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Ya know what? I dont care about ANY of it anymore.

Posted: Jan 22, 2010

the banks, unemployment, Iraq, business, the weather, Dem or Repub, you name it.   Why?  Because none of it changes anything for the average citizen, you and me.  No matter what happens, or doesn't happen in Washington or on Wall Street, or the rest of the world for that matter, WE WILL REMAIN SCREWED. 


Nothing left to do but sit back, watch, and try to laugh at all of it, cuz either way,




You are absolutely 100% right on - see message

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None of the stuff going on matters. I've turned off the news completely because all they do on all the stations is whine. But you are so right. Nothing changes. The crooks in politics remain crooks, people are continuing to lose their jobs and homes, unemployment is on the rise, people in Washington are continuing to get rich while we we are getting poorer. Wall street, politics, CEOs continuing to get the bonuses, all of it does not change no matter what we do. The only hope is the elections so they will be voted out.

But you are right. We are the ones who lose.

No hope with the elections either ~ sm - Anoni~

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We'll just get a different batch of crooks who will screw us in a different position. Either way they win, we lose.

Now that the courts have said the big corporations can - contribute an unlimited amount of money

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to political candidates, it looks like the scenario I predicted in my teens (and was laughed at for), will come true. We'll soon be voting not for Presidents in the future, but for corporations.

America just took one giant leap BACKWARD, with that little legislative gem.
All of this is very ironice considering........ - sm
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Goldman Sachs paid $995,000 to Obama's campaign and now he is spouting all his gibberish about how these bad old corporations shouldn't pay their CEOs their high bonuses, etc. What a joke he is!! HE TOOK ALL THIS MONEY from those big old bad corporations and now he's yammering on pushing for bank limits??? Who the heck does he think he's fooling? Too bad he wasn't worried about bank limits when HE was the recipient of all that money!!!!

The courts really didn't come up with anything that hasn't already taken place..... but of course, any time large corporations are "buying" themselves a president to suit their needs, WE the American people will ALWAYS suffer.

Big corporations in bed with the government...... it's called fascism at its finest!!
Spin dizzy - NJ
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Check out the vote. The republican appointees voted this in. The Democratic appointees, including Sotomayor, voted against.

And you want to blame this on Obama.

Do you think the Haiti earthquake was his fault, too?


I know what you mean, but I am willing to fight for - the future of my kids.

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Voices are starting to be heard, which is why you see something like what happened in Mass.

We HAVE to care. If we don't, nothing changes. nm - sigh

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Americans have cared for the last 30 or 40 years, but - until the money supply from the fat-cats gets -sm

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cut off, things will never change. They'll continue to buy their way out of every attempt at making their dealings fair or honest.

We care, but we can't do anything because most of us aren't mega-millionaires and billionaires.

And it has nothing to do with who's in office anymore. The system was broken and corrupted before most of us were even born. And the way our government is set up, no person will ever have the power to fix it. Just the way B of A, Wall Street, Insurance companies, Wells Fargo, HMOs and MTSOs want it.

Bite me, United States of Greed.

Mass. doesnt matter,either. It doesnt matter whether - we have repubs or dems in office - sm

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because they hold no power anymore. It's Corporate America that calls all the shots now, and has been for a very long time. That's why nothing ever changes.

The only hope we had would've been if Washington had just allowed Wall Street to crash, and the banks and other big businesses to die natural deaths. Then, and only then, it might have been possible to rebuild the mucked-up financial system in this country from the ground up.

Democrat rule #666 - vikefan

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Our serious agonomanics in DC, ones with the biggewt egos, like (former) Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pignosi and Dirty Harry Reid and I think they believe their careers are immune.

A lot of our elderly Americans, - especially haven't turned up they didn't think their vote count. As for the younger voters, this generation has a severe amount of denial and a really bad case of apathy. .

One thing is certain, when the libs harp about certain radio/TV shows, and they're freaking out. If they're freaking on Beck, O'Reily and co

Remember - absolute power (like the Dems have now) corrupts absolately and it looks like they are not going to have the majority come November.

Glen Beck brought this up last week or so. Gore had allegations that Florida was corrupt with the election. And what makes me laugh about the wholeY2K thing, the state (Bush's governor encouraged the count of ALL the ballots recounted, but instead, they cherrypicked which districts. Funny thing, is that if they would have done a total recount of Florida, Gore (shiver) would have won the state. .

