A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I agree with Lilly Manning in the article: - emanon
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very unethical. Now, that is what I call elitist for sure.
In and out - NJ
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My primary care doc works for the Cleveland Clinic at an hourly rate. She is supposed to cycle patients through quickly. However, she takes as much or as little time as I want to talk about things.
It's more Big Business Bottom Line crap. I have no doubt it goes back to insurance, with malpractice insurance ranking up there as a major reason docs don't just set up their own private practices.
Bring back house calls! That will cut down on overhead ;)
private practices - cj
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Around here many physicians have been forced out of private practice by the hospitals. They are now "hospitalists," and if they choose not to become employees of the hospital rather than private practitioners, their referral base dries up as all in-house referrals go to those physicians who ARE hospital employees. It is all about the hospital making the profit instead of the practitioners and for these docs is not an insurance issue at all. I worked for three separate private practitioners who were forced out of their practices this way, all of whom decided to retire rather than become "hospitalists."
It seems to be a win-win situation overall for the insurance companies. - emanon
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Between the exhorbitant premiums they charge for medical coverage, and the tens of thousands of dollars that physicians and other practitoners have to pay per year for malpractice insurance, these handful of big insurance companies are raking in tens of billions of dollars per year. Until these companies are forced into some sort of competative market through reform, the disparity between social circumstance and the ability to get quality healthcare is only going to continue to widen. What a sad thing for the "most powerful country" on the planet.
Newsflash! Insurance companies typically.... - AzRain
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only make 6% to 9% in profit, and last year it was down to about 3%. Hardly gouging....in fact, Tupperware and Hershey Sweets made more in profit than the insurance industry did last year. Are they supposed to be a nonprofit in your book?
Hospitals hospitals everywhere and not a doc unlinked - NJ
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That's interesting stuff, cj. I hadn't thought about that angle.
Hey, NJ, not political but... - Smitty
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I was born and raised in Cleveland and still remember house calls by old Dr. Weidenthal. Thanks for the stroll down Memory Lane.

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