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This is my idea of a dream job

Posted: Jun 21, 2013

How many of us would love a job that pays bonuses for doing a lousy job? I sure would...Guess it was dumb of me to turn down the offer back in the 60s because I hated living in a city. 

In two weeks, the Internal Revenue Service will close its doors for the third time this summer. IRS employees will not report to work on July 5, 2013, as the result of furloughs allegedly due to budgetary woes. IRS employees, already operating under pay freezes – some for the last three years – will not be paid for the day, a loss to IRS employees of between $160 to $400 in pay, depending on the employee’s position.

The series of furloughs have been considered necessary because of the extraordinary challenges facing the agency in the wake of spending cuts and sequestration. National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen M. Kelley has soundly criticized the move for months, saying, “[f]urloughing IRS employees is further evidence of the ongoing damage sequestration is causing across the country.”

There is, the agency claims, simply not enough money to keep the doors open.

Except, that is, for an extra $70 million.

Despite a directive from the Obama administration for agencies to cancel discretionary bonuses because of automatic spending cuts, the IRS is moving ahead with $70 million in employee bonuses.

The most awkward part? That directive was issued by Danny Werfel, who is now serving as the Acting Commissioner of the IRS after the last Acting Commissioner, Steven Miller, was forced to step down in the midst of the tax-exempt organization scandal.





Can you hear the swishing sound? - It's the United States circling the drain.

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dream job - TheSargette

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Whether I agree or disagree, they're government union merit bonuses. It doesn't surprise me that you would keep the pot a-boilin' by posting something about "doing a lousy job". The people who are entitled to these bonuses may be doing an exemplary job and yet you paint them all with the same brush. I am so weary of you "folks".

Amen to that, Sista!! - nm

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Personal attack? Please explain - The Sarge - sm

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What do you mean it doesn't surprise you that she/he would "keep the pot a-boilin" and "doing a lousy job". This poster said nothing about them doing a lousy job. She simply posted an article. If anyone is keeping the pot boiling it's you by posting this.

Evidently there are people who know more about what is going on than you do who believe this to be wrong.

And just who are "you folks" you are so "weary of"? Sounds like you can't handle anyone with a different opinion than you.

"How many of us would love a job that pays bonuses for doing a lousy job? " - OP's words, not in the articleNM

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So how is that a personal attack? - What?
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You'd have to ask the Sarge that one since - sm
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that's the one who originally penned the post that mentioned the phrase "personal attack." Of note, there is no such phrase in the Sargette post to which the Sarge replied, leading to the conclusion that the phrase was injected with the intent of ratcheting up the rhetoric a tad or two, then turning around, playing all wide-eyed and innocent and casting Sargette as the guilty party. Typical transparent cons turntable tactics. I agree with Sargette. It's truly tiresome.
I agree as well - ...
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It may be typical transparent turntable tactics, but the moderator buys it every time. Truly tiresome.
It was a question. See the question mark? - The Sarge sm
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That's how you can tell. I was asking her if it was a personal attack. Telling someone their keeping the pot boiling or calling someone "you folks" (just like calling someone Obama haters) is an insult. So instead of coming out and accusing them of personally insulting, I just asked a simple innocent question. Was it a personal attack? (see there's that question mark again). A simple yes or no or explanation would have been good, but hey that's just me.
What? "You folks" and "keeping the pot boiling" are insults? - Who knew?
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There is nothing "innocent" about trying to gin that rhetoric up into the "personal attack" category. I must say, Sarge, when playing the victim card, try holding it a little closer to the chest.
kudos - sm
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Brave of you to speak up. I did so a little earlier today and had my post deleted faster than you can say "disingenuous". Either the moderator is The Sarge, or The Sarge owns the moderator.
LOL. I know exactly what you mean. - sm
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Amazing how no one wants to touch the Post Office Pictures instigator's post with a 10-foot pole (!) and how it's been allowed to stay up as long as it has, all things considered.
Why would that post be removed? - The Sarge - sm
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There is no reason to remove that post. It's a subject that is being talked about. It has a link to an article talking about it that is in the news. It's a political topic and should be talked about. There would be no reason to have the moderator remove it. I don't believe her job is to remove posts just because one side doesn't like the topic. I think she has her hands full enough with trying to keep the insults and fighting down.

I believe everyone should be able to post what they want to post and all topics should be discussed. There are a lot of liberals posts that I find insulting, but I certainly don't expect the moderator to remove them just because I don't like them.
What's wrong with it? It's true. I posted it. - me
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actually, it's not - sm
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the article you linked to was very interesting, but you characterized its meaning incorrectly. Terrorists are not asking for their pictures to be taken down (lol).

The problem is the campaign identified only Muslim terrorists - not terrorists from other religious or ethnic groups:

"The FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists List‘ includes individuals of other races and associated with other religions and causes, but their faces ARE MISSING from this campaign.” [emphasis mine.]

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/2013/06/21/offensive-muslims-dem-congressman-calls-fbi-take-down-photos-terrorists#ixzz2WxZ6KXII
There were 90 total. They couldn't all go on bus. - Only 1 was not a Muslim.
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no, there are 32 total - sm
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and they come from such diverse places as the Philippines, Guyana, New York City, and San Diego.

LOL - The Sarge - sm
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Maybe your post was deleted because it was rude. I know it was insulting. BTW, there was another conservative poster's post that was deleted also. Guess she was "brave enough" to speak up too.

Using the term "you folks" in the context it was used ("I'm so weary of you "folks"" is no different than calling someone an Obama-hater. So maybe it wasn't a insult, but it was a hateful remark. I'm surprised it's still up there.