As for our Prez, well, his misadventures, his constant breaking of campaign promises and just looking like a fool. He reminds me of a 1st grade student trying to passing an honors chemistry class, an internal medicine intern at being told to perform Heart surgery by himself after only having been in the hospital 3 weeks.

I never believed much that man but I had hoped for the best.

chemistry set.

It feels like that, doesn't it? - Trigger Happy

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You get the pubs in office and they do nothing and spend money. You get the dems in office and they want to change everything, raise taxes, and spend money. We are screwed either way it seems.

backwords - hammidy

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My opinion is the vast majority of citizens have become lazy and expect "someone else" to run things for them. Most people know far, far more about Britney Spears weight fluctuations than know what is going on in Washington. That is why the popular "political" programs are all about entertainment and outrage. For example, Beck and his special on Stalin and teenagers who carry Che purses. Pictures of dead bodies. He "links" this to our current administration. Viewers too lazy or uneducated to realize these gory pictures and shock commentary have absolutely NOTHING to do with anything going on in the U.S. today except inciting primitive fears. If someone here decides to defend this program, I will laugh and shake my leg. You have to stay active and understand what is going on. That is the only way to improve our country

Bingo. Laziness and demoralized despair gets us nowhere fast. - Time to tug those bootstraps. nm

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That is very discouraging. - ArmyWife

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It is very discouraging to know that people have gotten to the point of being so selfish. It is discouraging to see that so many don't care about what is beyond their own doorstep and bank account. I think that is the core of the problem in American, we don't care about each other anymore.

Let me tell you why I care about those things. In 2001 our lives changed forever. Prior to that time, the most my soldier might have been sent off for was a natural disaster. He was home for dinner and he was here when our first 2 kids were born.

In 2003 the deployments started for us. Our 3rd child was 6 weeks old when we said goodbye. The war was still new and I had no idea if or when I would hear his voice again or if I would ever see him again. I remained the picture of the strong military wife until it was time for him to load the bus. I turned around and saw his tears too. One last hug and kiss, and the kids and I went to our van as he loaded the bus. I felt like I couldn't even breathe. Those hours of staying strong were over and I sat on the pavement next to my van with my children around me as we held on to each other like it was what was keeping us alive. Days passed and it got easier. Months passed and turned into a year and half. He was home, and in the blink of an eye it was time to go again. This time our 4th baby was the infant he said goodbye to. That deployment was also extended and turned into 15 months. Truth be told, my husband never did come home. A very different man came home to us. I love him very much, but I still miss the man I said goodbye to in 2003.

We love serving, we truly do. It isn't easy though. We volunteer to do this, because most of you would be unwilling to. We feel strongly about doing this. It is my service just as much as it is his. That doesn't mean that it doesn't come with tremendous sacrifice. I have been home 1 time in 10 years. I have not had a night out without my kids in about a year now. I miss my family every single day. I am so far away from the right now.

We all have different opinions about the war, the economy, politics, and everything else in life. Don't stop caring. As a military wife, I can tell you that I need for America to care. It makes it a little easier to miss my husband, to jump every time that door bell rings (what if this it the time that changes my life forever?), and to never see my family if I know that you care about what is going on in the world, even if we have different views on it.

Maybe those things do not affect your daily life, but they affect every minute of every day of mine.

ps... - ArmyWife

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I'm sorry, I was not replying to the other reply directly above and I see my post appeared there. It was a general reply, not to that particular person. Please forgive my typos as well. Long day. :-)

A compelling reduction to no uncertain terms. - Not caring is not an option.

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There is a time and place for anecdote and constructive intense personalization. You have presented an irrefutable case. Snapshots of Middle America serve to remind us all of what is at stake, no matter which side of the fence we live on. Bravo. Nice job. Your sacrifice is deeply appreciated and your story's real life metaphor should escape no one.

To Army Wife - sigh

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Your husband, your children, and you are certainly some of the reasons we CANNOT stop caring. We know you sacrifice. We cannot know the exact feelings and emotions you go through, but we know that you have to suffer through them on a daily basis, and please understand that what your family is doing is not taken lightly by the majority of Americans. (Yes, I'm one of THOSE....lol....when I see a man or woman in uniform, which I do on a regular basis as there are several bases near me, I thank them. Some say "welcome", some say "aw, shucks, just doing my job", and some actually blush.) But, I think they all like to hear it.

