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Miners USED by Obama and NOT liking it

Posted: Oct 24, 2012

Take two minutes and watch this. The video is longer than 2 minutes, but you only need to see the first two minutes to see how Obama LIES and MANIPULATES people. Listen to the rest if you want to hear how outraged the miners are. Obama put this coal miner ad out to hurt Romney and then said that the miners' boss MADE them be out there and it is a LIE, and who is mad about this???? The coal miners' boss is MAD and you can hear him say that he did not make his workers go out there to support Romney and that they want the ad to stop running, but Obama hasn't stopped it. Why hasn't he stopped the ad? Why? It is a blatant lie. The miners signed a petition directed to the President to stop the ad and yet he continues to run the ad. You can't try and say "oh well it's Fox News," because it isn't Fox News, it is world news that needs to be available to all of the public. Obama say goodbye to Ohio. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/1910704689001/coal-miners-outraged-over-obama-ad/ ;

Watch the whole thing. It is damning - xx

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Listen to the coal boss talk. Not Obama.

Read this! It's disgusting. Ties in with your video - backwards typist

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This is what I was referring to in another post about the demonrats. (This time, I did not make a spelling error.)

Ohio Democratic party officials are pressing state and local prosecutors to investigate claims that Murray Energy Corp. is coercing employees to contribute to Republicans.

On the heels of a report in The New Republic, Democratic Party chief Chris Redfern sent a letter to U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach as well as acting Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty asking them to investigate the company based in Cuyahoga County.

Specifically, the letter asks Dettelbach to investigate the company's fund-raising practices for "extortion, money laundering and racketeering."

I'm sure the "Disliker" didn't read the article. They hit the dislike button too - backwards typist

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Must be my stalker. LOL

Think of it in Obama language - yh

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Dislike is a lie. They love what we posted.

I've come to think of "dislikes" as a badge of honor... - SK1

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I don't often re-read my posts, maybe to read context of responses, but when I do the "dislikes" make me chuckle. Figure at least people are reading and maybe thinking. Of course, it could be just knee jerk "dislikes," but there's always hope.
Then I have a lot of badges. LOL (nm) - backwards typist
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You could get a sash! LOL (nm) - SK1
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More disturbing than the video - yh

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The desperate Democrats. I don't believe a word of that article. I heard it from the man's mouth in the video and you can look at that man, just like you can look at Romney, and know the words he speaks are truthful, unlike the memorized lies from Obama's mouth.

Obama does not memorize lies, he just reads them off the teleprompter - JC

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Obama owes quite a debt to person that invented the teleprompter.

A follow up to my post. They're trying to blame the owner - backwards typist

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TAMPA, Fla. -- Robert Murray, the coal mine owner who hosted GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently in eastern Ohio, is at this morning's Ohio delegation breakfast in advance of today's Republican National Convention sessions.
And he's not happy about news reports that his company told workers to attend the Romney rally at the Century Mine on Aug. 14, a day they could not work because the mine was closed during their morning shift -- and were not paid. The Plain Dealer wrote about the issue today, crediting radio station WWVA with its initial report that said workers feared they'd be fired if they didn't attend.
When Rob Moore, chief financial officer of Pepper Pike-based Murray Energy, discussed this with WWVA, he said that managers "communicated to our workforce that the attendance at the Romney event was mandatory, but no one was forced to attend." He said the company did not penalize no-shows.

More to read - go to link.

Poor, Poor Mr. Murray...He is sooo - misunderstood sm

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From NPR news report
Published: September 27, 2012

by Howard Berkes

The Labor Department says a Thursday settlement in the 2007 Crandall Canyon mine disaster clearly leaves mine owner Murray Energy with "acknowledged responsibility for the failures that led to the tragedy."

"These failures resulted in the needless deaths of nine" miners and rescuers, Solicitor of Labor Patricia Smith says.

But despite company signatures on the settlement document, Murray Energy tells NPR "this settlement is not an admission of any contribution to the August 2007 accidents."

I hit like, not out of disgust, - but because

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I'm looking forward to seeing Murray taken to court. Love to see those dems flex a little legal muscle. Good for them!

