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Putin saves the day. Wow. A leader who can
Posted: Sep 10, 2013

they love atheists and hate gays - something for everyone, I guess
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How do you figure? Syria has not agreed. - Even if they did agree
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Assad, the ultimate control freak, has a long, long history of pathological lies, deceit, and masterful manipulation. Putin is not far behind him, only his approach is more subtle. He is particularly fond of using red herrings. They are stalling for more time. If Putin were interested in ridding Syria of its chemical weapons, then destroying them, it would have been done a long time ago. He isn't, so it wasn't and that is why and how we got to this here-and-now.
Yes, he has agreed. Had to laugh at the deceit, (sm) - me
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pathological lies, and masterful manipulation part. You could be talking about You Know Who.
Assad has agree to "talks" about peace. - sm
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Proof is in the pudding. Sad to see you find this deadly situation so amusing.
hope this helps - sm
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con·ceit /kənˈsēt/
1. excessive pride in oneself.
synonyms: pride, arrogance, hubris, self-importance; self-satisfaction, smugness.
2. a fanciful expression in writing or speech; an elaborate metaphor.
synonyms: play on words, pun, quip, witticism
These posts make more sense when you realize some - don't just loathe Obama, they loathe
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the America who elected him, the real America they managed to deny for most of their lives. They hate Democrats, Republicans who don't agree with them, Hispanics, blacks, Hindus, Mormons, Muslims, Jews, so-called "ethnics" of all type, Christians of other denominations. You name it. An endless steam of malice directed at EVERYONE who's not seen as one of them.
I'm just so glad we're blessed with a stable government and this type of person has never gained enough power to embark on a "final solution" for America's people problem.
Not stable? WHAT would you support to "stabilize" - it then? Putin's already taken. nm
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My first step would be to stop the (sm) - Small dent
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government agencies from spending our money like drunken sailors (no offense to sailors). For example, I'd take Lois Lerner's paid leave away from her and stop the IRS parties. It would be a small step, but it would be a start to being able to pay our bills.
America has a stable government - sm
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You and I may not LIKE certain things about the way our government works (or doesn't work for that matter), but that does not mean we have an "unstable" government. An unstable government is one where there is no representation, no vote, no recourse, no constitution, no Bill of Rights. Please don't be silly about the nature or status of our government. It is extremely stable.
Would you consider your home stable if you (sm) - msg
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couldn't pay your bills? If your credit rating just got lowered? If so, you would have to be a liberal.
Simplistic comparisons between running a house - vs a nation
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and confusing the debt ceiling with balancing the budget. You must be a winger.
Simple math. You don't spend more than you take in. - Period. End of story.
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That wouldn't exactly help our credit rating, - FYI. Not realistic.
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It's the Madoff way. Deficits with no debts. - Hoo-rah
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Madoff made profits without payouts - (you got it backwards) hoo-rah
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It's not even the beginning. A government has no - comparison to a household. Silly. nm
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agree - it's silly
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Furthermore, the original subject was the concept of a stable government. I am filled with pathos that the right on this board cannot differentiate between economic trends and a stable government.
Baloney. Had Obama not had the courage - to step up to the plate
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when no other country would, stand by his principles, dig in his heels and ENFORCE the Chemical Weapons Ban treaty with the threat of military force, it would be business as usual for Putin and his mass-murdering sidekick.
BRAVA!! - sm
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I hope some of our duplicitous posters hear your message over the din of their Putin love fest.
Hello... he enforced NOTHING! He's a joke. - xx
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Didn't have to. CREDIBLE threat of US military might - is working well.
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so far. If Congress fails to reaffirm the resolve, I wouldn't be surprised to see him take it a step further and continue this politically risky strategy, which obviously has turned into a real game-changer in the stagnated Syrian civil war. When was the last time anyone uttered the word "peace" in the same breath with Syria?
He utters a lot of words - mostly meaningless, - unless it's to screw the American people.
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Including this word uttered at the G20 Putin confirmed. - "Disarmament"
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....and you don't think that weakens us? (milquetoast) - Good Lord.
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and what would the Good Lord say about armaments? - thou shalt not...mmm...something
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Uhmm, no. - Quite the opposite.
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Facing down a bloody regime, using the threat of military action as leverage to back a mass murdering megalomaniac and his enabler into a corner, then negotiating the disarmament and destruction of chemical weapons the war criminal has already admitting possessing, while waiting for solid proof expected from the UN inspectors, confirming what everyone already knows to be fact, that under the dictator's watch chemical weapons were used against innocent men, women and children while they slept....sounds like strength to me.
The proof's in the result. We and a planet of allies - are winning, and Assad's folding. nm
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I'm surprised you don't think Assad should be - "exterminated."
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For his CRIMINAL use of chemical weapons.
Step up to the plate? They have plates in golf? (sm) - msg
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Thought that was just baseball. He has done nothing except dither and change his mind. Looks like the fool that he is.
Guess Fox is running behind on - its talking points memo on
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how to prevent the president from getting any credit. Sit tight. I'm sure Rush will come up with something to fill the void.
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