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RCP Poll
Posted: Nov 5, 2009
Real Clear Politics Poll
Job Approval |
Approve |
Disapprove |
Spread |
Obama |
50.6% |
44.4% |
+6.2% |
Congress |
24.8% |
66.4% |
-41.6% |
Direction of Country |
Right Direction |
Wrong Track |
Spread |
RCP Average |
38.8% |
55.5% |
-16.7% |
polls - cj
[ In Reply To ..]
And here is the opposite. Like I have said before, these polls are meaningless because every one of them has a slant and uses differing methodology and their results will reflect that. You show this so apparently like it because it favors Obama. The next one doesn't. Who knows which is correct? No one does. From today's Rasmussen polling. This poll also gives him a -9 approval rating on the daily presidential tracking poll. Below is a quote from their article.
"Americans are a little less enthusiastic about the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama this time around. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% of adults say they would be at least somewhat likely to vote for Obama if he was up for reelection right now. Forty-nine percent (49%) say they would be unlikely to vote for the president�s reelection. Thirty-four percent (34%) would be very likely to support Obama, while 40% say they would be not at all likely to do so."
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Polling Data
PollDateSampleMoEObama (D)Romney (R)Spread
RCP Average
8/13 - 8/28
Obama +1.1
Democracy Corps (D)
8/23 - 8/27
1000 LV
Obama +2
CBS News
8/22 - 8/26
1051 RV
Obama +1
ABC News/Wash Post
8/22 - 8/25
857 RV
Romney +1
CNN/Opinion Research
8/22 - 8/23
719 LV
Obama +2
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