Now we're Demonrats? - Poison thread. nm

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LOL. Don'cha like it? Can't be any worse than being called repugs - backwards typist

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I've seen republicans and democrats called worse than that. Do you comment that that's a poison thread? Betcha don't.

My mantra is what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Although I try NOT to stoop that low, sometimes I can't help myself when I'm in a sarcastic mood. Have a good day.

Really, Backwards Typist? Demonrats? - RC

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I'm kind of surprised.

You like Dims or Dimwits better? - Yikes

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Did this board become a day care at some point? nm - Fanatical Hypocrite
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Don't bother. Flox has been frothing at the mouth all day - and whipping them up into a frenzy.

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It's part of the discredit Obama at all costs in an effort to keep up the illusion of (currently subsiding) so-called Romney "momentum." If you recall, it's a page out of the Rove playbook from 2000.

Me, too. Like I said, I was in a sarcastic mood yesterday. - backwards typist

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Guess it's partly because of all the anger towards the republicans lately-not just on this board but others.

Republicans are known as repigs, repugs, just plain pigs, republicants, etc. Democrats are known as demoncrats, demoRATS, dimRats, etc.

I'll try to behave today. OK? ;-)

Starting to think - yh

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that they are keeping a record of signatures and opening up posts with conservative views and just hitting dislike or it is what it is -- they dislike the truth. It hurts their ears to hear it. It hurts their eyes to read it. So much easier to click dislike than think up a lie to defend their view.

Conservatives are thinkers despite the disparaging comments made by liberals - JC

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I used to believe in abortion, thought the same things liberals say. We don't need more unwanted babies, burden on society, etc. I realize now that it is a life in there now.

Howard Stern interviewed Obama supporters in 2012 (www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ECS8LEeI5M). It is amazing how uninformed they are. I guarantee you that when you interview conservatives, they will know what is going on in the world.

The video is hilarious and sad at the same time. - yh

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Sad 'cause these are some of the votes for Obama.

SOME conservatives are thinkers, smart, wise, - decent and dignified. NM

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Don't guarantee that. There are stupid - people everywhere NM

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Some posts aren't worth commenting on - NM

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Murray CEO Robert Moore: "Attendance was mandatory but - nobody was forced to attend"

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Huh? OK. Whatever you say, Mr. CEO. A couple of background facts. Miners who said they were forced to attend were interviewed on WWVA by David Bloomquist. They said they had to take the day off WITHOUT PAY, that a roll call was conducted at the site where the video was filmed and a list was kept of who did and did not show. Those interviewed said they were afraid they would lose their jobs if they didn't go. Their claims are backed by the reality that Murray most definitely was closed that day and no one was paid for their attendance at the filming.

Ummm, from where I sit, that sounds pretty darned mandatory to me, especially since the word tumbled out of the CEO's mouth. So here's the deal. Those interviewed by the radio station probably felt forced because they are democrats and those now kicking up dust and raising a ruckus over at Fox behind Obama's ad busting the mandate and making it more public did not feel forced and were all too happy to donate an unpaid day off for the cause because they are republicans.

Bottom line here is the Obama ad actually told the truth about the mandate.


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Sounds like it was the Obama supporters that came up with the untruths you speak.

Century Mine in Beallsville employees 476 miners. - They are not all republicans.

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They would not be having legal problems had they simply declared an unpaid day of closure, then allowed each employee THE CHOICE of whether or not they attend the rally. This is not rocket science.

BTW, I didn't say anyone lied, you did. What I said was dem miners obviously felt forced to attend the rally and spoke out in their interview. GOP miners did not feel forced, disagreed with their coworkers, and also spoke out on Fox. What are you suggesting? The GOP miners are allowed to public with their side, but the dem miners need to sit down, shut up and get with the program OR ELSE?
Not sure - yh
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I am not sure if you are responding to my post or not, but I don't think anybody should have to attend any rally for any political party in order to safeguard their job. There is obviously something that cannot be sorted out. I listened to that entire 20 minute interview and I felt Blomquist did a good job of defending those who were upset. I also felt the CFO was genuine and I understood his logic and reasoning. I believe he does not know who the disgruntled miners are. Are they current employees or were they recently let go? I still think Obama needs to stop running the ad. The picture of the miners is the most likely the actual 500 miners who wrote him to pull the ad.

