A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Buh-bye, Karen Handel. Dont despair. Surely Flox will take you in as their new

Posted: Feb 7, 2012

Otherwise, you will be facing some pretty slim pickin's.  Its a tough market out there for shills who think they can combine personal political agendas with their self-inflated, misconceived professional "powers," then get away with it without consequences to pay.  A word of caution:  Steer clear of advertising.  That rebranding hack job you did on a highly successful, internationally recognized and revered women's health organization by transforming it into a shunned pariah literally overnight, will haunt you wherever you go for the remainder of your so-called career.  Take heart, though, for you will be in good company.  Flox is where all the most well-known, washed-up former wingnut pols end up when they are put out to pasture.     


Karen Handel - What a hateful nasty post

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Not everyone shares your twisted nasty thoughts. Many of us are PRO LIFE, not PRO ABORTION Not all revere PP. You do not speak for all women as you seem to think in your snarky post.

PP was never mentioned. It was Komen's brand - Handel single-handedly ruined

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that was so highly revered....that is before KH decided to take it upon herself to write guidelines deliberately aimed at cutting ties between Komen and PP and defunding cancer screening for low-income women, a preventative care and diagnostic service which has absolutely nothing to do with the 3% of women who go to PP seeking termination of pregnancy.

Maybe "not all" revere PP, but plenty of folks had their back when push came to shove, huh? They did not seem to give a second thought to dropping Komen like a hot potato, thanks to the officious Ms Handel. At least Komen had to good sense to admit their "mistake," but much of the damage exacted at the hands of the one-woman wrecking ball will remain irreparable for years to come, though I do think her resignation will help speed that process up a bit.

I do not pretend to speak on anyone else's behalf but my own. That's all in your head, dear. As far as I know, expressing a personal opinion on this forum is still permitted. Here's another one for you to chew on: Nasty is calling oneself "pro-life," then turning around and putting the lives of millions of women at risk for the sake of advancing a hate-based political agenda...women who are innocent bystanders (or if KH had her way, collateral damage) in this obsessive war the lifers have waged on this women's health care facility.

Karen Handel promised to cut all state funding - for cancer screening to PP

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"During my time as Chairman of Fulton County, there were federal and state pass-through grants that were awarded to Planned Parenthood for breast and cervical cancer screening, as well as a 'Healthy Babies Initiative,'" Handel wrote. "Since grants like these are from the state I'll eliminate them as your next Governor."


Karen Handel proved that she is incapable of recognizing that abortions is only 3% of what PP does. She was willing to cut funding for cancer screenings to this organization from the state if she won the governor's mansion. I'm sure the low-income women of her state are grateful she lost.

She went into Komen with an agenda and forcefully pushed that agenda and it backfired on both her and her organization.

Don't want an abortion? Don't get one.
Wow are you cruel - Bet all the dead babies would love
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your flip and snotty response. Too bad the dead babies never got a chance to decide whether they "don't want an abortion - don't get one". They were never given the opportunity. Without a doubt, one of the most heartless, cruel comments on here so far. When you meet your Maker, hope He is more compassionate towards you.
Oh no, not the dead babies meme! - wheres_my_job
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and um, I think my "maker" is either female/male combined or neither or all of the above or...
Yep-wheres my job - - Deal with it
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Don't care what or who you "think" your maker is. Just hope HE treats your life with more respect than you treat the lives of the aborted babies. Sounds like you really think you're funny and impressed with yourself. That makes 1.
just my opinion but - poke salad
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I think that ladies who use religion as a vehicle to say nasty things to others should be stoned with hardened camel dung until they retreat. Only biblical response appropriate.
Just my opinion - Wow what class you have (sarcasm in case)
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you don't get it. Post had nothing to do with religion and everything about protecting the innocent lives of babies. Yeah, we all get it that there are a few on here that could not care less about the life of a helpless, defenseless child against a mother that wants to kill them. And you think killing a baby is not nasty? Pretty twisted.
just a vehicle - SM
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to try to lord (heh heh) over people. If you truly were compassionate you would show kindness and respect to those ex utero.
Just a vehicle - To SM
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Like the respect you think you show? You can defend yourself. Unfortunately, a tiny baby being murdered has no defense. BIG difference that even an avowed abortionist should be able to comprehend. Your nerves hit must still be tingling. New flash! There are approximately 50% that do not believe in abortion - hard fact for you to grasp I'm sure. That for every 1 person embracing the concept of abortion, there is 1 person that does not.
We get it - SM
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you are against abortion. The law of the land says it is a woman's right to control her body. I believe in freedom to chose. Enough said, already.
Seriously - mbmt
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Does anyone really embrace the concept of abortion? There are a lot of people that are for a woman's right to choose, but I doubt seriously that there are many people who are truly pro-abortion and that embrace the concept of abortion.
agree - nm
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total ugliness and hyperbole - off the chart
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It's clear that you have real difficulty sorting out opinion from fact, emotion from reason.

