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So how are you all liking the feel of Communism? (sm)

Posted: May 22, 2013

Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, wrapped in The One's big arms?  You don't have to worry about anything anymore.  He will tell you what to do, and what to say and give you everything you need. 


Is there a real political topic you'd like to discuss? - mgm

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I realize you like to get some people on this board "riled up," but the obvious trolling is getting old.

On other boards... - sm

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If someone came on and admitted they just like to get people all "riled up" and laugh, they are banned. I don't understand why it's okay here. This board baffles me.

The original poster didn't say that. The answerer did. - nm

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I'm referring to a previous post on this board, - and so was the answerer.
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This lovely piece of work which is still intact, by the way. On most boards, admitted trolling (which is the word for just trying to get people "riled up") is cause for banning. It wastes everyone's time and causes arguments on the board.


"the people that come to this particular board - are not mts. If they were they would not have the time to post all day long every day, and they just come because they can beat up on and bully others anonymously and get away with it. 90% of them do not believe in god, are gay, and just take the heat off of themselves by pointing the finger at everybody else, calling it "politics." I only come here just to get them riled up and then leave the board laughing at their .... um... lack of smarts. ha ha. have a nice day. "
You should find another hobby instead of saving old posts (sm) - lol
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for ammo in the future. Although the way Obama administration is buying it up, maybe not.
It's called a "search function." - Pretty complicated.
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Guess I hit a nerve. :)
Not me. It wasn't my post, but searching - seems kind of silly.
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So don't do it. And don't worry about what I am - doing.
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Especially if it didn't involve your post.

I love how you're upset that I brought that up, but not upset about the incredibly insulting post that was brought up.

What me worry? K - LOL
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"the obvious trolling is getting old". - Then why do YOU do it?

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We realize you do it to "get some people riled up". New Flash - Communism is a political topic. When you take a break from the board (not likely) go out and buy a dictionary...clearly it is needed.

You're projecting. - no message

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Communism is not a topic? - Who knew? (sm)

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You call it trolling because it affects how you see The One. The Great One. The Dear Leader. His crimes. You call it trolling, I asked a simple question. How do you like it so far? Has he told you (via email or facebook) what you can and cannot say yet? Don't worry, he'll get to you. Do you have anything to say on this topic or not?

Of course it is, in Russia, China, Cuba, etc - sm

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That said, it is doubtful you will score too many enablers here to support these paranoid delusions, except of course the vulnerable few who have fallen prey to fringe media propaganda who have bought into this mile-high steaming pile.

I didn't know Daily Beast (Newsweek) was fringe - media propaganda.

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Surely you're not suggesting DB pieces examining the - academic aspects of political ideologies
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in any way resemble the garbage contained in the Communism is not a topic? post. If you are, I'd appreciate some links to their articles where such worn-out phrases as "The One. The Great One. The Dear Leader. His crime." are somehow relative to their subjects. Take your time, but do get back to us on that. K?

That said - doubtless the score of too many Commies on this board - will try to drown out any discussion

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Of course, they have "fallen prey" to their delusional ideoology that Communism does not exist, or is a good thing ...you know, the one that "bought into the mile-high steaming pile" of Communist propaganda. They are soooo easy to spot.
You are so full of it. How dare you call people Commies - because you don't agree with them.
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Is it normal in your house to call people names like that?

Are you kidding me? Seriously? - FunkNWagnell

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You clearly don't know the definition of either communism OR capitalism.

Here's a few more terms to consider looking up: imperialism, corporatocracy, fascism, etc., ad nauseum.

And you think you are educated on the definition? - Try Opening the FunkN

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commies - Roseanne

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Srsy, I'm beginning to think our troll/instigator can't be much more than about 15 years old. Such juvenile antagonism, almost bullying. Phooey.
agree. It's totally bullying. - nm
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"Has he told you (via email or facebook) what you can and cannot say yet?" - Truthhurts

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I'll answer that...'not exactly.' He has his cohorts tell us what we can and can't say.

He has the Pentagon telling the military what they can and can't say.

He has other departments in this administration scrubbing the word terrorism, act of terror, Muslim jihadists etc. from all documents and speech a/k/a Benghazi. :-)

All of the above come under the stupidity of PC that Clinton decided should be the rule of the land back in the '90s and with every Democrat in power, it gets worse...but the funny thing is......the other side doesn't and/or refuses to believe it.

Thank you for bringing truth back to the board... - Nice change.

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That's not really a question, you know - sharpie

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It's neat that you placed a question mark at the end of a spurious proposition, but that doesn't mean it's a question.

It is weak to suggest propositions in the form of questions. What if someone asked: How do you like being beaten by your husband? See how that works? By inserting a baseless proposition in the form of a question, some weak-minded individuals might actually buy into the idea that your husband beats you. That would be stupid.

Essentially, you are pretending to ask how we feel about (?)something(?), but, lacking the skills to do so, you are applying the word "communism" to describe it.

So, in answer to your question, I would have to say: I don't know what you are talking about, because I don't know what "the feel of communism" refers to.

"Wrapped in The One's big arms" is not a notion I relate to, and I find it ugly and disturbingly gross.

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