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Do not care what is said, life is not easier

Posted: Apr 15, 2013

I was going to try to Facetime with a friend tonight in another state. Her iPad was being fixed and now her's is fixed and mine is saying to enter my ID, which I did, said it was not right, tried to open up another one and still could not. I am so vexed right now. I don't give a rat's behind about what is said about things being so much easier now than in years past. What a bunch of baloney. If husband not here and I accidentally hit the wrong button on the remote and the TV went off, I could never reset to get any shows. I just recently got a car to where I could sit the time on it, forget about the GPS on the car. Thank goodness I have one my daughter bought me and I do fine with that. And don't get me going about people not doing their job!!! I made reservations about a couple of weeks ago for traveling to pick up 2 little girls who are coming to visit me soon and I stressed the importance of my picking them up as their was their first ever flight and I wanted to be sure they were with me and everything went alright. For some reason I just decided to double check on the flight today and you guess it, some airhead for whatever reason had put us on 2 separate flights!! Right now I am so tired of things not going right, be it the airlines messing up big time or my iPad. ;

1st world problems... - nm

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??? - Not

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Not understanding the post.

I don't know how to say it without - sounding very mean..

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But I will try my best. If your Ipad is still functional, do a search with the phrase "first world problems meaning" and read the first couple of links that come up. While your frustrations you posted are valid complaints to you, they really are very insignificant. You are privileged in that you own an Ipad where you have the opportunity to Facetime with a friend, own multiple cars even though you can't figure out the technology that runs them, own remotes that you cannot figure out, and have the privilege to book plane tickets.
Can't remember your Facetime password? Here's a solution! Turn off the Ipad and pick up a telephone and call your friend! Or better yet, find a pen and piece of paper and envelope and postage stamp and write them a letter! A real one! Can't figure out the remote? Get up, walk over to the TV and push the power button to turn it off. Then read a book or go outside or do anything that has nothing to do with our first world technology! Stop complaining! You could have it sooo much worse than you actually do!
Maybe - anon
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You should try not saying it at all. I'm not the OP, btw. What the H is wrong with someone just Venting? Don't you ever just vent to a friend just to get some frustrations out? Just because it's a "first world problem" that is "insignificant" doesn't mean that someone can't just VENT.

Do you feel bigger now, after trying to make someone else feel small with their "insignificant" complaints?

I'm so done with this board and people like you.
actually, I wished I could have liked her post twice - in total agreement
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I thought the response was spot on. Sometimes it takes a different POV to appreciate the things in life that mean something, which is what I felt the responder was offering the OP. If you chose to leave, there is a saying about the door not hitting ya where the good Lord split ya...
People just assuming all over the place - OP
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I did not buy the iPad, that was a gift to my husband. I don't consider myself insignificant, maybe you do but I surely don't. I did not buy my car, either. As far as plane tickets, yes I did buy those and I have worked so many years double jobs for years, saved and now I do not have to work with my nose to the grindstone and able to enjoy things that I was not able to do while supporting my children myself. Quit being a hater. I can vent as others do here.
Not hatin' - sm
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hhahahaha Okay first off, I did not say you bought any of those, I said you owned them. They are yours, correct? Therefore, you own them. It does not matter who bought them. lol I also did not say you were insignificant, I said your complaints were insignificant (they really are). You have worked your butt off and deserve to rest and relax. So why mess with our first world technology that clearly frustrates you to no end? Put all that stuff away and relax! Do things you enjoy, not things that frustrate you.
one more thing - it sounds like
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the only one assuming anything here is you. You know the saying, when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me? To me, it looks like you're just making an ass out of yourself.
And cussing me will get you thrown off this - board, shame on you
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It is a shame that people cannot have a decent conversation on here without words being here that really do not belong. I can vent, as can others here and you have really shown your true colors.
You said assume, not me. - You just don't get it.
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I'm giving up on you. Have a good day:)

Your vapid post isn't serious, is it? - nm

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The day I posted venting just like others are - able to do here, no different

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