Whether YOU like it or not, abortion is not considered baby killing in these United States, nor does seeking abortion mean, by extension, that a mother WANTS TO kill.

You are a menace to those you pretend to defend. And I mean pretend.
No that makes 2 (message for where's my job too - count me in`
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Was going to reply to where's my jobs message that this is the first message I agree with you on. My maker is neither male nor female. Our maker is in each one of us.

As for you, little miss deal with it. You are the one who needs to deal with it. Not everyone shares your opinion. And by the way, none of us have anything to do with the lives of those aborted babies. We didn't decide to abort them.

and yes, I thought where's my job's reply was funny. I AM impressed. So there are two of us.
No, in order to remain an American, you MUST - BE Christian. (sm)
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And not just any Christian. You must abide by the laws of a certain type of Christianity.

I'll never donate a dime to Komen's alleged breast cancer "fight." From my point of view, they've been exposed as a crooked organization, but that usually happens when religion-pushing conservative officials have any power.

The Catholic Church will NOT rule my life, and I have to wonder just where the Catholics will get their contraception needs met, since I doubt (especially in THIS economy) that they all feel safe and secure using the "rhythm" method.

This is precisely WHY there is separation of church and state, to make sure that all NON-Catholics continue to receive their rights in the USA.
Not according to obama - SM
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obama is one big hypocrite. Did you miss National Prayer Day

right over your head - poke salad
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that post went.
Not according to Obama - CryBabyLibs
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Agree with you. You know how libs hate having any of their hypocrisies pointed out. You stuck your finger in the pig's eye now. (For those cruising the board, trying to find something to fight over, that is an old saying and not in reference to any political party or poster..LOL)
it's only self-serving drivel if you cannot stop invoking dead babies - just stop it
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just stop it - No
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Sick of all the crap posted here by libs and pro-abortionists. You can't handle the truth that others do not agree with you and your self-serving drivel. I don't take orders from you.
Speaking of "agenda", Obama just did the same type - of things to Catholics ---backfiring! nm
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Exactly! Doesn't the Catholic Church have enough - sm
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faith in the congregations they've created to abide by their teachings? Instead of trusting the judgment that the Church instilled, they want to simply remove contraception access from ALL women. Why do I have to live under the laws of the Catholic Church when I'm not Catholic? I want MY freedom of religion (perhaps in this case freedom FROM religion) in a society that is allegedly free. Instead, we're on the brink of becoming just like all the "stan" countries that we've attacked (or plan on attacking), where religion is either their way or the highway.

For Komen to eliminate funding for BREAST CANCER shows just how phony they really are.

They could redeem themselves in my eyes by getting rid of each agenda-driven conservative on their board.

I remember when JFK was going to run for President and there was concern that the Catholic Church would, in effect, be ruling the United States. This is a perfect example of the reasoning behind that worry.

I believe in freedom of religion -- and that includes MY OWN.