Boo-hooing about a rude and insulting post that was deleted, now that's what I call the victim card.
do you ever stop with the insults and innuendo? - sm
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boo-hooing? victim card? You have no license to lecture me, and my post was neither rude nor insulting. And why would you care anyway, if you "believe everyone should be able to post what they want."

Doesn't much matter anyway, for "someone" reported my post. I know it can't be you, since you "don't expect the moderator to remove" posts just because you don't like them.(!) Why do you have to keep bringing up the Obama hater thing?
Talk about calling the kettle black. - The Sarge - sm
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There was nothing in my post that wasn't said to me first. Victim card was first directed at me. I'm not the one who started it. If someone doesn't like the words said back to them then don't say them to begin with.

I wrote my opinion. If you took it as a lecture there is nothing I can do about that. People see what they want to see.

I read all the posts that were deleted. They were rude and insulting. Lets see I was "keeping the pot boiling" "who died and made me queen" and someone "shoots straight from the hip" because I happen to be "one of the people I don't like". You don't think those are rude or insulting comments? All I can say is wow!

I've been posting here. I've been posting my opinion about issues. I asked a question about something someone said in her post and they won't answer or provide proof of what they wrote and on top of that still will not admit they were wrong. Then someone accused me of going off topic, when in fact I WAS staying on topic. So guess I'm just supposed to let posters beat me up and not defend myself.

As for reporting your post, don't know what to tell you. You can imagine anything you want, but no I did not report your post. I don't report posts, I just stick up for myself, which I see there are some who don't like that. Guess I'm supposed to sit back and take the insults and ridicule and rudeness and not say anything.

But no, I don't know who reported your post and I don't care. What I do know is it was rude and insulting and went after me personally. At least the moderator let me defend myself in one of them and I am thankful to her for that.

If people don't like insults and innuendo's they shouldn't be the first one to dish them out.
kettle - sm
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I did not make these remarks, so if these are your justifications for indicting MY post as rude and insulting, you are fingering the wrong perp. ("Keeping the pot boiling" "who died and made me queen" and someone "shoots straight from the hip" because I happen to be "one of the people I don't like".)

You may not have reported my post, and you may say you don't care, but your subject line is interesting in that "pot calling the kettle black" was the issue I raised in MY post. You know - the instantly deleted one to which you are referring.
What issue is this post addressing? - sm
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Never tiring of discussion issues or never tiring of the drama? Why waste time on such superficial nonsense? This post has nothing to do with politics.
The issue that someone told The Sarge he was using the - victim card and when he responded...
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With the same thing back at them they told him he was insulting and they reported him. Then when he came back and said he was not the first one to use that, it was used against him they reported him again. (Glad to see the Moderator took that into consideration and left his posts up).

Or the issue that someone thinks he's lecturing them when he's not.

Or the issue that someone came on the board and ridiculed him telling him how much they don't like him and they shoot straight from the hip at him.

Or the issue that someone thinks he is reporting them when he's not.

Or the issue that someone started with saying "you folks" in a derogatory fashion and when he asked if it was a personal insult calling people "you folks" he was attacked by many others.

Or the issue that posters don't like him standing up for himself and are reporting him.

Or the issue that people are ganging up on the The Sarge because they have a personal hatred for him and don't like what he says.

At least those are the issues I can see and by reading the Moderator's post too.
and all that is relative to IRS paying bonuses - exactly how?
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It is relative to the post I replied to and relative to all - the responses that kept badgering me
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My post asking someone if they were making a personal attack was relative to the person made the attack. Then the responses to each post after that was relative to each poster that came after me.

That's how it is relative. Someone posts, I ask a question about their post and they responded. It's relative.

So, in other words, it has nothing to do with the - OP topic.
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Got it!
It has EVERYTHING to do with the post I replied to - The Sarge
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That is why people post, to reply to a message. No, you don't get it. I've answered your posts. Please stop badgering me.
lol - nm
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you seem to know an awful lot about who's reporting who - interesting
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the sarge accused me of playing the victim card. It appears she assumed I was the same poster she was arguing with. Happens all the time when posters get whipped up.

You must have the magic password if you know so many details about who is saying what about whom.
Well I don't know about that, but - poster you replied to
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since The Sarge had a bunch of stars through his post it leads one to believe someone reported him. That's all I was sayin.

Maybe if someone hadn't said to him first that he was playing the victim card he might have not used the phrase either, again just sayin.

What kind of password would someone need to know so many details about who is saying what about whom. All I did was read down the posts posted here. You don't need a password to read messages.

Whipped up...That's a good term for everyone one of the posts. Even the ones replying to The Sarge.
LOL - You got me there. But its true - The Sarge - nm
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personal attack - TheSargette

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Oh, I don't know about all that . . . ********** and I welcome rational discussion. ******************
Yup - That's pretty rude - The Sarge - sm
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You need to take your personal opinions about me off the board. I really don't care whether or not you like me. This is a political board. It is for discussing political ideas and opinions. It is not a place for you to take your personal grievances out against posters you don't care for. Got something to discuss political wise, great...discuss away. Otherwise keep your personal opinions whether or not you like me off the board.

Don't care if you agree or disagree with me. As I said discuss away. I'm always aimed with facts. Whether or not I'm "one of the people on here" you "particular don't care for". If you have a problem with me personally, I don't give a rats ***. Keep your rude opinions to yourself. It's really easy to do. You just don't post them. If you still don't understand the rules I'm sure the moderator can explain it to you. Nuff said!

Well, so glad you really wanted to discuss the article - Truthhurts

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"I am so weary of you "folks". "

Me too. Never want to discuss, always belittle and attack the opinions of others. So sickening.

Want to discuss the article? Fine...want to keep up with the nastiness...fine. Talk to yourself.

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