Ummm, from where I sit, it wasn't mandatory but they couldn't work that day - backwards typist

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because of the Secret Service, so why not attend the rally?

Did you read the whole article or just skim over it and not read the reasons for the shutdown?

I guess you'll tell me if Obama was campaigning there, those men would have been allowed to work through his visit? When have you ever seen any candidate campaign at a work site and those workers keep working? Not many, I'm sure. Surely, you would agree that would be the case.

x - o

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I think you're replying to the wrong person. LOL That's okay. - backwards typist
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Oops, sorry. - yh
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Twisted words - yh

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Article clarifies truth.

Link is interview between Bloomquist and CFO Moore at Murray Energy.

This supposed list was a registration formed to be signed to attend the event.

No one was forced to attend. Those who did not attend were not "punished."

They were not paid because for security purposes and safety, they were closed down.

It was the companies decision to shut down work for the day and not pay their employees. They did this because they felt the election is critical this year and they wanted to make sure their employees made the right choice who they elect.

Take the time and listen to five minutes of it and you will hear their stance.

For safety reasons the mine was closed - yh

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Listen to the interview and every question will be answered by the CFO and it is a fair interview -- Blomquist was obviously not on the guy's side, but the he explained himself well. For security reasons, there was no work that day. Management wanted to attend the rally, and so they were closed. This is a private company. How can you blame them. This is about the future of their business. Obama, no future. Romney, yes future. They had to do what was right for their company.


Of course its not safe and secure when all employess - are mandated to be at a rally.

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You said it yourself. Management wanted to attend the rally. Fine. No problem. Docking all workers a day's pay, announcing mandated attendance for all of them regardless of party affiliation, conducting a roll call, and recording a list of attendees is a problem.

These actions are perfectly valid reasons for some of them to feel their jobs were at stake. That's a problem. Whether or not the viability of their business is threatened or enhanced by Obama or Romney is a matter of speculation and opinion. Their rights to hold those opinions are not in question. Forcing participation by all miners in a political rally for a candidate many of them DO NOT SUPPORT and telling them where they are required to be on an unpaid day off is NOT their right. These behaviors smack of abuse of authority, suggests a strong potential for discrimination against workers based on political affiliation for those who do not comply and are highly questionable "business" practices....so to the court they go. That's as it should be.

One more thing. Obama is not the candidate who USED these miners.
Did he ask their permission to make that video? - yh
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Has he stopped the video as the 500 miners have requested? Well, then he is using them. You obviously did not take the time to listen to the interview between Blomquist and the CFO of Murray Energy. You may disagree that the company closed business for a Romney rally, but they did it because they know with Obama elected that coal is in jeopardy and they had to do what was right for their company, and if at all enlighten their workers. Who wouldn’t encourage their workers to attend a rally of the next president of the US, so they can hear what Romney will do for them?

If you listened to the interview, there have been other times they have had to close the plant for safety or emergency reasons and people were not paid. Did they complain then too?

There was no roll call. It was a registration roster.

Also, if you listened to the interview, you would have heard that these are possibly disgruntled employees who were let go that sent these emails to Blomquist complaining. It means nothing that 500 miners wrote letters for Obama to stop the deceitful ad. Pathetic that that is all Obama has got, a bunch of desperate lies.
Sorry. Roll call has been reported in multiple - reliable sources. nm
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apparently you just believe everything you read - yh
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No mention of a roll call in the interview. I imagine possibly they called the name of the workers to hand them their name tag and that got interpreted as a roll call. I don't know if that happened -- it was just a possible conclusion to what could be termed a roll call. There was no roll call.
Apparently you read only what you want to hear. - I'm all for both sides of a story.
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Hint: The interview is not the only information out there on this subject.
Obama wants to close down coal mines, he has said so prior to getting elected - JC
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So I think that it wouldn't matter what political affiliations are. They want to keep their jobs. With Obama they will probably lose their jobs, with Romeny likely not.

I am sure everyone has their story. However, a majority of the miners there want Obama to stop the ad. Therefore, he should stop. Obama has no right to use their images without their permission in my opinion.

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