Catholic Church have enough - Is this a comedy post?
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Your thought process is truly a work of art and that is not meant as a compliment. NO ONE WAS DENIED ACCESS BY WHAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH BELIEVES. I am not Catholic, but can see the danger of forcing ANYONE, yes even you "agenda-driven" liberals to use your phrase, when the 1st amendment is run over by the government. Every single woman can access PP for any women's health care issue, as pro-abortionists point out on here all the time. If this can be forced on Catholics, no faith is safe to practice as they believe. Where was the outrage for separation of church/state when Valerie Jarrett went to the Baptist Church in Atlanta, speaking from the pulpit about the anointed one and then conducting a voter registration? None of that belonged in church, but not a word was said on this board from the libs. As for the women at these institutions...they also have another choice. If they hate the idea of what the Catholics believe, why work there with them or for them? They are free to work for PP, the health dept or any other organization that embraces their beliefs. What's gonna be next....outlawing the bris for Jews? You clearly do not understand anything and I mean ANTYHING about the constitution.
Not just Catholics, forced on everyone - bless their hearts
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I live in a regional medical center area. We have a couple of very large hospitals and a medical college--all run by Catholics. These employers probably employ 1/3 of the working people around here. They do not hire just Catholics, but the public at large. These institutions serve the public and accept government Medicare, MA, VA, and government sponsored grants and student loans. Why should their employees and students not be provided with the same health insurance as the public at large? They don't have to utilize the contraceptive services if they don't want to. It should be their freedom of choice, not the choice of their employer/teacher.
Not just Catholics -bless their hearts - Because it is in direct violation of
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the first amendment. This is a slippery slope and will not stop here. It has nothing to do with birth control or the practice thereof. It has everything to do with complete and total violation of the first amendment.
NOT a violation of first amendment - for goodness sake
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Can you tell us what you think the first amendment provides for?
IT IS A VIOLATION OF FIRST AMENDMENT -for goodness sake's - How about reading it
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before you make the assumption poster was wrong. You are way off the mark here. I bet you don't even know what the first amendment says...I do. You can get a pocket copy of the constitution since you clearly do not understand or know what it says. You won't even have to leave your home; you can order it online and have it delivered directly to you. That way, you can intelligently discuss the subject.
no, actually, it is not - re: worship
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Nothing is impeding your free exercise of religion (guaranteed by the First Amendment). If you want national programs to comply with your religious beliefs, however, you have to live somewhere outside of our current representative democracy.

I actually think it would be a good idea if churches, temples, mosques, etc. would provide their parishioners with health insurance compatible with their chosen beliefs.
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Not just the part you want. It does NOT have to do only with worship. Since people are obviously too lazy to actually look it up; see below. It also SPECIFICALLY STATES THAT CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW....PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF (meaning the carrying out of the beliefs and expression of the faith practiced in that religion).

Wonder what you would say if Muslims were forced by Obamacare to stop performing their prayers and pointing to the East because Muslims do this where ever they are at their "prayer time"...even if it is in a public area and they block other people's passage. What if it was determined that "free exercise thereof" was dangerous to others by obstructing them. What if a bris was determined to be injuroius to the infant and Obamacare "prohibiting the free exercise" of the Jewish faith in the performance of that religious rite?

I am not Catholic, but if you bother to ask or read any of the polls, majority of Catholics (last poll 50% and climbing as the poll continues) believe this to be a direct violation of their ability in "prohibiting the free exercise thereof". As so many on this board pointed out lately, PP provides ALL THE BIRTH CONTROL you can ever want, as does the health department. NO ONE blocked any of the women from getting any services whatsoever. Nothing but a smoke screen. And let's not forget about the restriction of the freedom of press put out by the White House over this...that's a whole nother board.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Explain to me how this is - "prohibiting the free exercise thereof".
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Explanation of - First amendment
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is pretty simple actually. Catholics (as well as many Christians) do not believe in contraception, abortion, or morning after pills based on faith beliefs. Forcing them to provide the insurance for services that are in direct conflict with their beliefs, as well as the conscience law, is a direct violation, therefore, "prohibiting the free practice thereof". White House claims Catholics and employeese of faith-based organizations were DENIED ACCESS which is a total lie, as the White House also, in the same criticism, stated that 98% of women used birth control...well, they are already accessing birth control somewhere and actively using it, and were NEVER denied access. No faith should ever be mandated by government, forced by government, to perform services, provide insurance, instructions, or promote ideologies that are in direct conflict with their religious believes. Obama also directly lied to Archbishop Dolan in a meeting they had prior to the passage of Obamacare where he specifically stated he would NOT force any faith to violate the conscience issues. Since others were present for the meeting besides Obama and Archbishop Dolan that heard Obama specifically state he would protect the church's first amendment rights, Obama is having a hard time denying or spinning what he said.
it's this simple - ...
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Free exercise of your religion does NOT entail prohibiting others from pursuing legal healthcare in the form of goods and services.