We CANNOT give up. We CANNOT say to heck with it. We CANNOT say we are no longer Americans fighting for our country, not as our soldiers do, but as we do simply by voting and being interested in the decisions our elected officials make.

I do want to thank you, Army wife, along with your children, but especially your husband, as you are what helps to make this old USA great. We cannot stand beside your hubby, but we most certainly stand behind him, and that's a pretty darn comfortable place to be. Please don't ever forget that.

To Army Wife - From a prior Army Soldier

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It's not that we have stopped caring. It's coming to realization that there are things going on we have no control over and never will.

What can you or I do about corporate greed - CEOs giving themselves million dollar bonuses? A: Nothing.

What can you or I do about congress not voting in a heath care plan that the country does not want, and they will vote for it no matter whether or not we say no? A: Nothing. They will vote in whatever they want to (always to the benefit of themselves).

What can you or I do about all the Czars that are being picked, who are ruining our country. These are people that don't need our votes to be placed in the rolls they are. What can we do about it? A: Nothing.

What can you or I do about the blatant attempts at socializing our country? A: Nothing.

What can you or I do about the congress raising our taxes? A: Nothing.

What can you or I do about the bailouts that are being given? A: Nothing.

What can you or I do about another trillion dollar spendulous plan they are looking to pass? A: Nothing. (or the one that already passed? A: Again, nothing).

What can you or I do about our jobs continuing to be sent overseas? A: Nothing.

The list goes on and on and on. Congress and Washington are doing things that the country is saying no to, but they don't care. They have an agenda they are pushing. They are getting richer while we are getting poorer.

I think you took the posters message wrong. It's not that we stopped caring, it's coming to the realization that the government is taking over and not listening to the people in this country. As a former Army soldier I served because I cared about our country. What was 8 measly years of my life to give. Not much. That's how much I love my country, but caring and loving our country is one thing. Being frustrated that our voices are not being heard, or rather I should say our voices are being heard and are being ignored, is enough to make the most patriotic person angry at what is happening.

Everything going on in the government affects our lives every day, but it's best to turn it off sometimes otherwise our heads are going to burst from the crime and sleeze going on in our own government. The only thing we have to look forward to is the elections to vote the crooks out. Unfortunately, there is a lot of time between now and the elections for the sleezy congress to pass everything they want and take our country further down that long dark road than where we are already.

uh, no sympathy here - SM

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Are you asking us to feel sorry for you because your spouse signed up, presumably of his own free will, to join the Army? I hardly think anyone forced him to join the service. So you won't get any sympathy from me for something you signed up for. If you thought it was going to be all sunshine & lollipops, then that's your, and his, fault. You can't join an organization with all its inherent risks & problems & inconveniences and then complain about it when you have to deal with those risks & problems & inconveniences. Well, you can complain, but I don't have to feel sympathy for you. Sheesh.

She wasnt asking for sympathy. READ her post! - "Sheesh" to you!. She was trying to

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make people understand why we cannot stop caring. She was not asking for YOUR sympathy. YOU should apologize for your post. That was totally unfair and insulting. And, you do realize, if we did not have patriots that voluntarily signed up to protect our country, we could have a draft and maybe YOUR child would be forced to go to war. Think about it!
back at ya - SM
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Sure sounded like it to me.

And FYI, my family is full of servicepeople, both currently & retired, and we were brought up not to whine & complain about things like deployments, etc. Nothing gets my dad's (Marine) goat more than a serviceperson (or family member) moaning about how much they give up, how much they sacrifice, etc. You sign up to do the job & you do it, without calling undue attention to the hardships it causes you or your family, or you don't join up. You can't take advantage of the "good times" when it's relatively "safe" to be in the service and then start carrying on when it comes time to actually have to do something unpleasant. Then you're in it for the wrong reason. That's not how it works.

I apologize to no one for my beliefs.
Amen - Well said. - From a prior Amry Soldier
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Service people should not be whining about how much they give up. They enlist of their own free will. They are not drafted. Being a former soldier one thing we did not do and would not stand for is people whining about something we all volunteered for.
ArmyWife was not whining. You are just wrong.nm - Fargo
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Should not expect an apology from you since you seem to - be unable to admit you judged unfairly.nm
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Hats off to you ArmyWife - and Thanks too

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I appreciate your post very much. You and your husband, as well as my family are going through the same thing, and deeply understand. We will never stop caring. Again, thanks and God Bless.

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