Second, although I hate the fact that a candidate's physical appearance should have anything to do with voter decisions, appearance DOES matter - and you can't deny that Rubio suffers in this regard.  Hell, I've had kids on the doorstep selling magazine subscriptions who looked more Presidential than Rubio, who looks like he's still in junior high school.  I'm sorry, but people are influenced by such things and someone should have told him, "Rubio, you just don't look presidential."


Disagree - Please explain

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Define "looking Presidential." The important thing is if a person acts presidential. I would rather have a young energetic person than a 70-year-old or a fat guy with a red angry face and a bizarre hairstyle. Hillary doesn't look presidential because we've never had a woman president. Obama didn't look presidential because we never had a black president. Please explain what looks presidential. You can't judge a book by its cover.

Rubio - NotARubioFan

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People in Florida have long memories with regard to what Senator Rubio said about his job, expressing disinterest in being a senator in our state. He appears to have little interest in the mundane tasks involved with being a senator and has expressed his desire to not have the job again. He is a mediocre senator for Florida and Florida voters will surely remember the fact that he expressed his disinterest in his job and his proven track record of not showing up for numerous Senate votes (verified per Senator Rand Paul's research for debates). Senator Rubio lacks experience on the national level, on foreign policy level, and on the financial level. Florida voters are not naive enough to vote for someone just because he comes from our state.

Thank you - Please explain

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Thanks for the comments, it's always interesting to hear from those with firsthand experience. I'm just looking for somewhere to hang my hat. I can't stand The Donald, never could and don't like the other Republicans. To me Rubio seemed like a possibility but I don't know much about him. I had democratic leanings up until Obama and now Bernie is too far left for my taste and Hillary is who she is. I've always voted but this time could be the exception, I think we're in deep doo-doo.
I am in the same situation. I have no idea for whom to vote. - anon
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I had hoped Kasich might have a shot, however, he is probably too moderate for most, and that leaves Trump or Rubio/Cruz and I refuse to vote for Rubio if he is the nominee. His rally showed exactly how immature he is and how vindictive he is. Sure, Trump has been quite offensive, however, in watching Rubio tear Trump to shreds and the comments he made regarding migrants, he was enjoying every minute of being malicious. We do not need that type of person in the WH. Cruz is too oily for me. If it comes down to Clinton and Rubio - I'm voting for Clinton. I will not vote for Sanders, however.
Rubio started fighting back after being attacked by Trump - Truthhurts
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Up until Rubio took 2nd place, Trump didn't bother with him. As soon as Rubio got 2nd place in the one primary, the attacks from Trump started, just like they did on Cruz when he was 1st and 2nd.

I think Rubio tried to keep a decent campaign but when attacked by bullies, would you lay down and take it or would you fight back?

Trump doesn't like being less than #1 and both Rubio and Cruz have now dug up a bunch of dirty deals on Trump and Trump doesn't like it. That's why the attacks on those two by Trump.

I get a kick out of Trump. He calls them liars but if you google the statements Rubio and Cruz have made against Trump, most of those statements hit home with Trump's own video interviews. Trump is a liar and a bully, the worse kind of person we need for president.
Rubio has gone off the rails - I expected no less from Trump
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but to see a sitting US Senator acting like a 5th grader is disgusting.

Amen. Rubio should have honored the trust given to him - as senator. Wutta total mutt.

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Florida voters should repudiate the disdain Rubio has shown for the office he was handed.

GOODBYE RUBIO! Have fun selling newspapers on the street corner - it's all you're good for.

So you want someone who missed over 60% of his - committee hearings? Not me.

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Rubio sucks. I'll take someone who has actually DONE something - anything - over a wimpieburger like Rubio.

Really? He was a Senator longer than Obama. - Truthhurts

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Obama started campaigning for President in May, 2007. He served in the Senate for 3 years, beginning in 2005. During his time as Senator, her MISSED 310 out of 1300 votes in those 3 years (Jan. 2005-Oct. 2008).

Rubio started campaigning in April 2015. He served in the Senate for 5 years, beginning in 2010. During his time as Senator, he MISSED 220 out of 1508 votes (Jan. 2011-Feb. 2016).

So I would think Rubio has more experience than Obama EVER did, and he missed LESS VOTES than Obama EVER did.

Obama's your standard? - Puh-leeze.

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That's like comparing Meyer Lansky to Al Capone.

Comparing Rubio to Obama because people are doing the same - Truthhurts

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The problem with the comparison most people are doing is that they are stating Rubio missed this and that, yet Obama supposedly wasn't missing votes.

Plus they state that Obama had more experience than Rubio. I pointed out that he didn't. That Obama was the MOST INEXPERIENCED POLITICIAN ever elected, with never being in politics, only being a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER for ACORN.

The comparison puts Rubio much higher on the experience scale. So, "puh-leeze" yourself!

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