I don't believe in drunk drivers. This does not allow me to withhold monies to the state or federal government for infrastructure, nor does it allow me to ban alcohol in the United States.
it's this simple - Still missing it
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NO ONE WAS PROHIBITING ANYONE FROM SEEKING HEALTH CARE. As stated by Obama, 98% of these women readily had access to birth control, abortions and morning after pills; so, clearly they were getting what they wanted. IT IS WHAT THE GOVERNMENT WAS DICTATING TO THE CHURCH GOING AGAINST THE PRACTICE OF THE CHURCH and their beliefs, infringing on the church's 1st amendent. Guess only people of faith can understand the impact of government dictating and mandating what a church can and cannot do that can understand this. Hmmmm...whatever happened to separation of church and state that ACLU constantly screams about. Government has their finger prints all over churches with their mandates. Obama could have put up free clinics on every corner to dispense whatever. Oh wait, we already have that with PP to the tune of 50-mill plus of Fed money now. Perhaps those that cannot grasp what the 1st amendment means can speak to a constitutionalist that fully understands the ramifications and back blow that infringing on anyone's 1st amendment rights means. Good luck!
What about the people who are NOT Catholic? - sm
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What about the people of other either Christian faith or other than Christians? The Catholic Church is forcing everyone to abide by their religion, and that's preventing freedom of religion for those folks.

What about birth control pills for MEDICINAL purposes? When I was in my mid twenties, I was prescribed the pill in order to regulate my menstrual cycle because I was bleeding all the time. It infuriates me that the Catholic Church would deny birth control pills to anyone, especially considering that many Catholics use birth control, as well.

Considering their serial problems with priests and little boys, their judgment has been flawed many times, especially when they allow the abuse to continue.

News flash - We have the freedom to

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state what we want in our posts and don't have to have it "cleared" by the OP. Everyone knows the situation OP was referring to was between Komen and PP...clearly YOU don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure that out. BTW, Komen was curtailing funds to PP; not stopping cancer screening for women as you stated. Screening being done and provided through other facilities besides the baby-killing monopoly sites. Handel was denying NO ONE of care as vaguely imply in your post.
News flash - Back atcha
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The post I replied to indicated a confusion regarding which organization was referred to as revered, which I clarified. Evidently, not "everyone" is able to comprehend that KH decimated Komen's reputation, while PP's not only remained intact, but in fact was bolstered by all the broadcast and viral media coverage of how she carried out her own personal vendetta and abused her "authority" as Komen's policy VP.

The suggestion suggest that "curtailing" funding (in reality, total withdrawal) somehow does not mean Komen was stopping breast cancer screening for women is patently false. In effect, to target PP under the bogus new "guidelines" KH invented, then attempted but failed spectacularly to enforce, DOES amount to curtailing these services for many low-income women who cannot access those "other facilities" you so casually refer to. This is in direct opposition to Komen's stated purpose. There's no getting around that fact. Also, there is no justification for impeding low-income women's access to cancer screening by requiring them to confine their choice of facilties to those who do not provide abortion services. The law is on their side in this, and the onus in pro-lifers crusade is on their shoulders, NOT low-income women, to seek a change in the law.

Killing MDs who perform perfectly legal procedures, bringing down PP and all other facilities that provide termination services, forcing women to be subjected to bully tactics such as a having to wade through belligerant, potentially violent protesters whose hatred is aimed directly at them just to access entrance to the facility, 3-day waiting periods, having to listen to graphic informed consent forms being read out loud which have been dictated by foaming-at-the mouth vigilantes, mandating costly ultrasounds many of them cannot afford, etc, etc, DOES NOTHING to change the law. For that matter, it does not well serve the message you are trying to get out there.

If you want to build a majority consensus to overturn Roe vs Wade, you might try eliminating all the anger, threats, violence, stalking and bullying, and try good old fashioned American political process. Good luck with that.
Back atcha - Major difficult comprehending
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Anything other than your long drawn out senseless ramblings. Komen never denied women any service. Unfortunately, PP pushers remain totally blind to the fact that there are other facilities that do not kill babies, offering services daily to women and had never stopped. Several of those facilities were specifically stated and listed in a previous post. However, anyone that says anything about the murder of children, or defends life in any way, you all go balistic so as to maintain PP and their status as the single largest ABORTION PROVIDER in the county. Find it pretty pathetic that you find it okay that babies can be killed at will and then go on about the abortion doctor that was murdered. As if his life was to exalted and all the unborn babies were useless and desired their fate just for being alive. I DO NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE OR MURDER FOR ANYONE, but your hypocrisy is astounding. No one threatened you, stalked you or bullied you. That comes from your corner. As for the people on here you made fun of because they actually practice their faith, you might want to try it. Would get rid of the hatred and venom you so love to embrace.
if you love then teeny little babies - SM
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so much, get your hind-end off a website insulting those that think differently from you and go do something, like work in shelter or an abused house.
Teeny little babies - Hit your nerve bad
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You speak like a big mouth with no facts as usual. Your personal attacks are pretty typical. You have no idea what facilities I volunteer or contribute to that promote life. Certainly do not need you to "guide me". By the way, take your own advice...If you hate what is posted on here so much, get off your hind-end, go work at a battered women's shelter, a children's hospital or maybe even PP performing the abortions you so love. You'll get to see first hand that destruction of life.
why do you bother - sm
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reposting my words nearly verbatim as your own? If you have nothing more to add, you can simply chose not to respond. All the time you spend laboriously copying my statements could be better used fighting the good fight out there on the mean streets where helpless little former-babies are wandering cold and alone.
Why do bother - Same reason you do
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Don't need you or your 2 friends telling poster what they can post, how to say what they post, and how often then can post. Make fun of babies, children all you want...just strengthens the heartlessness of your posts. Too bad for you. God forbid PP would actually set up an adoption (350+ abortions to every 1 adoption REFERRAL). I continue the good fight specifically because of posters like you. Cannot wait for your next attack or would you rather pick on a child, maybe an unborn baby...seems to be your forte.
why do bother response - SM
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Don't need you or your toothed friends telling posterinis what they can post, how to say what they post, and how often them can post. You aint the boss of me! Have fun with babies, children all you want...just strengthens the deltods and biceps. Too bad for youse. Obama forbid peepee would actually set up an adoption (76 trombones led the big parade) to every tuba. I continue to yammer specifically because of posters like you and your horse. Cannot wait for your next attach or would you rather pick up a child, maybe a glob of fetal material ...seems to be your treehouse.
Why do bother response - What an example this one is
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of what not to morph into...Someone needs to start a prayer chain for this one.
example person poster - SM
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You should not morphodite into . . . Somebody needs to start a chain gang on this one.
There are many reasons why people choose - not to continue a pregnancy
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It's not up to you or anyone else to force any person into terming a pregnancy. You don't know the reasons for the abortion and it's none of your business. These fetuses (not babies) are more likely better off being aborted than being brought into a home or environment that they would have been. Do you go and take a poll at those services that perform abortions and see why the pregnant women are aborting? No, thought not. You whack jobs need to keep your noses out of things that are not your business, and this is one of them. Women who have abortions are NOT baby killers... those are the "other" people out there literally killing babies for sport and/or sick, sick reasons.

I have kids and grand kids. And yes, I am religious, but I also know it's up to each INDIVIDUAL to make a choice that they have to live with. It has nothing to do with you - NOTHING! Stop preaching your crazed baby killing rhetoric! It's people with your mind set who go around blowing up PP buildings, maiming people and destroying property because of your extreme beliefs. You people are the problem, not those wishing to abort an unwanted pregnancy for whatever reason.
Yeah for you - don't want kids - Tie your tubes
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tying your tubes better than killing a baby (when you have an abortion you're not getting rid of a tree or dog or a toy - NEWS FLASH -IT IS A BABY). Don't want kids, other options available at PP as you bleeding hearts love to point out. No matter what your "reason" STOP PREACHING YOUR "CRAZED" I support abortion, I'm so enlightended rhetoric. I find you every bit as offensive...so, I guess we're even. Incidentally, stop with your threats and accusations directed at me, accusing me of violence. Go take a good hard look in the mirror grandma!

Excellent post! Thank you. - nm

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Totally agree....and the public bullies who bullied a - CHARITY are the REAL shame here. nm

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I think she speaks for all women who use and want to continue - to use contraception. nm

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Why aren't all you pro-lifers - OABO

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pro life after the baby is born? Most of you seem to be pro fetus. After the child is born you don't want the mother or baby to receive any government aid. You don't want to see that the child goes to decent schools, you want the child to perhaps grow up in a neighborhood that is decimated by gun violence and keep the guns flowing to that neighborhood and when the child, discouraged, disheartened and destroyed by social circumstances, commits a crime, you want him to receive the death penalty.

why aren't all you pro lifers - TheCrybabyLibs

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NOT ONE SINGLE POSTER MADE THE COMMENTS YOU STATED. You spin yourself so hard, you must be nauseated. You cannot support one, let alone all, of the idiotic comments you posted by any person on this board. BTW, you come as holier than thou, what do you do for your youth, your community, how much extra money do you send to the govt? Yeah...I figured as much. Libs never put their money where their mouths are...just want everyone else to, and then the libs just sit back and criticize, cry victim.
Hmmm - mbmt
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Based on the harshness of your posts, I cannot imagine you being kind to anyone or showing any compassion toward anyone. She (OABO) has a point, you know. It does seem to be true that the ones screaming "baby killers" seem to be the same people that complain when mother and baby are on public assistance. A person making that observation is not an "idiot" as you so rudely stated.
HMMMM-MBMT - CryBabyLibs
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Funny how you are always pulling a splinter out of someone else's eye while ignoring the branch in your own. Find comments of the poster you are defending very harsh, COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED OTHER THAN BY YOURS AND HER OPINION, and no facts whatsoever. Spinning a complete untruth and misrepresenting someone's post is much more harsh than confronting the [poster doing the spinning. Using your logic or lack thereof, it would the same as saying every single lib supports massive government handouts because a few on here believe that.
incomprehensible - as per usual
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Huh? I don't get your post - what if - sm
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Based on the harshness of her post??? Are you kidding? Seriously, you think her post is harsh but not the one she replied to. Based on all of TheCryBabyLibs posts I find she has complete compassion. Have you read any of her posts? Think not if you are saying that.

Rudely stated is the post she replied to.

Where in the world are you getting all this? - what if

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You are way off base on all of your assumptions. Nobody ever said after a child is born they don't want the mother or baby to receive any government aid. And your comment about not wanting to see a child go to a decent school and grow up in a neighborhood of violence????? Please let me read the post where you read that. I find your comments completely off the wall. You don't know anything about the poster you replied to. The accusations you made are just wild accusations with no proof to back them up. Just crazy off the wall comments.

Oh thank you, thank you - wheres_my_job

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I needed a smile and a sense of victory today, I really did :)

LOL I agree, wheres my job. Put a smile - on my face. NM

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I truly believe the libs have really gone mad - SM

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Foaming at the mouth and stark-raving mad I tell ya.

And it's only Tuesday.

Libs always act this way. Where have you been? nm - Indy

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Libs gone made - Funny thing about the libs

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Not only have they gone mad 3 days earlier than normal (must be medication cutbacks kicking in on Obamacare), they are clueless that a lot of the reporters, commentators, contributors to Fox News comes directly from CNN, MSNB, NBC, etc. Fox News has more libs contributing than the Lib hate spinners have anchors...LOLOLOLOL. Your post was a refreshing laugh.

Fox "News" job - Mgc

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Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Fox hires her. You're right about that's where all the most well-known washed-up former wingnuts end up. Also, Fox has become so very tiresome.

Ohio governor - SM

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was Faux employee but the repubs still voted for him. Is it true that repeating same mistake over and over and not learning from it leads to extinction? We can only hope

Mgc - Fox news not nearly as

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tired as your "wingnuts" comment. It has "become so very tiresome". But we all know what limited vocabularies libs have (i.e., I'm a victim, wingnuts and, and, and...that's about all their tiny little brains can process).

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"What we have here is a “Newton massacre” Posted by five times larger in body count.. sm on Fri, Apr 12 2013 at 09:09 PM CDT: What we have here is a “Newton massacre” five times larger in body count, yet NO national coverage is occurring. The mix of players and issues is unique. You have a corrupt black abortion doctor primarily dealing with black patients for decades in a city long ago controlled by liberal politics. What we have here is a “Newton massacre&rdquo ...

Slowly But Surely The Trump Claim That His Campaign Was SurveilledApr 03, 2017
is being proved to be 100% accurate. It turns out that the media and the Democrats have been lying about it. Trump needs to keep up the pressure. Those who illegally surveilled the Trump campaign, illegally leaked to the media and then lied about it need to be investigated, arrested and prosecuted. Susan Rice, who was former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, did not respond to a report from Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake that on multiple occasions, she made requests ...

Dont Judge Me ButMay 22, 2011
i have decided to go to church in the morning.  i have been to church 2 times in my whole life but have decided to give it a shot.  i am kind of nervous but also excited!!! ...

Dont Let Facts Get In The Way!May 04, 2010
Assistant Police Chief Roy Bermudez shakes his head and smiles when he hears politicians and pundits declaring that Mexican cartel violence is overrunning his Arizona border town. "We have not, thank God, witnessed any spillover violence from Mexico," Bermudez says emphatically. "You can look at the crime stats. I think Nogales, Arizona, is one of the safest places to live in all of America." Clarence Dupnik, the sheriff of Pima County, said there always has been crime associated with sm ...

Ok So Here Is What I Guess I Just Dont GetJun 22, 2012
What exactly is the Republicans goal on this?  Is there a particular charge they are making in their calls of coverup?  Is the coverup in their mind Holder saying he didnt know about it or is the coverup something that supposedly happened during the botched operation? ...

Dont Know If You Have The Same Ads I Do, But Why Is The BananaSep 29, 2012
x ...

Dont See How Any WomanOct 26, 2012
men telling you what you can and can't do with your body, thinking they know more than your doctor and how pregnancy from rape is a gift from God. Just because you hate Obama, you are willing to go back to 1912. Next, they'll say you aren't smart enough to vote. Go Romney/Ryan Whoo-Hoo!! ...

Ya Know What? I Dont Care About ANY Of It Anymore.Jan 22, 2010
the banks, unemployment, Iraq, business, the weather, Dem or Repub, you name it.   Why?  Because none of it changes anything for the average citizen, you and me.  No matter what happens, or doesn't happen in Washington or on Wall Street, or the rest of the world for that matter, WE WILL REMAIN SCREWED.    Nothing left to do but sit back, watch, and try to laugh at all of it, cuz either way, WE LOSE. ...

Shhhh, Dont Tell Anybody, But Gas Prices CouldJun 22, 2012
We wouldn't want to undermine Romney's sky-is-falling message.  A foxbusiness report, so it must be true! http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2012/06/22/gas-prices-expected-to-dip-below-3-this-fall/ ...

Dont Name Your Baby Something StupidJan 04, 2017
inputting these names like Katelyn, Caitlin, Caitlyn, Caitlynn, Ashley, Ashle, Ashyle, Emilee, Emily, Emmelee, Crouton, Crewton, makes me wonder why someone would doom their child to a lifetime of having to spell their name to people.  It just seems Cruel or should I say Crewel.  And there's the celebrity Can-I-Come-Up-With-An-Even-Uglier-Name than Homer, Otis, Hazel, or Phineas?  These are human beings you are toying with.     ...

I Dont Know Too Much About The Export-import Bank,Jul 08, 2014
Stossel, and he used the would crapitalism. I guess you could call it corporate welfare. ...